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Message Publié : 12 Août 2016, 12:48 

Inscription : 05 Avril 2013, 16:21
Message(s) : 42
The first time I played with Witchblades (I started playing in Act 2) I tought of theme as a caste that uses mostly Water and Light spells. But as its now it looks like they are fixed on Light Spells.
For this I suggest to add a small change to a Basic card. Which of course can have some influence in Basic turning Witchblades in a Defensiv Item using Caste.

(new Version):
Attack +1 against Marauders.
Your other Witchblades have Attack +1.
Your Witchblade gain Chain when they play a light spell and Chain Waterspell when they play an Item.
Turns: 1, 4 and 7: Defense + 1.

I didn't wanted to mess her up to much because of the big impact on Basic. That Version would allow to play an Item and reactivate it with . In Basic you would be able to use Spirit reducing Items before playing (; )
The next point would be that cards like and can be used to protect the Witchblade while it also gets a Item on it, which can add Spirit and increase the defense gained by like , or
To it would only change that you can decide if you either play it first or the Item instead of always having to play Shield and than the Item.

And maybe one should improve a little. And I never understood why fog only protects one side instead of reducing physical Damage to both sides.
Fog (New Version):
All characters gain Defense +2.
Duration: 2 Turns.
That way it could be playable for many kind of Water gems to protect themselves or mages which more likely want to play on magical Damage.

And it feels like Naya should get a reprint which would be a good opportunity to make a more Waterspell suporting Witchblade Update. Which could look like this:

Noz - Human - Warrior - Mage - Marauder - Witchblade
Attack +1 against Mages.
If "" is one of your Characters, your Mages have their maximum Health upgradet by 1 until the game end and become warriors and witchblade.
Your Witchblades have Water Spell effects increased by 1.
Turns 2 and 5: Choose an Item or from your discard pile. That card is played.

Maybe we should just give the warrior witchblade bonus to other witchblades but it somehow feels right to allow another mono Mage to become a Witchblade Mage Warrior to add the water Witchblades more in the Warrior Class. Plus it only works together with Anazara.

And maybe we could add a Courtier which is Stone Linker Noz Witchblade:
Ranaye, the Ice Blade
Stone linkers - Noz'Dingard Envoys - Water Guemelite - Air Guemelite - Courtier - Witchblade - Warrior - Mage
Spirit 2 Attack 7/9 Defense 3 Life 15
Attacke and Defense +1 until the round ends when you activate a item.
At the start of the Game, an "" is created and attached to each one of your Stone-Linkers. Then your Witchblades become Stone linkers and Water guemelites until the game ends.
Odd Turns: Choose a Spell or Item from your discard pile, that card is placed on your hand.

What is your opinion on the subject of supporting the Witchblades in the direction of Waterguemelits instead of using them as light spell users?

PS: Maybe one can make "Ice Coffin" a Noz-Pirate card which only reactivates Items if played by a Witchblade or Beast. Meaning each other Pirate or Noz Mage can use it to gain +1 Def.

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