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 Sujet du message : Ways of improving the game
Message Publié : 20 Août 2014, 17:52 

Inscription : 17 Février 2013, 04:47
Message(s) : 2
I recently got back into the game for fun, i was getting tired of competitive league of legends and wanted to blow off steam after doing a few games i noticed how unbalanced some aspects of the game are. so i had some suggestions

1)Increase energy repletion rate, and increase rare drop rates for Adventure mode final bosses.
reasoning: The game has 2-3 decks that are uber strong and you must run them to win. to get the cards you need over 300k crystals and for free to play players who cant spend 5$ for a random pack of cards (why do that when i can go get 2 packs of Magic the gathering packs and have them in real life). so the only real static way we have of getting cards is grinding inferno or xzia or whatever boss

2) more publicity

you need to get out there and share the game a bit. new players arent just gonna search for it you need to draw them in. the aspect of eredan is fun but with games like hearthstone out there its getting harder.

3) balance the game a little more

just make more decks competitive. i only have a mill, demonic servant, and a sap heart mage deck. none of which work in the meta.

4) bring back weekly events. even if they arent cards, maybe just an abundance of crystals or something.

5) make every card available in the shop, but let players be able to sell them cheaper than the retail price

6) increase crystal amount received per game

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 Sujet du message : Re: Ways of improving the game
Message Publié : 20 Août 2014, 20:38 

Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 01:21
Message(s) : 536
Number 4 and 6, will most likely cause the price of cards in the marketplace to inflate again, since the card prices are controlled by the players and not Feerik.

Ty Boadicea for the awesome farewell gift. Now just to think up an avatar to go with it. Anyway, I'm still a Sap/Nomad/Pirates fan and user.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Ways of improving the game
Message Publié : 20 Août 2014, 20:51 

Inscription : 17 Février 2013, 04:47
Message(s) : 2
thats where number 5 comes in. take for example: exctasy. the price right now is 100k crystals. ive been grinding for weeks for 1 and im only at 50k. say feerik puts it on the markey for 70k crystals. that means that a player can put it on the market for 100k, but no one would buy it since you can unlock the card for 70k from feerik.

if they put every card on there at retail, than it would aslo solve the problem of a specific card not being there

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 Sujet du message : Re: Ways of improving the game
Message Publié : 21 Août 2014, 10:46 

Inscription : 29 Avril 2013, 16:53
Message(s) : 190
i like the idea to bring back weekly event

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 Sujet du message : Re: Ways of improving the game
Message Publié : 22 Août 2014, 02:46 

Inscription : 18 Août 2014, 14:14
Message(s) : 3
While those are some nice ideas to revitalize the game/community, the real question is this: Does Ferik listen to what the community has to say?

I've been lurking, and reading some stuffs both on here, and on old forum. It really seems like they could care less about what the players think.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Ways of improving the game
Message Publié : 23 Août 2014, 17:58 

Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 19:23
Message(s) : 240
All right... These are good changes for beginers, but what is for old players with millions of cristalls? Looking on the current situation (little balancing of powerfull cards, disappearance of guild leaders who were supposed to create more powerfull starters) Feerik cares not about newcomers.

About changes...
#1 - really? less players in tournaments, more in adventure? Even now there are not many players to play with, but with this their number would be even more reduced. Not a good change, as for me.

#2 - Great idea, I agree that it is necessary for the game.

#3 - same as #2.

#4 - same as #3 and #2.

#5 - bad idea since different cards of the same rarity have different abilities and different decks have different need in each card. How would you balance , , , and ?

#6 - better to link the amount of crystals gained after the fight to the player level. For example, 1-10 levels - 50/70/100/160, 11-20 levels - 40/60/80/135, 21-30 - 30/45/60/110, and 31+ as now - 20/30/40/70 (Defeat/draw/victory/perfect). This would help the novices to quickly obtain powerfull cards to participate in bigger tournaments.

All of this is only my opinion. Also, can I post my ideas in this topic because I don't want to create another topic nobody reads?

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 Sujet du message : Re: Ways of improving the game
Message Publié : 12 Septembre 2014, 22:30 

Inscription : 08 Novembre 2013, 09:33
Message(s) : 7
I think the most important part is #3, balance.

A large amount of cards need to be nerfed. I come and go each year, typically only playing during Winter. Every year the power level becomes more and more absurd.

The sad part is I think the fix would be quite simple.
A. Make it so you can NEVER play more than 3 cards on a single turn. If a card which would normally give you another card shows up as card 3, skip that part of the effect.
B. Make it so you can NEVER play more than 1 area card on a turn. If something causes you to play a second, then the second card is ignored.

#4 is also very important. Without the weekly events I'm not motivated to go and lose for an hour. (since most of my decks aren't competitive enough to win, especially now that a new act started). Rather than give out cards or crystals, they could try giving out a small number of feez. Really if I could earn enough to buy a booster every month without exposing my computer to viruses I would be much more likely to play. (I'm not opposed to paying real money as well, but right now the return on investment is no where near worth it... except for the art book. that was amazing)

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 Sujet du message : Re: Ways of improving the game
Message Publié : 13 Septembre 2014, 10:01 

Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 19:23
Message(s) : 240
Ledeir a écrit :
I think the most important part is #3, balance.

A large amount of cards need to be nerfed. I come and go each year, typically only playing during Winter. Every year the power level becomes more and more absurd.

The sad part is I think the fix would be quite simple.
A. Make it so you can NEVER play more than 3 cards on a single turn. If a card which would normally give you another card shows up as card 3, skip that part of the effect.
B. Make it so you can NEVER play more than 1 area card on a turn. If something causes you to play a second, then the second card is ignored.

Disagree with that, especially with A. There are plenty of cards that play a random card from the deck/discard pile. In their case, to my mind, this rule should be awoided. Better to balance like "AoE spells may be activated only if played from your hand" and add chainable AoE and some unchainable non-AoE cards, like Nurvus suggested here.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Ways of improving the game
Message Publié : 15 Septembre 2014, 05:33 

Inscription : 08 Novembre 2013, 09:33
Message(s) : 7
Mr. Zub a écrit :
Disagree with that, especially with A. There are plenty of cards that play a random card from the deck/discard pile. In their case, to my mind, this rule should be awoided. Better to balance like "AoE spells may be activated only if played from your hand" and add chainable AoE and some unchainable non-AoE cards, like Nurvus suggested here.

In the interest of discussion -

I don't think this would actually hinder that. After all, through normal rules you can only play 2 cards, and even the second requires additional (albeit much easier than it used to be) effort. All this does is stops the chaining of cards which let you play cards.

I won't lie, I know anyone who plays a chain heavy deck will hate this. But even a quick glance at the forums (and the decreased player base) makes it obvious that they are the minority.

Looking past that initial reaction though, think of the strategy implications! Do I play Kotori Kage knowing I might not be able to play my tracker bell? (that's just the first to mind) Do I play two cards? Do I play a single card and trust in my deck to give what I need? (Did I just accidentally quote Yu-Gi-Oh?)

It brings change, although in this case its simply bringing it back to the old days... Its been a long time, so I could be remembering wrong, but I remember when it took effort to even get a second card in play and using warriors item chaining abilities was actually helpful...

And now to address your second point, the AOE comment is interesting. I'll go look at that thread now. I definitely agree AoEs should only be playable from your hand. I'm not sure how I feel about chainable AoE though, I will look at their post and possibly comment there.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Ways of improving the game
Message Publié : 15 Septembre 2014, 06:01 

Inscription : 08 Novembre 2013, 09:33
Message(s) : 7
Mr. Zub a écrit :
Disagree with that, especially with A. There are plenty of cards that play a random card from the deck/discard pile. In their case, to my mind, this rule should be awoided. Better to balance like "AoE spells may be activated only if played from your hand" and add chainable AoE and some unchainable non-AoE cards, like Nurvus suggested here.

Since that thread has been quiet for close to a year, and since Nurvus came across fairly defensive about their idea, I'll just post here. I'm also hoping this will make Mr. Zub more likely to see it!

I'm going to agree with the posters who said it adds an additional layer of complexity.
I haven't seen the source code, but as a programmer I would assume each card is stored in a single database. AoE cards probably have a flag saying AoE=true and all cards probably have a flag for chain=true/false.

That part agrees with what Nurvus assumes. Unfortunately I would bet the chain flag is not what they think it is. Its not "this card can be chained" its "this card allows chain". Its a subtle difference but has major implications.

It means their card playing logic, the part which determines how many cards you can play, looks something like this:

-if card one is AoE then no other cards can be played.
-if card one has chain, then allow a non AoE card to be played. (I believe AoEs are currently the only cards which can't be played after a chain)
-if card one allows a specific chain, then allow that specific type of card to be played.
-if card in play allows chaining, then allow a non AoE card to be played.

I don't see the predicted benefits, but am open to more discussion on it. My initial impression is that the "sweet spot" is basically just up-powering existing cards.

Jumping back to what you said before, I really like the idea that AoE spells can only be played from your hand. That would be a huge improvement. I would edit to say AoE Damage spells personally, but can be convinced otherwise on that point.

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