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Message Publié : 07 Octobre 2013, 14:10 

Inscription : 23 Août 2013, 12:56
Message(s) : 1
I'm trying to make a Corruption deck next to my witchblade.
And i'm confused which cards i should buy ( I got the Crystals ).

I have and , Saving for .

3x .
1x .
2x .
1x .
1x .

So What's the best form of corruption decks ?? :)

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 24 Octobre 2013, 05:50 

Inscription : 11 Février 2013, 16:05
Message(s) : 3
no one answered?...
I'm no expert at corruption deck but I just upgraded my Portal Deck to Corruption :D
And I'm a having fun using them... so here's my deck

, , (No money yet to replace her- i'll love )

1x (I'll buy more - I'm poor)
2x (I'll remove these later - replace with 3x My name is Legion)
1x (not to helpful so far, and I'm starting to hate it)

Basically I shove bunch of Corruption cards on the opposing characters...
Counter high damage enemies with DMR and portal, If you can't, use Fascinating Skylight for the moment, and if you still can't, don't hesitate to sacrifice a character (in my case, it's Almaria)...
Vital Siphon is powerful at later turns...
Desolation of the Heart makes the fight more fun... make sure to pass around corruptions with it. Use it with mental control to support vital siphon...
Terror for Discarding opposing cards..(stare at the obvious for too long, it'll dissolve)
Decomposition: I use this card randomly, hahaha :D
The Deck is thick, so keep on discarding and recycling until you get what you need
Death-tree and Edrianne for me are the most useful... (Death-tree most of the time)

My Suggestions:
Buy ... It's WONDERFUL
If you want, you can put in 1 Blackness... It becomes wicked with MNILegion
is useful if you want a burst of Heal from Vital Siphon or for just instantly killing someone...
does not go well with demon may rise and portal, but one can still prove to be useful
Last but most certainly not the least is the Wicked ... Look at its Description :o

I hope this helps... :D

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 24 Octobre 2013, 16:08 

Inscription : 11 Février 2013, 16:05
Message(s) : 3
You can also use a faster way of fighting...

3x My Name is Legion
3x Nehantic Hold
3x Terror
3x Desolation of the Heart
3x Tiredness or Perversion (or Both... for defensive purposes)
3x Mental Control
2x Give Death

Lower the opposing characters' spirit and kill them with Nehantic Hold

 Hors-ligne Profil  
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