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Message Publié : 05 Juillet 2016, 11:57 
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Inscription : 15 Mars 2016, 11:20
Message(s) : 729

05/07/2016 Release

New cards are coming to Eredan iTCG today!

(3 evolutions in all)

At its last evolution:

Class: Mage
Guild: Sap Heart
Races: Dais, Nature Guemelite
Cast: World-Tree
Spirit: 3
Attack: 3/5
Defense: 2
Health Points: 15

Spirit +2 if you cast a Nature Spell. Your allies have Spirit +1.
At the start of the game, a "Parasitizing" is created and attached to each opposing character.
Even Turns: a "Falling branches" from your Deck is placed in your Hand.

Pre-constructed Deck: Taraxa

For this release, a pre-constructed deck has been created after a concept from "Julien_arnaud".


This Deck of 27 cards (containing 5 Rares and 11 Uncommons), including "", is now available for 999 Fee'z in the store, thanks to a 50% discount lasting until 11:59 (CET) on Sunday.

Afterwards, the pre-constructed deck "Taraxa”, will be available for 1999 Fee’z in the “Deck” section of the store.

All cards of this pre-constructed deck are playable in Standard format Tournaments.


The following cards have been reedited:



Changes brought to the cards are colored.

(3 evolutions in all)

At its last evolution:

Class: Mage
Guild: Sap Heart
Race: Dais
Cast: World-Tree
Spirit: 3
Attack: 4/6
Defense: 2
Health Points: 15

Defense +2 if "Eikytan" casts a Nature Spell.
At the end of the Fight, a "Foliage blades" from your Discard pile is placed in your Deck.
Turns 2, 5 and 6: Spirit +2.

"War is upon us whether you like it or not."

(3 evolutions in all)

At its last evolution:

Class: Mage
Guild: Sap Hearts
Races: Daïs, Nature Guemelite
Cast: World-Tree
Spirit: 3
Attack: 3/7
Defense: 2
Health Points: 14

Your other Sap Heart allies gain Spirit +1.
If you play a Nature Spell, -1 to damage suffered until the end of the Turn.
Turns 2, 4 and 6: Defense +2.

"The Keizan is the one who watches over his people and guards the hope of seeing the World-Tree reborn."

Sap Heart

All non-Nature Guemelite characters have Defense -1 and Spirit -1.
Duration 3 Turns.
World-Tree: Chain. Defense +2.

These cards are now available in the Newcomers Booster.

Have fun!

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