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 Sujet du message : February 7th: Odyssey!
Message Publié : 07 Février 2013, 16:01 

Inscription : 23 Janvier 2013, 09:16
Message(s) : 412

The Phenomenal

From now on and until 02/14/2013 09:00 AM (French time), a new trophy is available.

You can take part in this trophy during that precise lapse of time, after that it will not be available anymore. You can also buy this trophy for 199 Fee'z and acquire the title and the card associated with it.

Fight with 25 different characters.
Withdrawals are not taken into account and you must play against different players.

You will earn the card named and the title: The Phenomenal.


: Action. Collector. Unique. Duration 3 turns. At the end of the turn, each character who has took part in the fight this turn suffers 1 direct damage.

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 Sujet du message : Re: February 7th: Odyssey!
Message Publié : 07 Février 2013, 17:26 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 16:17
Message(s) : 127
Localisation : United States
On a cold day in the city of Dal (Runic Legion) the young priestess of Pergea, had been given a mission. Members of the Runic Legion had accompanied the crew of the Admiral Al Sad and discovered the Gate of the Gods. ( Astria made her way to the Great Library; a repository of knowledge that rivaled the Academy of the Noz'Dingard. While the Academy focused on the writings of magic, the Great Library collected knowledge on, well everything else. Astria was a Librarian, as her father had been before her (or just her father was a librarian and she just hung out there a lot).
Once in the Library she asks to be granted access to the archives for ancient legends. At first she is refused entry by the Head Librarian (not her father) until she produces two runes that grant her authority from the Runic legion and the Cenacle. Astria had never been to this part of the Library before, and this early in the morning the area was completely empty. She found the place where the writings she sought were to be stored, but there was nothing. Frustrated she returns to the Librarian who is talking with the fugitive (edit: likely not Sanquinam, but another member of his order). Kertasien has the documents she seeks and Astria peruses him. The Librarian tries to stop her, but she kicks him in the groin. She tries to catch up with Kertasien but her dress slows her down. She screams for the citizens to stop him, but Kertasien pulls out his sword and no one tries to stop him. Astria rips her dress so she can move faster, but it is not enough and she prays to Pergea goddess of hope for assistance. Her prayers are answered when the Minotaur punches Kertasien in his jaw, sending the papers flying. Kertasien, held now by Ixor warns Astria to research this no further, then swallows a cyanide pill and dies (no seriously Google translate said cyanide pill if this is a really incorrect translation some one that actually reads French should speak up). Undaunted Astria begins to translate the documents .
Latter we learn that the Arc kadia has been shuttling back and forth between the door of the Gods and the White Islands. Astria and Ixor have traveled to door and are greeted by and . Killicrew asks the Aurius if he really wants to proceed with his plan; and Aurius replies that the centorium never give up. Killicrew understands and the Pirate packs up the Arc Kadia and leaves. Astria explains what she learned of the Door of the Gods. The door was linked to the God Tantad; and it was the gods themselves that closed the door. She also learned that only the gods could open it once more; and so the assembled Priest Prayed. After days of Pray the masculine voice of a god spoke to the Priests and warriors (and craftsmen too but they were not mentioned by name).
“Your voice reached us, and your faithful prayers have been answered. The door was sealed when the world was young and in danger; we can open it – but if you enter you will never return.”
“We will take that Risk,” said Aurius “We are the Runic Legion greatest warriors of this earth, we do not fear death.”
“So be it,” the voice answered and the door opened.
The Runic Legion, lead by Aurius entered the door, and then it closed behind them sealed now for all eternity.
Will the Legion be victorious in the new and strange land?
Will being a Librarian be at all helpful?
I will Ixor ever explain where he got his metal horns?
Will there be a cyanide pill Card, and what will it do in game?

Dernière édition par Scorvos le 07 Février 2013, 23:41, édité 2 fois.

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 Sujet du message : Re: February 7th: Odyssey!
Message Publié : 07 Février 2013, 17:48 
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Inscription : 29 Janvier 2013, 19:02
Message(s) : 3537
Great translation.

Some precisions :
- Astria is librarian as was her father before her.
- The Kertasian is never named as Sanquinam. It could be him, or it could be another Kertasian. Kertasia is an order of priest.
- Dimizar wrote effectively the use of a cyanide pill.

Collectionneur de cartes

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 Sujet du message : Re: February 7th: Odyssey!
Message Publié : 07 Février 2013, 19:12 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 16:17
Message(s) : 127
Localisation : United States
Thank you! for both corrections and Praise.

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 Sujet du message : Re: February 7th: Odyssey!
Message Publié : 07 Février 2013, 21:27 

Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 01:21
Message(s) : 536
I was wondering, but I didn't say anything, because I haven't looked at the french version myself yet, but in the pirate chapter Sanquinam was last seen at the Temple of the Goddess, it would be a big leap for him to get from one location to the other, so quickly. Though, I would also like to point in the French version it is Amiral Al la Triste, which is Admiral Al the Sad/Woeful, while in the English version the card is Admiral Al Killicrew, so you might want to consider using Al's English name on the English forum not a badly google translated version of her french name. Other then that good fast translation.

Ty Boadicea for the awesome farewell gift. Now just to think up an avatar to go with it. Anyway, I'm still a Sap/Nomad/Pirates fan and user.

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 Sujet du message : Re: February 7th: Odyssey!
Message Publié : 07 Février 2013, 21:53 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 16:17
Message(s) : 127
Localisation : United States
Joseph_Strom a écrit :
I was wondering, but I didn't say anything, because I haven't looked at the french version myself yet, but in the pirate chapter Sanquinam was last seen at the Temple of the Goddess, it would be a big leap for him to get from one location to the other, so quickly. Though, I would also like to point in the French version it is Amiral Al la Triste, which is Admiral Al the Sad/Woeful, while in the English version the card is Admiral Al Killicrew, so you might want to consider using Al's English name on the English forum not a badly google translated version of her french name. Other then that good fast translation.

Excellent point - based on that I think it is safe to say the Kertasian in this story is not Sanquinam but just one of his equally bald buddies.

And I will update the story to Reflect the more familiar name of Killcrew

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