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Message Publié : 16 Avril 2016, 04:27 

Inscription : 07 Juin 2014, 20:01
Message(s) : 6
Before starting I would like to say something, I'm a Brazilian user, and can not speak English (I can speak only Portuguese), so I used the google translator, then probably there will be many errors, I apologize for that, but is not my fault . I have the original post at:

If any of you understand Portuguese or know someone who speaks, can see better at that link.
By the way, if not to understand anything that is written, I at least try to understand that the cards (the cards), the translating. If you can not, send a message here and I can even try to translate somehow, but I hope to give to understand, even though in Portuguese. But not guarantee that I can explain well ... Well as I said, I do not speak English.

I'm putting here because I do a few weeks I put there, I got in contact with the Brazilian adiministrador, but he had some problems and suggested I post here and French forum also.
Here's the project I did in full:

-Well, my first appearance here in the forum, so I obviously do not know ... mess and I do not know very well how things work around here. But let's go...
First, being aware that we often fan of cards we exaggerate or do something beyond the permission of you decided to make some variations of a card, you can there choose what more if apropriaria if my project passed, I admit I had a little work to do, but I wanted to, I see a character I did in the game play a few years, or at least try. Sorry if it is a bit long because I like to write (well, maybe you could just not read anything and look at the pictures alone, but I think the good relevant text, so if possible ... Please.).

Without further ado ... Come on.
As said, I made some changes in my character entering a little of what I like and wanted him than what I miss the cards issued to you or I think it would be interesting to have in the game. One reason to have done 5 is that I would like them to use what could be the closest thing possible with what I did, which is balanced or in their patterns, but anyway, you can change the will is just something I like but no good if it is not good for you, then ... Move the will if nothing is good. I will give an explanation before each variation of these cards 5, that is, text and then explaining illustration.
Here goes:

[Note: The default name should be perhaps Lucius, decided that after the post, after discussing what would be better advised me and put a pattern by name, so although here may appear one way, the card will be standardized. The character's name is Lucius, but if they want to change to one of the following below (Hanger or Hiemis) I see no problem.]

1 Hanger (his name, or a variation, whatever.)
Well, this one is a bit simple, do not know if it runs a lot of the patterns you his attributes and everything, but I think this is the least of it, after all probably for you is symbolic, but still think it would be no problem since many fancy decks out there that you and crumble a single turn or two and end game. I put it to my favorite guild (Mercenaries) and there what I think is missing, which is a Mystic Hunter that long does not come out. I think I've never seen a Mystic Hunter deck pure gain usually not compete, but whatever. But also like a lot of avalônios I combined the two, as you did with Ilfana, which by the way I really liked, perhaps this variation it would be a cute couple> D;). Well, basically it would be a character more for two varieties of Mercenaries, which I find quite interesting, although quite simple compared to the other (By the way, about the names, I think through illustrative, in 5 variations will have 3 different names, not care to move to any of them you see fit, only ask if possible to use one that you want, but you know that.). The following illustration with standard card from you:
[Note 1: I put green colors because I think you have a pattern for it, green and gold to the highest relevant or silver and green in avalônios with not so high positions, except for the Duke Guard Dhun, I do not know why It did not apply to standards, but personally like very much not being standardized, more to taste. I admit that I prefer the color blue, but I think you would choose green at least for this, so I did so, but you know that ... Even as the colors of the Mystics Hunters are blue, so ... I leave with you.]

[Note 2: Oh! One thing I forgot to mention would be the convey, ranging up to 4. You have left a long time to do characters that go up to level 4, most players probably will not turn, but personally always found those who went up to level 4, 5 coolest, so that my favorite character of all is the Thunder King. They usually are stronger too, and would be a great help to avalônios, which is my favorite deck, you may have noticed. By the way, do not say such event of characters who have already reached level 4, say more evolvable the same. I do not know if you have left to do to save time, trouble or something, but it's something interesting from time to time, I think. Well, if you leave level 3, I know, you who know.]

2 Riemis
Here comes a more versatile character, like the others to follow, which has very little also, that is, has few versatile characters, has few extremely versatile characters. I personally like to be able to create the independent strategies than most think good, and create a different decks that even that may not be the best to be good to win, at least. What makes me like quite the character of you, Chantelain, which allows me to do this well. And well, I'm done spending time "playing" to see how it could change classes and making different combinations. This character would be somewhat similar, where it retains the essence but shifts the focus in the case ... From warriors. I think he looks quite a good character paint stallion, gentleman and put passive bonuses accordingly the advantage against the opposite sex. Well, it would probably be versatile as Chant, I do not know if I should put Mystics Hunter this change or not, but I chose not to put, but if you feel good ... The choice and you, see below:

3 Riemis (Same name but different functionality!)
Despite the same name the effects would be contrary here, you will see! What makes a character also versatile and different from what you have done. Another thing that I do not remember to have seen, with the exception of characters prohibited in tournaments, is a pure mercenary deck without caste, as it has in many other decks, can even be wrong, but if it is very little, I'm sure, but do not say any junction, say a junction that to work, take to compete and have no caste, this is really rare, and this character could perhaps help it and do something different. The swords without restrictions would normally be something very heavy on a common character, but one that would not guarantee anything else, nor his allies, I would not be a big problem, if only he used different items, as would have nothing caste, guild, etc. I also put something new that does not have the game, more by intuition ... You do not have a "Champion" caste, Mercenary. I do not know if it's intentional or not, if it is, could be easily removed, but personally I missed a mercenary champion, my favorite deck and thought maybe this variation it could be one. About the combination it would be combinable with several characters from other guilds, and probably would be used raw attributes. Maybe you should ban it be played with Golems and / or pirates because maybe stayed too strong in this case. No more wind there is:
[Note: At first glance the bonuses seem alarming, but I have two things in mind, the card only works with half of the characters, that is, female, and the second is that: once again saying "In his group they do not will guarantee cards playable ", which would make them an easy target against guilds decks of opponents and / or caste, and even race, as usually card as Elfines has guild restrictions, not to mention not hesitate a deck to only human - perhaps not - then I believe that the high bond is a guarantee it does not spoil a group or keep it weak. Even with the bonus he would still be behind many global decks, so do not think it was a bad idea, but I know that your work is balance so the Pack needed please.]

4 Lucius (Yeah, Lucius ...)
Well, it's my nick account and I personally like it and think it's a nice name, in short, does not matter much I think, still has two other if they want, aka Riemis and Hanger. Continuing ... this character I seek to do something quite different from the ordinary, putting a mercenary who interacts with Neantes do not know if this is out of the question or not, but I found it interesting, if you take a look at what I had in mind, feel free and keep reading ... and see if the suggestion is appropriate or not ...
Well, I kept the concept of the gentleman and all, as you can see, and also combines with the rest of the functionality of the letter, it comes down to having a partner to Neante "Ira". I had her as one of my first character and I have a certain sympathy for her, but also do not see much in the games around, which is something I think a bit complicated in the Eredan, like ... If you like a character not necessarily mean that you can play with him because he is weak, it is not the goal or only works with expensive things, anyway. Working with this card was what gave me more headache and I had more work to do, even if not my favorite guida. It did three versions, one of them, the initial and probably less feasible idea is basically to join him mercenary Neante deck, allowing him to enter the two guilds ... I do not discarded the idea, but I judge it as unlikely, and so I created something that had more chances, creating two other versions, it would be a purely Neante, and the other would be a mercenary who well ... you'll see.
The card function on all versions is to support. I personally do not know much of Neantes and not play with them, because I am not a player really pay, so do not have a lot of deck, but both see few Neantes few versatile and being a guild with so much potential getting so behind the other, I think that would be cool to do a different character like that and give a UP in Neatezinhos. Well, it is at this level because the key would turn it level 4 with Wrath, which entered a "4.5" of the matter, after the card will talk about ...
[Note: In the first image we have purely Neante Lucius who would progress only to a shed. In the second, he would be as possibly mercenary without joining with her in the same guild, but to reach level 4 could choose any of the two developments, and the third would be the initial idea that I think unlikely to join the two in the same guild, he perhaps could develop into any of the three areas, but I think it would be too much work for you and is not an option that I think you would choose, but decided not rule because it will ... that you think good.]
4.5 Lucius and Ira (Ira Or and Lucius)
Well, here would be a Wrath of junction with such a character, I'm not drawing picture with the two, because this idea came to my mind right now, and the design there is old. But I think you could easily do ... Well, a suggestion I had was to join and make a "level 4", but if you prefer to leave it so without joining, and maintain level 3, I believe that the bonus should be increased a little but it's good of you. Here I think you could completely change everything, but still I put a suggestion as would be the level 4, but will you. As an "up" changed the bonus order removing her and placing his, but keeping the turn order it and withdrawing it, so the card will not be so full of things, the card "Ira and Lucius" should win too these +2 defense, since she is a woman on the courtier bonus increased by +1 damage, I think it would not be anything drastic change. A long time ago that you do not create cards so together two characters turn one and is something that I find very cool, as in the Eternal branches, Thunder King himself who rode in the race, I rode Aez but sold because it was weak ... And I think the Neantes could have something, it would be very interesting. One point that I think is important is that although you occasionally launch new cards as new ones arrive old are being destroyed many times and this can be a bit boring, I think, especially for those who like the game despite the difficulties to grow without paying fixedly (because this will leaving us increasingly back). So ... Well, I think it would be interesting to bring one of those things you do while you do not, that is, joining two in one (This usually happens more to the Walnut, really think the nut are the darlings of you, despite I never explicitly read the whole story Guem). Anyway, game issues they would be strong and I think in the way described and could also be used as necromancers and murderers - versatile. But you should really play with it, because I'm not a big Neante knowledgeable, so do not know what would be best, but if you're good ... Great!
[Note 1: I think it would be cool a description of some of his levels in reference to it perhaps, or even mention his personality. Perhaps some speech in the fourth evolution, I do not know, I'll leave some suggestions, but this is merely ... Futility, just something I find interesting and not something really necessary, just something cool that not a lot of work to add a little letters. Incidentally, I do not know if they have related to the main story, if you disregard this, but if you have not, there are the possible sentences:
Possible sentence to level 1 or 2: "A gentleman I know how to recognize a real lady like you."
Possible sentence for level 1: "It is better to be hated for what you are than to be praised for what you are not."
Possible sentence for Level 2: "Can I sign with my heart?"
Possible sentence for level 1: "Want to sign in blood?"
Possible sentence for Level 2: "Why do not you show me yours?"
Possible sentence to level 4: "Together now, finally and to the end - of everything."
[Note 2: I think the junction something interesting and if you Achem bad idea because of the Guild, but wanted to keep the idea of ​​joining it with another character might be interesting, the Guild like mercenaries Ilfana I think, Kotoba like the Shori and Chidori and other guilds do not know much ... Well, will you.]

5 Lucius (Again the name, but completely changes ... See :)
Level 3 because whatever ... And ... It maintains the concept of the gentleman I mentioned earlier, I think that suits his face, I even think he does a good role as courtier, because of their clothing. Overall I think Cortesões not end the game with "Mercenaries" as guild, except Chantelain, and I think it would be cool my character have also, especially for I still use it as avalônio, my dear deck (Although think not Feez will have to buy it if skirt, unfortunately). Anyway, joking aside, it is a courtier who has several guilds as normal, and its differential is receiving the varieties of the characters of the same guild, which would make it an even more complete wild card than Chant (Why not? ), although Chant still be better killer, but this would basically function saved for the character as courtier, it can be used in any deck these guilds as a kind of trump card. It is very simple and completely ( "versatile again?" Is ...) ... It could be widely used but still without removing the credibility of many, many decks that are guaranteed in other things like races, magic damage, chains, passive etc ... I think it would be playable without spoiling the game, but if you see things more, not only in this but in all previous, change the will, you know ... Maybe I'm wrong and the character can of somehow mess up something, then please Pack.

[Note: I really have relied on some of the characters in the game that I like as Lucyan, The Eternal, Aez King, King Thunder and Chantelain mainly. I really like the crows, my second favorite after Avalônio caste, but did not think it would be good to me based on very Kotoba.]


Well, finally ended the characters, if you read all this thank you very much, thank you. But there's other things I did with much less relevance that might or must leave here, optional read or not, would be the items of Character Card, whatever name you give to it. I think it would be interesting to highlight three items it:

Hanger sword

X hat

Especially X (where X is the character's name)

I will make a brief description of each (Brief same, not like the other cards, seriously! I hope so ...)

Item 1 - Sword
Probably what will most description, to be the main item and I think it's more ... Easy to be approved. His sword has the essence "Breaking and Absorbing" would be something like a sword that absorbs swords, if she could just break swords, and whenever you break a get +2 attack (maybe decrease to +1, do not know) I think it would not be too much as compared to ramdomicos opponents you do not know the target will use swords or not ... Oh, does not work against Daggers, swords only one or two hands only. And have a system similar to the King retooling of thunder in it at end of turn. Something that would be interesting would be if similar decks to face if one of the characters die X, the Sword reattach the character alive X, even if enemy ... It would be much like the Duke Guard Dhun, healing avalônios enemies, by they are avalônios less life (this has me screwed up some good times ...), but this is merely optional. Another thing that I find most important ... is that this sword can not destroy an enemy like her, so ... I would not have effect but destroy the two can also be ... Well, okay there, the design of sword would be equal to what is on his back. Could do something related to running as an additional item, but did not, if it will be up to you, but it would be pretty cool, a suggestion there ...
[Note: I'll leave all the cards in the same image at the end of these items.]

Item 2 - Hat
Well, here now comes an item that I did but I thought it would be different, I do not know. Also it does not work with the 5 variations as well as the Sword, I think it is even possible, but ... I do not know. The concept I thought it was good, pretty cool, and it might work, but the approval of you is final. If change, I do not know how they would do, in fact to know but did not want to write even more than that. I think the change that less would fit would be with the "Champion" to fit, but perhaps too strong, you'll have to see it, and probably do a more suitable item for the chosen variation if they undertake, as these here are half generalized ...

Item 3 - Above
I put as another item on purpose, because I believe that could be used along with other things, over clothes and under armor, and finally ... Well, you put it lend his dress just for a lady, nothing more than expected, this would give the reason for it and only girls can use the item, which reduces the usable characters scale, leaving the item less Overpower I think, but ... replaces the Classes, Scheduled Castes and guilds of an ally for their and I think it would make much more complicated than the hat up I found nice to ... This item probably can and should be changed in any way according to one of five variations, if one is selected. The bonus of mind and think appropriate ... But I think that something in the nature of that share would be interesting, but I think better you will resolve this (Well, maybe just caste and guild think it would be more than enough.). To case discard the possibility, I think they should then have somehow item was specifically useful for his deck, make it become a more effective and with three good items and non-disposable deck, as well as some new items and released that fall by the wayside.
[NOTE: If he, Lucius team, just win the bonus of mind, being advantageous to use only the allies. But if the only active effect if it estivem at stake, then out of his deck does not work.]



Well, I guess that's all, I'll leave here also the pencil drawing, since I do not know whether it is necessary or not, but ... Anyway, I'll let the pictures and some pictures below just in case.








[Note: As you saw I changed the color of the sword to darker, black tones. The change was not in the main image, but could be changed by you or redesigned, but this form of the sword would apply to version 4, where he made par to match Ira and give a tone more Neante really, that is, more unclear.]

[Note: I created a mask item there as you can see if they decide to separate the mask hat and make different items on them. Perhaps the mask could be an item with guild restrictions that makes a character Mercenary Marauder, would be interesting.]

[One last suggestion: It is not as common character as well, and depending on which variation choose, it will be a bit more complicated than an ordinary character. As a suggestion to you, you can put it as an event character, and so you would create the character and still have event theme, which usually try to have something different and special as the character. Well he could even make a Double card with the main character you Amnezy, as they did in the Dragon event, which gave it with the character of the event "Amnezy mounted dragon" something. I think the idea of ​​character that replaces three interesting but will not do if they use in event leave it up to you. This is not a request, just a suggestion, to make possible easier way if they accept my character, being at an event or launching weekly common, the choice is yours.]

Okay, if you've seen it all, thanks again. I do not know if I will go or how long it can take if pass ... I would like to be brief, but I do not know ... Anyway, if they were to enjoy more of the descriptions and find to give to different characters relationship in any of the other five variations and want to use, I think I would like to draw and do these other characters (this of course if at least that pass.), if they were to use any more of the other descriptions, I would like to illustrate again, perhaps. Ah! Something I would ask! I do not know if you have to or if it is possible, but if you go I would like to receive this character, as I did and probably not by that I just could probably buy it, but if it does not all right, do what? I think I see him in the game pays more to have it, but the two together would be a good: v: ...
And well, I could also write a story background for the character easily, but I think it is not necessary because I do not know of another character who has a treat as well. I think that's all, it was a lot of text I'm sorry, and thank you!

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