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Message Publié : 09 Décembre 2015, 20:24 
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Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 01:08
Message(s) : 474
So I came up with these ideas purely out of a desire for certain cards to see more usage, as they are good, but rely on the right situation and can clog the deck, or just aren't used at all for whatever reason. And since Archons have never really seen any support I felt they could get a little love as well.

Legionnaire Tactics
Action - Warrior
Defense and Spirit +2.
A "Form a Phalanx" and a "Push!!" are created. Choose one and it is played, the other is removed from the game.
If one of your characters is an Archon you gain a Yr Rune. (evolves into Cor or Nox)

Disciplined March
Your tapped allies become untapped, and you gain +1 Attack for each ally that was untapped.
If one of your Characters is an Archon draw an extra card next turn.
If you have a Cor Rune attached and "Patrol" is played after this card you will not suffer its Attack penalty.
Chain: Patrol

Runic Legion GL

Protecting the world from devastation
Uniting all people within our nation

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