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Message Publié : 08 Mars 2013, 03:15 

Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:35
Message(s) : 84
I've noticed these 2 clans don't currently have an adventure mode of their own. It is understandable for Stone Linkers with them being really really new and not having a lot of cards but Pirates have been out for a while now and do deserve their own Adventure mode quest line

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Message Publié : 08 Mars 2013, 03:22 
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Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 02:49
Message(s) : 569
Localisation : East, always into the east. . .
Last time somebody asked why there was no Pirate adventure mode campaign yet. They answered that the A.I can't handle the powder token gameplay yet. If the A.I still can't play understand powder gameplay yet, they could just make the old pirate event (the one where you get the Brammir Renegade) into the Pirate Campaign (just reduce it's difficulty and lower reward, I'm not expecting the renegade as it's prize).

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Message Publié : 08 Mars 2013, 03:34 

Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:35
Message(s) : 84
Well they could do it like they did with the Runic one, you use the pirate deck for the first mission as YOU join the pirates and then fight with them against other clans as they do piratey stuff. No need to add powder token AI and it still works out

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Message Publié : 08 Mars 2013, 03:51 
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Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 02:49
Message(s) : 569
Localisation : East, always into the east. . .
Reaper_Harper a écrit :
Well they could do it like they did with the Runic one, you use the pirate deck for the first mission as YOU join the pirates and then fight with them against other clans as they do piratey stuff. No need to add powder token AI and it still works out

or make you use a pirate deck for all the mission, letting you play different types of pirate decks (e.g Powder weapon, Feminist Pirates, Mechanist, Lightning Mages, Armada beatdown.). So I won't explain how pirates work when one of my friends decide to play pirates, and new players also experience how to play pirates

Every 5 seconds a prinny is thrown.

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Message Publié : 08 Mars 2013, 04:18 

Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:35
Message(s) : 84
True it would help people learn pirates a lot, though the second you show players Admiral Al Killacrew they won't want to play anything else, that nuke everything revival combo is way to good

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Message Publié : 08 Mars 2013, 08:53 
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Inscription : 29 Janvier 2013, 19:02
Message(s) : 3537
In fact, Runics, Nehantists, Pirates and Stone linkers don't have a specific quest in the adventure mode.
Inferno quest gives Nehantists cards, but it isn't a value of Neantist quest.
The son of volcano doesn't show the abilities of the runics and the rewards are not runics specific.

For Runic legion and Pirates, the I.A. has trouble with runes and powder token, this prevent to introduce complete quest with kind of play of theses guilds.
Besides this, the idea to make kind of quest not really of the guild but with a boss giving guild rare cards is under reflexion.

Collectionneur de cartes

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Message Publié : 08 Mars 2013, 20:51 

Inscription : 26 Février 2013, 06:52
Message(s) : 19
I'd imagine that the Stone Linker adventure issue is mostly because we have on average 7-9 Stone Linker characters and not too many cards that go for them. They haven't built up enough of an identity as a guild to facilitate an adventure mode of their own.

This is in stark contrast with the Runic Legion, who were initially introduced in a generic Adventure mode. That was a good way to give a guild its identity before fully introducing them to the game.

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