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 Sujet du message : Elfine deck ?
Message Publié : 20 Février 2013, 16:41 
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Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 06:06
Message(s) : 78
Currently i'm having around 120k crystals and some elfine cards like Aleshane , 2 Briskness . I wonder if i can build an average elfine deck that can help me staying above 1500 elo in Amenzy tournament .

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 Sujet du message : Re: Elfine deck ?
Message Publié : 21 Février 2013, 05:23 

Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 16:30
Message(s) : 107
i think 120k is enough to make the deck...

"Work hard, play harder."

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 Sujet du message : Re: Elfine deck ?
Message Publié : 21 Février 2013, 05:32 
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Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 02:49
Message(s) : 569
Localisation : East, always into the east. . .
Been seeing ALOT elfine decks in the standard tourney they'd been eating up the decks I'm using :(. Get those arrows that cancel defense buff while your at it.

Every 5 seconds a prinny is thrown.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Elfine deck ?
Message Publié : 02 Mars 2013, 04:56 
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Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 06:06
Message(s) : 78
So here is the elfine deck i'm currently using for lucyan tournament


My best score is 1568 , and that's it .

Against WB : 35% winning rate
Minor match : 50% ( well i've won 90% of the minor match )
Lightning Pirate : 60%
Discard : I've never defeated them

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 Sujet du message : Re: Elfine deck ?
Message Publié : 16 Mars 2013, 06:29 
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Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 00:56
Message(s) : 243
Working towards something similair. I just need the characters first.

Also, how are you losing to Discard? There's only like 2 cards that can be used in the Lucyan tourny.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Elfine deck ?
Message Publié : 17 Mars 2013, 13:40 

Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 16:30
Message(s) : 107
its not a full discard zil... it has the usable discarder cards and the rest are used to survive each turn... so basically win by deck out

"Work hard, play harder."

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 Sujet du message : Re: Elfine deck ?
Message Publié : 26 Mars 2013, 18:12 

Inscription : 12 Février 2013, 18:49
Message(s) : 96
I run 2 elflines and and as a hybrid deck

i haven't got that i want yet for , but i work arround it with they following:
3x and 1 (recently 2)
2x (cheap)
2x (good against finishing healers out of combat)
3x , 2x , 1 (recent) to tank cervus or ydiane (when desparate)
1 , 2x , 1 for spell potection
1 (need more), 1
2x , 1 for alternative damage (and to cover missing quickdraws)
3x (against anyone - they are 50% of times enough)

I generally do ok in Amnezy, around 1520-30 and leave it there

I only have issue against direct damage and damage reduction deck. I really don't have a clue against it... Till now the only way to kill it is to get lucky for 1st turn kill of 1 char and seriously damage the second one, before he sets up (only happened once in 10 opponents)

Any ideas to work around that deck?

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 Sujet du message : Re: Elfine deck ?
Message Publié : 01 Juin 2013, 00:04 

Inscription : 16 Mai 2013, 14:00
Message(s) : 4
I'm struggling to make this deck work, it did quite well in last weeks event but it's failing hard in Global this week. Sadly, I currently only have 20k Cr to invest in bettering this deck, hope to obtain more shortly.

I'm running:


Briskness x1
Curved Shot x1
Diagonal Fire x1
Dissidence x1
Double Bow x2
Elfine Bow x1
Elfine Intimidation x2
Eltarite Heritage x1
Hit for Hit x2
Hypnotic Melody x3
Piercing Arrows x3
Quick Draw x2

Looking at it, I see I'm running a hybrid Arrow/Quickdraw deck. Would I be better off focusing on one strategy? I'm not able to farm "Sentence" just yet (as I have no deck that deals pure magic damage), but it's on my to-do list to counter healers.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Elfine deck ?
Message Publié : 01 Juin 2013, 02:27 

Inscription : 08 Avril 2013, 21:11
Message(s) : 522
Jack_Leeson a écrit :
I'm struggling to make this deck work, it did quite well in last weeks event but it's failing hard in Global this week. Sadly, I currently only have 20k Cr to invest in bettering this deck, hope to obtain more shortly.

I'm running:


Briskness x1
Curved Shot x1
Diagonal Fire x1
Dissidence x1
Double Bow x2
Elfine Bow x1
Elfine Intimidation x2
Eltarite Heritage x1
Hit for Hit x2
Hypnotic Melody x3
Piercing Arrows x3
Quick Draw x2

Looking at it, I see I'm running a hybrid Arrow/Quickdraw deck. Would I be better off focusing on one strategy? I'm not able to farm "Sentence" just yet (as I have no deck that deals pure magic damage), but it's on my to-do list to counter healers.

Diagonal fire is a core card for them (damage+1)
You'll want 3 Diagonals, you pretty much need to swap out the quick draws for more Briskness (for the chain) when you can.
Makes up for Hypnotic Melody's debuff and buffs your extra attacks as well.
If you have Incursion, or Wrack you can dish out some punishment on a character that gets dissidence turns 2/3.
Once you're able to get the other Briskness, you may want to consider removing Hit for hit, as it's usefulness is limited with Briskness, (you don't want the extra attack to occur with 3/4 def characters and Surprise Attack is more or less its Max effect)
While using Surprise attack you should also give a go (Mel/Chesnut: Amber Dagger + Surprise attack, +2 damage on 2 attacks and 4 direct damage at the end of the turn ---magekilling---)

Edit: Surprise attack and Amber Dagger are fairly cheap compared to the other core cards (Current total for 3 of each is 10k)

Fixing Eredan
Courtiers are not your friends

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 Sujet du message : Re: Elfine deck ?
Message Publié : 02 Juin 2013, 19:49 

Inscription : 16 Mai 2013, 14:00
Message(s) : 4
Thanks a lot, I've managed to acquire another 2 x Briskness so I'll take on your suggestions. Luckily, I saved my 3 x Amber Daggers from when I used to run a Keizen, Melissandre and Rockspeaker Multirace, you know, when "Brothers in Arms" had chain. :(

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