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 Sujet du message : Remove win percentage
Message Publié : 22 Septembre 2016, 16:06 
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Inscription : 03 Novembre 2015, 08:48
Message(s) : 20
I spent a lot of time collecting cards and keeping a decent win %, but I still think keeping track of a player's win% is a dumb idea. Since the game keeps track of your ELO anyway, it seems a little silly to keep track of a player's win/loss ratio as well.

1. New players have a rough enough time winning in the first place! No need to remind them of how many times they've lost.

2. If you want to try a fun new deck idea, or have to build a certain deck for an event, not having a win/loss makes doing that easier.

3. If you want to tryhard and build a meta deck, there is still ELO and you can keep track of your own deck's win/loss.

4. Card games are for fun! If you went into a local card shop and got reminded how many times you lost every time you sat down to play, it would be a lot less fun!

5. It makes losing suck less! Which means more fun! Yay for more fun!

Sorry if this had been suggested/discussed elsewhere. I remember talking with a staff member about it and I just wanted to leave this here in hopes that one day it will happen.

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