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Message Publié : 28 Juin 2016, 12:59 
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Inscription : 15 Mars 2016, 11:20
Message(s) : 729

28/06/2016 Release

New cards have been released on Eredan iTCG!

(3 evolutions in total)

At his final evolution:

Class: Mage
Guild: Mercenaries
Race: Human
Casts: Tempus, Avalonian, Tamer
Spirit: 2
Attack: 5/8
Defense : 2
Health points: 15

Your Avalonians gain Chain and 1 level if they play a Spell or a Proelior Magus Wand. Cannot play any Hammer.
Turns 1 and 2: a Proelior Magus Wand from your Deck is placed in your Hand.
Level 7 and more: at the start of the Fight, the opponents that have been transformed suffer X magical damage where X equals the difference of level between them and you.

(2 evolutions in total)

At its final evolution:

Magical Pet

Defense +1. Permanent.
You can ignore the prerequisite to play Time Spells and you gain the Tempus cast.
A Quest from your Deck is played if you play a Time Spell.

Proelior Magus Wand

Permanent. The opposing character takes the appearance of an Aquarium Terror, has -3 Attack and definitively loses a level.

Proelior Magus Wand

Permanent. The opposing character takes the appearance of a Toad, has -2 Defense, and definitively loses a level.

Proelior Magus Wand

Permanent. The opposing character takes the appearance of an Owl, has Spirit -2 and loses a level.

Proelior Magus Wand

Permanent. The opposing character takes the appearance of a cute little Feline, has +2 to damage taken, and definitively loses a level.

Proelior Magus Wand

The opposing character takes the appearance of a little Pig, has -3 to all healing effects, and definitively loses a level.

For this release, the Merlin Super Pack is available in store for a limited time!


The Merlin Super Pack contains "" + 5 Newcomers boosters, for a total of 60 cards, including at least 5 Rares (or Legendaries) and 20 Uncommons.


The following cards have been reedited:


These cards are now available in the Newcomers booster pack.

Have fun!

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