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Message Publié : 18 Janvier 2015, 17:26 
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Inscription : 06 Février 2013, 14:10
Message(s) : 70
It`s not funny anymore.

2014 year was so boring. You gave up on storyline (although it was really great storyline). You gave up on weekly quests. You've made card releases uninteresting. It is possible to accept, really hard, but possible.

But Events!!! And I'm not talking about monthly events. I'm talking about Holiday Events.

I have a group of fellow players in one social network. And I can say that all of them waited for Hallowe'en Event. And when there wasn't even any Christmas event, it was really Great Disappointment.

I want to say thanks for this game, I really like it, but this kind of your attitude makes me sad.

Best regards,

Russian Eredan iTCG Group

Dernière édition par Pendos le 23 Janvier 2015, 19:07, édité 1 fois.

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Message Publié : 18 Janvier 2015, 18:54 

Inscription : 25 Juillet 2014, 11:37
Message(s) : 200
wow dude, relax... with all the problems you mentioned you still dont seem to be able to see behind the scene and imagine how things are at feerik huh?

didnt you understand that half the staff left prior to the stopping of the storyline and the change in the rythm?

of course its a sad thing but try to understand that if a company consisting of about 30 ppl from one day to other loses about half... well... things are going to change and that change is not coming so fast

the hit feerik had/s to suffer was a really hard one and was striking where it really hurt

i just wanna say that i can so much understand your feelings because the game was great and now is kinda boring but still i also can imagine how horrible these ppl must feel that had a good thing running and then were faced with this...

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Message Publié : 18 Janvier 2015, 19:11 
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Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 16:28
Message(s) : 34
What happend to Feenrik exactly?

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Message Publié : 18 Janvier 2015, 21:06 

Inscription : 25 Juillet 2014, 11:37
Message(s) : 200
Bebop a écrit :
Bonjour à tous,

Comme vous le savez maintenant, l'équipe du jeu s'est considérablement réduite ces derniers jours, c'est la raison pour laquelle nous avons du réduire autant la fréquence de sortie des cartes.

Nous sommes moins nombreux à rester, mais ceux qui restent feront tout ce qui leur est possible pour continuer à faire vivre Eredan iTCG.

Je vais essayer de répondre aux questions principales qui ont été posées :

- En l'état la storyline d'Eredan s'arrête avec le départ de Dimizar, c'est une énorme perte pour nous comme pour vous, mais il nous faut faire avec. Il écrit en ce moment même la fin de l'arc en cours. Après quoi les trophées sortiront malheuresement sans l'histoire qui les a accompagné jusqu'à présent.

- Nous discutons de la faisabilité de ressortir des events déjà sortis, avec de nouvelles récompenses à la clé. Nous ne faisons donc pas une croix sur les event mensuels. Nous allons aussi en profiter pour mettre à jour les récompenses médaillons

- Nous allons nous organiser avec les GL pour que les choix de modifications de cartes que nous feront dorénavant soient très fortement orientés par la communauté, les GL joueront le rôle d'arbitre et nous aideront à prendre les décisions finales.

- il n'est pas prévu de commencer un acte 11 pour le moment, et donc de sortir les cartes de l'acte 8 du Standard. Vu le changement de rythme des sorties ce serait prématuré. Nous allons retirer cette notification sur les cartes de l'acte 8. Le booster Newcomers sera aménagé afin que le nombre de cartes qu'il contient soit stable.

Enfin je tenais à dire que c'est un fait marquant dans l'histoire du jeu, mais Eredan iTCG continue de vivre et nous espérons qu'il apportera encore beaucoup de plaisir.


now you need to know that Bebop is the head of Feerik... his first sentence says:

as you know by now, the staff was considerably reduced, thus we had to take a slower step in events...

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Message Publié : 18 Janvier 2015, 21:59 
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Inscription : 06 Février 2013, 14:10
Message(s) : 70
It`s so sad. I`m really, really like this game. IMHO, it`s one of the best TCG ever.

But monotony of gameplay killing all my delight of that game.

I`m sorry, if I`m offended someone, but I`m just say what I`m think.

Best regard, Dmitry

PS sorry for my bad English

Russian Eredan iTCG Group

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Message Publié : 19 Janvier 2015, 01:14 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:01
Message(s) : 6173
Localisation : da world
you have to know, until any purple told us about any change, they only news in the game are the releases of wednesday, with 1 new character, and at least 2 new cards*

i know we are sad about the present of the game, but you can leave it if you dont enjoy it anymore, if you feel frustrated, take it as an advice, leave the game for a while

*this is the default, but could be from 0 to 4 cards

My (outdated) decks

create a new post if you want to communicate with me, DONT SEND PMs!!!!


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Message Publié : 19 Janvier 2015, 10:55 
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Inscription : 06 Février 2013, 14:10
Message(s) : 70
Wolvos a écrit :
you have to know, until any purple told us about any change, they only news in the game are the releases of wednesday, with 1 new character, and at least 2 new cards*

i know we are sad about the present of the game, but you can leave it if you dont enjoy it anymore, if you feel frustrated, take it as an advice, leave the game for a while

*this is the default, but could be from 0 to 4 cards

That`s main problem. I`m don`t want to leave game!

Russian Eredan iTCG Group

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Message Publié : 23 Janvier 2015, 19:20 

Inscription : 16 Mars 2013, 17:47
Message(s) : 9
Hello m8s. I understand all the mess around, but if that's the point, if Feerik lacks people to keep up the good work, why don't they just ask to help? Why don't they search painters among those who play the game since its very beginning? Why don't they look for writers and gamedesigners among those who really care about storyline? Why don't they look for testers among those who are constantly playing tournaments and keep taking highest positions?

Why did they abandon iTCG for this Arena* crap?

Don't tell me it brings more money. I will never believe it.


*Player until October, 2014. Got all and every character in the game wasting 0 money. Skip whining about its "pay2win", I know what I'm talking about.

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Message Publié : 26 Janvier 2015, 12:33 

Inscription : 25 Juillet 2014, 11:37
Message(s) : 200
my humble opinion is that the remaining staff (we dont know if the pro-eredan or contra-eredan side left the board) thinks that the current status of the game is sufficient... a major restart of the game is simply to costly since it would require lots of rebalancing, cutting cards and crystals will offend players... its overall a thing which is too big for the people who remained...

simply adding new staff will not help the problem itself... the powercreep ate the game and its too fat now to be murdered without causing a massacre among the playerbase... so they simply decided to bore the powercreep to death

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Message Publié : 30 Janvier 2015, 03:40 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:01
Message(s) : 6173
Localisation : da world
the game is paused right now, because the negative profit never changed since one and a half year

and if your bussines is going down, is a high risk gamble to put more money... i dont think so at this point

My (outdated) decks

create a new post if you want to communicate with me, DONT SEND PMs!!!!


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