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Inscription : 22 Janvier 2013, 19:02
Message(s) : 1736

New cards are available on Eredan iTCG!

All the following cards (except "The guild's cape") have from now on a Damned and Sacred evolution. For this release, you can choose between an Ogedei Damned version Super Pack and an Ogedei Sacred version Super Pack.

(3 evolutions in total)

At his last evolution:


Class: Mage
Guild: Stonelinkers
Race: Air Guemelite, Fire Guemelite
Spirit: 2
Attack: 4/6
Defense: 2
Health Points: 14

The opposing characters have Spirit -2.
Each time an opponent character suffers Air magic damage, he has 50% of chance that a card attached to him is discarded.
Even turns: 1 to 3 cards from your discard pile are placed in your deck.


Guem Spell
Stonelinkers, Mage

Duration: 3 turns. Chain.
Guemelite: As this card activates, a Stone Heart of one of your elements is created and played.
If you play a Water or Lightning Spell in Chain: Spirit and Defense +1.
If you play a Fire or Air Spell in Chain: The opposing character has Spirit and Attack -1.

Super Pack

For this release, the Ogedei Super Pack is available in store for a limited time! This Super Pack is available in two versions: one with Ogedei Damned version, the other with his Sacred version.


The Ogedei Super Pack contains: “Ogedei” Damned or Sacred version + 5 Standard Stonelinkers boosters, so 66 of the newest cards, from which 40 from your Guild and at least 5 Rare, 20 Uncommon and 5 Damned or Sacred as well as up to 5 additional Destiny XP cards!


The following cards have been reedited and/or patched:

- (Air and Fire)
- (Water and Earth)


Changes brought to the cards are colored.

(2 evolutions in total)

Class: Mage
Guild: Stonelinkers
Race: Air Guemelite, Fire Guemelite
Spirit: 3
Attack: 4/5
Defense: 3
Health Points: 14

Your characters gain Chain if they play a Staff.
If an Air Spell is played by one of your characters, an opposing character has Spirit -1 until the end of the game.
Turns 1, 2 and 4: A "Shearing" is created and played.

(2 evolutions in total)

Class: Mage
Guild: Stonelinkers
Race: Water Guemelite, Earth Guemelite
Spirit: 3
Attack: 5/6
Defense: 3
Health Points: 14

Until the end of the game, if one of your characters dies, the Stone-hearts attached to him are attached to one of your other living characters.
Each time "Stone wall" or "Water cycle" are played, Defense +1 until the end of the game.
Turns 1, 2 and 4: An Earth Stone-heart is created and played after your cards.

(1 evolution in total)

Class: Warrior
Guild: Stonelinkers
Race: Air Guemelite
Spirit: 2
Attack: 7/8
Defense: 3
Health Points: 16

Gain Chain if you play an Item Other. Can play Air Spells without restrictions.
As long as "Air Elemental" is out-of-combat, he has -2 to damage points suffered.
Turns 1, 4 and 7: Spirit +1. Attack +3 if an Air Spell is in your Discard pile.

Item Other
Stonelinkers, Mage

Choose a Water, Earth, Air or Fire Spell in play, a Stone-heart of that type of element is created and played on your character and one of his allies.

Guem Spell

Air Guemelite: Attack +2.
Water Guemelite: Spirit +2.
Earth Guemelite: Defense +2.
Fire Guemelite: +3 Spell magic damage.
Stonelinkers: Duration 2 fights.

Air Spell
Stonelinkers, Mage

Permanent. One of the opposing characters has Attack, Defense and Spirit -3, an other is tapped, and 2 opposing cards attached to the third character are discarded.
At the end of each turn, for each character untapped, this card has a one in 9 chance of being discarded.

Air Spell

Choose 3 characters. Yours and the Mages have Spirit +2 and Defense +2, the others have Attack and Spirit -2 and get tapped.
Noz or Stonelinkers: Duration 3 turns.


As this card activates and at the start of the fight, choose a character. If he is tapped and out-of-combat, he has Spirit = 0 until the end of the turn, otherwise he has Spirit -1 and gets tapped.
If "Air Elemental" is alive, the opposing characters have Spirit, Attack and Defense -1 until the end of the game.
Chain Air Spell.


At the start of the game, this card is attached to one of your Stonelinkers if you have at least two of them.
Permanent. Defense +1 and Spirit +1.
Your Air, Fire, Earth or Water Guemelites gain the Stonelinkers Guild and the Mage Class.

These cards are now available in the Newcomers booster!

Have fun!

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