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 Sujet du message : Kotoba Warrior Deck
Message Publié : 28 Octobre 2013, 14:28 

Inscription : 24 Octobre 2013, 12:39
Message(s) : 1
Hello, i'm a newbie and now i'm still lvl 15. I want to know if my deck is good enough for pvp lvl'ed room (not planning for tournament), or i should change to staple crow deck.

For character, i use:
1. buff all +2 atk and def when equiped with weapon and armor
2. got it from 50 red mask event, considered it free

1. Because he's warrior so he's got master ma buff and he is crow caste
2. Is used for (another buff +2 atk and def) for all character
2. Cheap. Average 1k crystal, for newbie like me

1. Because he's warrior so he's got master ma buff and he is crow caste
2. Cheap. Below 1k crystal, for newbie like me

Best condition:
1st turn : weapon+armor for master ma buff +2 atk & def
2nd turn : chain weapon with savage cloak for Oogoe Kage
3rd turn : another chain weapon and armor for Gan'so
4th turn : give armor to Oogoe kage and 2nd weapon

So at 4th turn all my char have 11 def (10 for taichi sword) and +4 atk buff

Card 20 deck minimum :
3x : 1 handed sword, active immedietly, have chain
3x : Big 4 def, can chain with 1h sword
1x : Increase chance for master ma buff 1st draw
1x : still farming for another 2 okugi
2x : For Oogoe kage buff, 1 is not enough, 3 is too much
1x : perma damage, chain after sword if i don't get armor
1x : make debuff gone for 2 or 3 turn
And another newbie card i plan to change if i have crystal.

Buy list after i have 3 okugi:
1. : healing purpose
2. : damage migration for chain savage cloak

That i want to ask:
1. Is worth it remembering i have 6 weapon or i better buy another action card?
2. have class:mage, can warrior use it? Because i see ppl suggest crow hand at another thread while they only have marauder type.
3. If i use x2, does that card auto attach to Master Ma because he doesn't have crow caste or determined at random?
4. Is this warrior crow deck is good or i should change to staple marauder crow?

Thank's for your attention, and suggestion

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 Sujet du message : Re: Kotoba Warrior Deck
Message Publié : 03 Novembre 2013, 10:57 

Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 02:44
Message(s) : 24
To use on a non-mage you need to be Shadow guemelite

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 Sujet du message : Re: Kotoba Warrior Deck
Message Publié : 10 Novembre 2013, 17:42 

Inscription : 15 Mars 2013, 21:39
Message(s) : 301
Ivan_Siada a écrit :
3. If i use x2, does that card auto attach to Master Ma because he doesn't have crow caste or determined at random?

I think it will attach to Master Ma

can be an option for this deck as you can't play

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