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Message Publié : 08 Février 2013, 15:31 

Inscription : 23 Janvier 2013, 09:16
Message(s) : 412

A crystal tempest is rumbling!! Another 1 million crystals are at stake this week end!!


From now on and until Sunday February 10th at 8:00 PM (French time).


Format:1 character + 15 to 30 cards
Up to 2 unique cards maximum

Special rules:

At the start of each game, the characters in play gain one of the following bonuses. (both characters gain the same one)

- Attack +3
- Defense +3
- Max Health points +3
- Spirit +3

Banned cards: Scragh, Shulong, Kotori Kage, Dissidence, Runic Warrior Myrina, Chalice, plus all the Legendary characters (Admiral Al Killicrew, Centorium Aurius, Iro Imperial Champion, Doyen Verace-Councilor, Councilor Ishaia, Lady Yilith, Foam Giant, Master-Mage Pilkim, Nebsen, Ra's Sphynx, Ourenos, Ourenos (EX), Nehantic Receptacle, Sevylath and Zil, the Living shadow ).


Open your eyes because the reward is exceptional! At least 1 million crystals will be distributed to the gamers!

1rst : 125.000 Cx guaranteed + 1250 Cx per registration beyond the 100th registration.
2nd : 85.000 CX guaranteed + 850 Cx per registration beyond the 100th registration.
3ème et 4ème : 55.000 CX guaranteed + 550 Cx per registration beyond the 100th registration.
Du 5ème au 8ème : 25.000 CX guaranteed + 250 Cx per registration beyond the 100th registration.
Du 9ème au 16ème : 10.000 CX guaranteed + 100 Cx per registration beyond the 100th registration.

500.000 crystals will be shared between the gamers of the first third, with a fix value of 5.000 crystals per person if there are more than 100 registrations in this tournament.

Registration Fee

Registration: 10.000 crystals or 400 Fee'z

Good luck to all of you, may good fortune be with you!!

Enjoy the game!

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