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 Sujet du message : Suggestion for kotoba deck
Message Publié : 31 Mai 2013, 13:31 

Inscription : 30 Avril 2013, 16:57
Message(s) : 5
Master Ma

2x Concentrate the chackra
1x Gaze of the crow
2x Glory to the emperor
2x Hand of the empire
2x Life devour
3x Masamunes armor
2x Randori
1x Taichi sword
2x Tessen
2x Emperors speech
1x Wakizashi

Any way of inhancing the deck against magic damage? I get raped buy those decks many times :)
Sometimes I ran into other warrior decks that give me a little trouble too, or lose....or its the luck of drawing cards.
In the future i would like to buy kusanagi lvl2,I think its a very nice card.I cannot afford weapons master yet,although that is a good card too.
Please reply with any suggestion you may have regarding kotoba decks,it would be nice to see other peoples perspective.
Thank you!

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 Sujet du message : Re: Suggestion for kotoba deck
Message Publié : 10 Juin 2013, 01:19 

Inscription : 30 Avril 2013, 16:57
Message(s) : 5
So much for replys!

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 Sujet du message : Re: Suggestion for kotoba deck
Message Publié : 10 Juin 2013, 02:12 

Inscription : 08 Avril 2013, 21:11
Message(s) : 522
The english forum is a ghost town thanks to the game's ratio of money:Playability favoring money by the week.

is what you're looking for. Until you can afford them, you can do some counter damage with

Fixing Eredan
Courtiers are not your friends

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 Sujet du message : Re: Suggestion for kotoba deck
Message Publié : 10 Juin 2013, 16:36 

Inscription : 25 Mai 2013, 16:15
Message(s) : 1
[quote="Schrei_VonWeisheit"]The english forum is a ghost town thanks to the game's ratio of money:Playability favoring money by the week.

I agree,I had to buy some boosters so i can sell the cards so I can buy others...and I am repeating this till I find some good cards,but it is an endless cicle.It would be better if they came up with some bigger rewards or lower the prices,for someone to play without money its like hitting youre head against the walls,no feedback at all,they dont encourege newcomers at all,so people either leave the game or buy with money.But I really think to leave the game for this money thing.
Sad,overall I like the gameplay.

Thanks for the reply,I will look forward to the card,when I can afford to buy it.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Suggestion for kotoba deck
Message Publié : 19 Juin 2013, 00:11 
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Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 21:21
Message(s) : 103
Against mages you might want to try s, s or even against those annoying s. Consider dropping s in favour of s, s or more s. Swords are for real men, leave knife-play to the girls.

Oh, and while Im here, anyone still using those ladies ( and )? I'd like to try them out, could use some advice.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Suggestion for kotoba deck
Message Publié : 21 Juin 2013, 01:50 

Inscription : 01 Avril 2013, 00:17
Message(s) : 80
Over a year ago I had a WoW (weapons at will) deck starring Sen'Ryaku, Jian Qiao, and Asajiro (the old one). I put in all kinds of random swords and daggers into the deck, discarded for 2 turns, and on turn 3-4 I come out with a WoW for +13 attack or so. I also kept 2x The Watcher to recycle them backin my deck.

Now, i believe that this playstyle is a bit slow against the new meta, which has more bursting decks. Mabye with the new Kotoba card this concept can still be used though.

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