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Message Publié : 23 Février 2013, 00:18 
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Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 06:06
Message(s) : 78
Hand deny is the enemy of every mage deck :D and Immortals is kinda impossible to beat with my deck because they heal like crazy ( escpecially the new character ) but my deck requires me to multi hit the enemies with my spells , making their abilities more effective

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Message Publié : 23 Février 2013, 15:22 
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Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 06:06
Message(s) : 78
So here is the deck that i'm using , a lot more about control



I'm currently deciding to farm for or

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Message Publié : 25 Février 2013, 05:44 

Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 16:30
Message(s) : 107
maybe consider using some "back to the soil". works great with falling branches especially with a spiritual guide in play...

3 germination
2 lianas
3 branches
2 foliage
3 spirit guide
2 back to the soil
2 our forest
among others...

"Work hard, play harder."

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Message Publié : 25 Février 2013, 10:13 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 21:51
Message(s) : 581
Localisation : Juste derrière toi
iPoop a écrit :
Hand deny is the enemy of every mage deck :D and Immortals is kinda impossible to beat with my deck because they heal like crazy ( escpecially the new character ) but my deck requires me to multi hit the enemies with my spells , making their abilities more effective

Just put a Sentence in there (that's the first thing I did when the new Immortal was released) and play it while you have a few cards that damage the enemy (wild buds recommended, lianas and unfortunate encounter help) and you won't find immortals to be a threat anymore (9 victories out of 11 fights :P), especially Zehania (dunno if that's what she's called in English, I mean the lattest Immortal) I also use Freeze to get rid of their most annoying items such as Blade of Thebirak, Mask of Naptys...

It also helps to put Furagu out of misery (not that I consider him a threat in the first place, but he makes Wild Buds seem like a joke). If the deck you are up against does not cure itself, discard Sentence. It takes only one slot after all and makes many fights easier.

It obviously does not work as well with a deck using Tornado and Falling Branches as their trump cards (Tornado does not stay on the field)

[EXY] Exylème
Collectionneuse de cartes. ~Passée mythique le 02/07/2013~
Types de jeux: AoE et jeux fun et rapides.

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Message Publié : 02 Avril 2013, 16:07 

Inscription : 12 Février 2013, 18:49
Message(s) : 96
My way to kill crazy healer decks is to put everything I got in first 2-3 rounds to kill the non-healer of them, because he is usually the weakest. I don't have sentence so that is my only choice. I try to make a huge hit with one character on him and aoe with the rest.

So much heal is actually ridiculus!

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