
Buying to Sell, wait... OR, Fixing the Market
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Auteur :  MerlinCross [ 15 Mars 2013, 05:18 ]
Sujet du message :  Buying to Sell, wait... OR, Fixing the Market

I made a topic about this before the switch in Forums. I had been hoping to find a saved version of it somewhere, but no such luck. So let's try this again.

Anyone else think how insane it is for us to spend money to sell cards? As one of the few ways of getting crystals, this practice doesn't hold water for me. Sure, you can argue that you're paying for space, the right to have your card on the market over someone else. After all, other MMOs make you pay to set up shopping stands. However this is madness, as the market is more akin to an Auction houses from MMOs rather than individual player owned shops, so the 'selling of space' doesn't hold for me. Also given certain statements, I do not hold faith in the 'free feez' argument either.

So, what can Feerik do to help the market out and not worry about people 'not buying feez' for it? 2 ideas from the last topic.

Set a Feez Bar
- Make entering the market a higher, but flat value. Once this value is met, that player has access to the market from that point on.

This shows that the player is interested enough to pay into the game for trophies or booster packs. This way Feerik gets about 5-10 bucks from each player that wants to stay around, rather than having to try and milk them every so often.

Limit Sells for non paying players
- Allow people that don't want to buy feez to sell one card at a time on the market.

Currently players can sell cards back to the game. At a low cost and Once per day. How hard would it be to allow this same practice to work for player to player sells instead? Possibly even take a larger 'cut' of crystals for this type of sell.

Again, I thought I'd bring this suggestion topic back up.

Auteur :  DalarasCroft [ 19 Mars 2013, 15:22 ]
Sujet du message :  Re: Buying to Sell, wait... OR, Fixing the Market

MerlinCross a écrit :
I do not hold faith in the 'free feez' argument either.

you are absolutely right about the free feez. they are not available to everyone (the advertisement videos and polls) and some of them include scam (the aplications), because they forse you to install 3rd party staff in order to install the app that gives you feez. Some of them cannot be removed from the computer by a beginner/novice user.

I tried 2-3 applications, I didn't get me feez and I got a headache to remove the scam applications too.

MerlinCross a écrit :
This way Feerik gets about 5-10 bucks from each player that wants to stay around, rather than having to try and milk them every so often.

I agree to that too, and in StarWars The Old Republic they have a system with F2P, prefered and subscribers, where prefered have paid once subscription, have some benefits but not everything. It seems to work for players that don't play that often and that much.

It should be like that, and if they want to boost subs more, they can even fasten the energy re-fill, for them.

Auteur :  MerlinCross [ 20 Mars 2013, 01:44 ]
Sujet du message :  Re: Buying to Sell, wait... OR, Fixing the Market

DalarasCroft a écrit :
MerlinCross a écrit :
I do not hold faith in the 'free feez' argument either.

you are absolutely right about the free feez. they are not available to everyone (the advertisement videos and polls) and some of them include scam (the aplications), because they forse you to install 3rd party staff in order to install the app that gives you feez. Some of them cannot be removed from the computer by a beginner/novice user.

I tried 2-3 applications, I didn't get me feez and I got a headache to remove the scam applications too.

It's not so much the dangers and downfalls that Free Feez has. All games share this problem, and it's more on the company that runs those 'offers' than the games themselves. It's more the fact that Zurga on the perivous forum mention that paying for Favors shouldn't unlock the market.

Just through videos a player can probably get enough Feez for a favor in about 3 - 4 weeks. But if this 'bug' is every 'fixed', there goes the easiest way of getting into the market without paying.

Personally I don't mind that paying players get an advantage. Its that paying players get to sell their cards that seems off to me.

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