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 Sujet du message : 3-Char only room
Message Publié : 04 Décembre 2017, 02:46 

Inscription : 18 Juillet 2014, 10:53
Message(s) : 93
This would be very enjoyable, to see a room for only 3-characters, and tournaments with different card restrictions, it is no fun playing against normal players, but I enjoy vs. other 3-chars >:)

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 Sujet du message : Re: 3-Char only room
Message Publié : 04 Décembre 2017, 10:51 
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Inscription : 19 Juillet 2013, 19:27
Message(s) : 2184
Localisation : Romania
Darwin_Little a écrit :
This would be very enjoyable, to see a room for only 3-characters, and tournaments with different card restrictions, it is no fun playing against normal players, but I enjoy vs. other 3-chars >:)

I suggested this long time ago... but I have to admit one thing: Rudolf would rule that room, and noone could really stand against him..

Guild Leader of the Zil Warriors

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 Sujet du message : Re: 3-Char only room
Message Publié : 06 Décembre 2017, 02:11 

Inscription : 18 Juillet 2014, 10:53
Message(s) : 93
DoctorDark a écrit :
Darwin_Little a écrit :
This would be very enjoyable, to see a room for only 3-characters, and tournaments with different card restrictions, it is no fun playing against normal players, but I enjoy vs. other 3-chars >:)

I suggested this long time ago... but I have to admit one thing: Rudolf would rule that room, and noone could really stand against him..

Hm ban him from the room lol, but I will say, I have made a Dumpty deck that can beat him. Just depends...Or Maybe the 3-chars can receive rankings, OR you can only use Rudolph vs. another Rudolph, I still think tournaments would be fun :)

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