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 Sujet du message : Crow in Standard
Message Publié : 26 Mars 2015, 09:59 

Inscription : 07 Décembre 2013, 08:31
Message(s) : 115
Enough of the Witchblade releases...

What we really need is a 3rd Kotoba Crow Character... Chantelain is a poor substitute for a Guem... If you're looking for re-issues to go with it Benediction of the Karukai and Shadow Master would be nice...

My Wife calls me a "Pessimist"... I prefer the term "Cynical Realist"...

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 Sujet du message : Re: Crow in Standard
Message Publié : 28 Mars 2015, 14:26 
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Inscription : 08 Octobre 2013, 17:34
Message(s) : 657
I agree. Since the start of act 11 many raven cards are lost for Quilingo without any replacement. Also marauder-updates are very rare (most are mage or warrior) and Kotoba had only a few updates in the last 2 acts:

guild __ act 10 new (old) __ act 11 new (old ) __ bout acts

ZaP__________ - 3 (3)_________+ 7 (2)_________= 10 (5) -> 15
Nehant________- 4 (4)________+ 5_____________= 9 (4) -> 13
Pirat__________- 3 (3)_________+ 6_____________= 9 (3) -> 12
Noz___________- 6 (1)_________+ 5 bzw. 6______= 10 (1) -> 12
Zil____________- 2 (3)_________+ 5 (1)__________= 7 (4) -> 11
Söldner________- 5 (5)_________+ 1_____________= 6 (5) -> 11
Kotoba________- 3 (1)_________+ 3_____________= 6 (1) -> 7
Wüstennomaden - 3____________+ 3____________=_______6
Runen-Legion___ - 2___________+ 4_____________=_______6
Steinbinder_____- 4 (2)_________+ 0____________= 4 (2) -> 6

Nomade Eclipse has similar problems.

-/ \
Al hail and glory to the Zil, the living Shadow and the Circus!

PS.: Right now I'm only on for calendar. Not playing activ.
We lost the balance too bad since the damned sacred cards.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Crow in Standard
Message Publié : 28 Mars 2015, 20:17 

Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 19:23
Message(s) : 240
Maybe, you should count not updates by themselves, but the number of playable characters and/or archetypes.

From that point, archetypes:

Temple guardians,
Eclipse (they have all or nearly all the cards they may need - not developers problem that they are rare in Quilingo)

2) Sap Hearts:
Hom'chais (not sure, but their loads show that they are common)

3)Stone Linkers:
Abara - there is one, but very playableand competitive.
I don't believe in mages for now.

4) Zil:
Not sure about shadow mages and priests.

5) Pirates:
Marauders - not sure about them.

6) Kotoba:
Demon Hunters
Dont believe much in others, but they may be strong too)

Dragon Knights
Considering the loads, Compendium also rised his head.

8) Mersenaries

9) Runic legion

10) Nehant
Direct damagers (but countered by 1 simple common)
Undeads possibly, but I doubt it.

These are current list of playable archetypes in standard. From that point, I don't think that nomads need anything, I consider doubtful the need of Kotoba in updates, but I think that Linkers need one and Nehant, maybe.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Crow in Standard
Message Publié : 02 Mai 2015, 05:04 
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Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 01:08
Message(s) : 474
Zork13266 a écrit :
Enough of the Witchblade releases...

What we really need is a 3rd Kotoba Crow Character... Chantelain is a poor substitute for a Guem... If you're looking for re-issues to go with it Benediction of the Karukai and Shadow Master would be nice...

Zork I'm pretty sure we will be getting a new kotoba pretty soon. If you take a look at the Eredan Arena characters there is a kotoba that we don't have yet...and something tells me that she? is a crow as well. but she better also be a tracker

Runic Legion GL

Protecting the world from devastation
Uniting all people within our nation

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