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 Sujet du message : Dragon Knight BUFF
Message Publié : 16 Mai 2016, 04:30 

Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 02:40
Message(s) : 243
As it stands Dragon Knights have a very linear and simple strategy. Tank the early game and the swing it around in the end game with clutch mechanics (Dragast / Knight's Honour). I am hoping with some changes they can maybe focus more on being sturdy tank or weapon users rather then just hoping they live and if they dont relying on one character doing all the work.

: The original Dragon Knight. For him nothing to exciting. Gives Noz +1 defense and has "Your Dragon Knighs gain chain if they play and Armor or Shield.

: Now has: The Affliations (race/caste/guild/class) of your Dragon Knights can not be changed. Also boost him self with own buff affects.

: Zahal 2.0 is now tune down. He has, gain chain if you play a Noz card and now at the start of each turn equip Dreist if you doesn't already.

: Starts the game with a Draconian Sword.

: At the end of your fights your Dragon Knights gain Attack +1 until the end of the game and heal 2 if they wear an armor.

Whenever a Dragon Knight dies the others get Defense and Spirit +1 and heal 1.

: Defense boost affects her too. At the end of each fight 2 random opposing cards attach to your characters are discarded.

: At the start of each fight, your out of combat characters have -2 to damage suffered. No longer gives Attack +2 if Your dragon knights have an item on them.

:Spirit=2. Gains: The first time your Dragon Knights play a weapon they gain Attack +2 until the end of the game. (No longer has attack +2 when playing weapon)

: Spirit=2 and Defense=3. At the end of each turn returns a random card to your deck.

Dernière édition par Oscar_Gomez le 22 Janvier 2017, 19:29, édité 2 fois.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Dragon Knight BUFF
Message Publié : 16 Mai 2016, 04:50 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 21:44
Message(s) : 2233
Localisation : Peru
, is the basis of all Dragon Knight deck, should not be touched, and other modifications, leave much to be desired. Think well when nerfear or propose changes, after seeing the latest changes really atrocious.

"El corazón roto es propio del hombre, la falla en su voluntad es donde nace la corrupción..."

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 Sujet du message : Re: Dragon Knight BUFF
Message Publié : 16 Mai 2016, 04:58 

Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 02:40
Message(s) : 243
Now for weapons, spells and actions.

Spirit, Attack and Defense +1. Permanent. Dual Wield.
Dragon Knight: Heal X at the end of each fight. X= Your Spirit.

: Your character suffers 3 direct damage. Your other characters gain 4 health. Your Dragon Knights Have attack+1 until the end of the game.

: You gain attack +1 for each card attach to you. Chain.

:Dragon Guemelite: At the end of each fight your character heals 1 or 4 if his Health is below 1. Permanent. 1 per Character. Chain.

: Your characters get Spirit +1 until the end of the game and heal 2. Chain: Noz card.

: The next item in your deck is played. Sacrifice 1: A "The Dragon's Champion" from your hand, deck or Discard pile is played. Chain.

: Caste now includes Dragon Knight or is now casteless.

: Spirit and Defense +1. You can discard a card attach to a character. If you do not, Attack +2. Dragon Knight: Chain.

: Attack and Spirit +2. Chain.

: Spirit +1 for each of your Noz. Attack +1 and Heal 1 for each of your dead Dragon Knights. Defense +1 and heal 1 for each of your living Dragon Knights.

: Attack +2 until the end of the game and Heal 3. Dual Wield.

: Spirit and Attack +2. Chain.

: Spirit and Defense +2. Dual Wield. Your Dragon Knights heal 2 at the end of your fights.

: Your Opponent has Attack -X and you have Attack +X for this turn, where X is your Spirit bonus.

Gains: Discard a random opposing card in play.

Dernière édition par Oscar_Gomez le 02 Février 2017, 19:16, édité 5 fois.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Dragon Knight BUFF
Message Publié : 16 Mai 2016, 05:00 

Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 02:40
Message(s) : 243
Dragast is completely broken even getting one boost from him is enough to change the game in your favor. He has to be change or else no new Dragon Knight even has a chance of ever being included in a Dragon Deck.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Dragon Knight BUFF
Message Publié : 16 Mai 2016, 05:41 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 21:44
Message(s) : 2233
Localisation : Peru
Because having something good going to want something wrong ?, because wanting something less than replacing something superior ?, because nerfear something that pays and is cheap to get characters out of date ?, only because they produce feelings of the past few; in any case only give impetus to old characters. With these thoughts better play with characters from Act 1, totally ridiculous.

What are the current legendary broken, more than anything these should change first.

"El corazón roto es propio del hombre, la falla en su voluntad es donde nace la corrupción..."

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 Sujet du message : Re: Dragon Knight BUFF
Message Publié : 16 Mai 2016, 19:25 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:01
Message(s) : 6173
Localisation : da world
avoid double post

naelrung and commander zahal still broken in that form

recliff should review this

aflame just do your own suggestions stop ranting everywhere, this is sugg subforum

My (outdated) decks

create a new post if you want to communicate with me, DONT SEND PMs!!!!


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 Sujet du message : Re: Dragon Knight BUFF
Message Publié : 16 Mai 2016, 19:32 
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Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 00:54
Message(s) : 1655
*Wards this post*

Very interesting.

Ex-Consortium Guilde [CsT]
Ex-Noz'Dingard Guild Leader
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 Sujet du message : Re: Dragon Knight BUFF
Message Publié : 16 Mai 2016, 21:10 

Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 02:40
Message(s) : 243
Sorry, double post are okay if they have different functions. 1 was to show changes in card and the other was a response.

Commander Zahal is a champion and they tend to be a bit on the stronger side. So no matter what they will be a bit op. Being able to chain any card is completely absurd though. Maybe make his Turn bonus +1 Spirit and Defense.

Nealrung requires setting up for it to be useful. Yeah it has a heal mechanic to make up for it but at the end of the day it's just on par with things like and other Immortal stuff. Also remember it's unique so it can't be abused to hard.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Dragon Knight BUFF
Message Publié : 16 Mai 2016, 21:20 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:01
Message(s) : 6173
Localisation : da world
dks already boost their dmg spamming last action, i know this naelrung needs more setup but i think they doesnt need even more one shoots
zahal as you remade, will free chain since fight 1 and without dreist, so i think is an op buff, because no requirements at all

My (outdated) decks

create a new post if you want to communicate with me, DONT SEND PMs!!!!


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 Sujet du message : Re: Dragon Knight BUFF
Message Publié : 16 Mai 2016, 21:28 

Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 02:40
Message(s) : 243
Zahal now has Chain Noz Card, instead of Driest or free chain.

This Nealrung encourages people to use Last Word instead of Action. Maybe change it so it does half of your Spirit Bonus?

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