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 Sujet du message : Colossus Update
Message Publié : 16 Novembre 2015, 14:10 
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Inscription : 08 Novembre 2015, 23:03
Message(s) : 261
With the recent Teasers shown by Maw and by the Eredan Arena Facebook page, I believe we will have more colossus, but the Caste Colossus only has a card with effect on her, and is an anti-colossus effect yet, so I and + 8 players created 10 cards in total(since they are colossus 10), all with effects on the Caste.
Another argument is that maybe we will see more dragons in the game as the Panturien and clearly they are colossus.
The cards are these:

Citer :

Action - Unique - Without Restrictions

Colossus: Spirit +3. Chain.

Deal X+2 of Magic Damage to the opponent, where X is your spirit.

Citer :

Action - Unique - Without Restrictions

Attack +4 and suffer 1 of Direct Damage.

Colossus: an additional of Attack +2, Defense -2 and -1 of Suffered Damage. Chain.

Citer :

Action - Unique - Without Restrictions

Colossus: -2 of Suffered Damage.

Attack and Defense +3 and suffer 3 of Direct Damage.

Citer :

Action - Unique - Without Restrictions

All characters have +1 of Suffered Damage.

Colossus: Your characters don't receive this damage. Chain.

Citer :

Action - Without Restrictions

All your characters heal 2 life points.
Colossal: + 1 for the effects of this card.

Citer :

Action - Unique - Without Restrictions

Deal X of physical damage to an opposing character, where X is the number of non-colossus characters in play.
Healing X + 2 life of all characters Colossus, where X equals the number of colossus in play.

Citer :

Action - Unique - Without Restrictions

All characters alive or dead, suffer 1 of direct damage.

At the end of combat if you have at least one living Colossal, he heals 1 life points for each character who suffered damage by this card.

Citer :

Action - Unique - Without Restrictions

Attack, Defense and Spirit +1 for each colossus in play. Chain.

Colossus: This bonus is permanent. If only be one Colossus in play, the bonus is doubled.

Citer :

Action - Unique - Without Restrictions

Choose a card from the opponent's discard pile, it is played if you have a colossus in play and at end of combat is removed, otherwise it is discarded. At the end of combat, if your life is greater than 2, receive life = 2.
Colossal: it is not removed.

Citer :

Action - Unique - Without Restrictions

At the end of each turn, all colossus in play have -1 of each characteristic until the end of the game. Chain.

What do you think of them?

Thanks for read.

Guild Leader Noz

How Changed: GL exclusivity
Why changed: Now i have an original nick! :P

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