
Halo of Light in STANDARD
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Auteur :  Darwin_Little [ 10 Septembre 2016, 08:01 ]
Sujet du message :  Halo of Light in STANDARD

Oh my god, there is NO REASON that this card should be playable in standard. As if witchblades in general aren't already extremely broken,this is basically complete disabling of a character for FIVE TURNS vs spellwarriors that can kill you in 1 turn with ridiculous effects. THIS CARD NEEDS TO BE PATCHED to begin with, much less allowed in standard where there are NO cards which let you remove opposing spells off another character, plus clumsiness is so expensive you aren't likely to have more than one, but the turn you spend using it you'll be killed by these stupid witchblades!!!! Seriously, either the turn duration needs to be reduced or this card should NOT be allowed in standard!!!

Auteur :  Oscar_Gomez [ 11 Septembre 2016, 23:44 ]
Sujet du message :  Re: Halo of Light in STANDARD

Don't play this game anymore dude. It's dying and the game devs are ones killig it. They are't going to take the time to fix the game and every other week we have another must have legendary that only whales will buy barely keeping this game up. Just let this game die and make sure feerik learns something about this.

Auteur :  Neja.Persot [ 12 Septembre 2016, 02:24 ]
Sujet du message :  Re: Halo of Light in STANDARD

Oscar_Gomez a écrit :
Don't play this game anymore dude. It's dying and the game devs are ones killig it. They are't going to take the time to fix the game and every other week we have another must have legendary that only whales will buy barely keeping this game up. Just let this game die and make sure feerik learns something about this.

Haha hahahaha!

Auteur :  Calandra [ 14 Septembre 2016, 05:02 ]
Sujet du message :  Re: Halo of Light in STANDARD

Oscar_Gomez a écrit :
Don't play this game anymore dude. It's dying and the game devs are ones killig it. They are't going to take the time to fix the game and every other week we have another must have legendary that only whales will buy barely keeping this game up. Just let this game die and make sure feerik learns something about this.

this story is so old... i think we even had this in the old forum before moving to this one... "game is dead,... bliblablub"

3 years later... eredan still stands... i wonder how? lesson learned? haters never die! (or shut up)

Auteur :  Zork13266 [ 14 Septembre 2016, 05:53 ]
Sujet du message :  Re: Halo of Light in STANDARD

There have been some positive moves by Feerik recently ( Daily Hatch, Restrictions in Standard ) but the two things that need addressed are still Game Balance and providing fun for the newer and casual players to retain them playing...

There's still life in the game but the player base needs to be increased which again means keeping newer and casual players at least competitive in Standard Tourneys ( I.E. 1500+ after 5 games ) without having to own all the latest Legends...

It is these recent Legends that are throwing the "balance" out in both Standard and Global... If you don't have at least some of them you're pretty much screwed... The current normal releases of a New Character ( plus Pet or Item ) with a pile of re-edited/issued cards does not lend itself to established players buying a lot of boosters so the Legend packs are probably Feerik's main income stream from here at the moment...

As for the fun side of things??? The more negative play-styles of Discard / Denial / No Hand / Priest Turtle ( Dmg Reduct-Heal-Buff-Recycle ) need to be looked at... We come to play our deck for a chance to win and these decks basically say "I don't want you to even have a chance" unless you have the right counter-deck... They're just no fun to play against...

Basic Tourney is pretty much on life-support nowadays... It might be time to replace it with a Global Copper & Silver Tourney... That will be accessible for all levels of players to be competitive in purely on a cost basis...

Just my thoughts...

Auteur :  Oscar_Gomez [ 15 Septembre 2016, 03:03 ]
Sujet du message :  Re: Halo of Light in STANDARD

lol calandra you are just to blind to see sometimes dying isn't as simple as over night. I play Alteil too and that game is dead. The fact they keep releasing legendaries in hope that ppl buy them is the only thing keeping them "alive".

Remember when legenadry boxes were something that happen twice a year?

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