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 Sujet du message : Assist cards
Message Publié : 10 Juin 2015, 17:30 
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Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 01:08
Message(s) : 474
With last week's update (Skygatt) I decided to make an Ice Elf deck, but while doing so I had to search through at least half of all my collection to find a few ice elf related cards (mostly because I couldn't remember the names of the ones I was looking for)

One of the cards I was searching for was Ring of Nibelle, which is a card specifically of ice elves, but is not listed as an ice elf or berserker card. Now we all know that there are plenty of cards that are meant for certain character groups within the game but aren't affiliated with said guild or or listed as class or caste specific.

examples include: Ode to war and berserker tactics (meant for ice elves) agoraphobia (demons) explorer (stone linker and courtier) and numerical disadvantage (DK)

Now yes I know cards like these are usually non-affiliated so they can be used by a wider range of characters (to an extent) and to still allow decent card play when facing cards like dissidence. But what I would like to see is a new classification for these cards that I will label as: Assists-Non-affiliated cards that provide extra bonuses to certain groups. So oscars shield for example. It's another card that can be used by anyone, but is truly meant for avalonians. It's new classification would simply be [Item Shield-Assist] this would make navigating through cards easier (especially for for people like me who can't remember card names) And would be hugely beneficial to newer players, giving them a better chance to see all the cards they can use in a deck without having to scroll through several pages worth.

Runic Legion GL

Protecting the world from devastation
Uniting all people within our nation

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 Sujet du message : Re: Assist cards
Message Publié : 11 Juin 2015, 07:27 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:01
Message(s) : 6173
Localisation : da world
the only thing you can use (at the moment) is the advanced search of my collection or deck builder (the box under the card name's search)

you can type a specific class, caste, gender, etc

if you dont have that card in your collection, remember you can see everycard in the game with the top first filter

My (outdated) decks

create a new post if you want to communicate with me, DONT SEND PMs!!!!


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