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 Sujet du message : Sap Heart Character Gaya
Message Publié : 12 Août 2016, 20:13 

Inscription : 05 Avril 2013, 16:21
Message(s) : 42
With her craftsman Item getting a reprint I think Gaya should somehow comeback to the playable area.

My toughts are that she works with Amber Items and has to get something to work with Natur Guemlites. So she should work with many of those items and maybe with Nature Spells.
Meaning Ydiane can be another character for the theme but we still need another one.

First of all
Sap Heart
Craftsman - Warrior (I would've keept her as a Craftsman alone but it's easier this way than add the class craftsman to all "Amber" cards that are only for warriors)
Elfine - Nature Guemelite
Spirit: 2 Attack: 6/7 Defense 3 Life 15
Can attache craftsman Items to any character.
When one of your items is discarded placed it in your deck instead of your discard pile. (This applies if an Character dies)
Turns 1, 3, 5 and 6: A Craftsman Item from your Hand is played after your other cards.

Elfin - Natur Guemelite.
Spirit: 1 Attack: 6/9 Defense 2 Life 14
Gain Chain if you play a Bow.
At the begin of the round each opposing character with a "" attached to him has +1 to damage taken.
"Yidiane" will deal an additional Attack that equals her printed Min Attack.
Even Turns: Attack +1 and Chain Spell.

Sap Heart
Craftsman - Warrior
Elfine - Nature Guemelite
Spirit: 2 Attack: 4/7 Defense 3 Life 14
Can attache craftsman Items to any character.
Your Elfine gain Chain when they play an Item and have +1 on damage dealt for each Craftsman Item attachet to them.
If a natur Spell is attachet to the opposing character it has has Spirit -2 and "Ember" deals a Magic Attack instead of physical Attacks.
Turns 2, 4 and higher: "Ember" deal an additional Attack that equals her printed min Attack plus her Spirit.

Ivory Bow (because it feels like it's only worth is to evolve Chestnut)
As this card activates and at the start of the Fight. Attack +2 until end of the game if a "Magic Poison is attached to the opposing Character. If not, Attack -2 until end of the Game and a Magic Poison is created and attached to him.

Some updates for Amber Weapons:
Amber Javelin
Activates after the fight. Permanent.
Choose an opposing character, he suffers 1 direct damage then this card becomes an Item others and attaches to him.
The holer (and his allies if unknon race or played by Ember) has +1 to damage points suffered.
Chain Dagger.

Amber Sword
Warrior - Craftsman
Attack +2 for each of your dead Sap Hearts as his card activates.
If played by "Ember" or "Gaya" an additional Attack +2 and Attack +2 until end of the game when one of your Characters dies.

Amber Spear
Warrior - Craftsman
Activates at the end of the fight. Permanent.
Attack +2.
Heals 3 Health points of this card is discarded.
If played by "Ember" Attack +1 until end of the Game and Duration: 3 Turns.

This version should basically work similar to the Zil Natur Gems but with Items. I think we somehow need new items for Ember. I don't know if the changes to the old items I suggested work that good but I'm certainly sure they should be playable for Craftsman because Gaya produces them.

New Item Idea:
Amber Shrapnel
Item others
Craftsman - Warrior
When Amber Shrapnel is discarded it deals 1 direct damage to the characterit was attached to and its allies.
Non-Craftsman: Permanent.
Craftsman: Duration: 3 Turns.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Sap Heart Character Gaya
Message Publié : 12 Août 2016, 22:45 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 16:55
Message(s) : 2324
Localisation : Argentina - Buenos Aires
and belong to Set Base, so they must not be changed.
But, I like the idea guemelite elfine use poison. Instead use "craftsman items", i think it's better idea developed the use of arrows... or became "amber items" in nature spells.

Use the word to change the world...

Clan Sombra Blanca

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 Sujet du message : Re: Sap Heart Character Gaya
Message Publié : 13 Août 2016, 00:56 

Inscription : 05 Avril 2013, 16:21
Message(s) : 42
I don't know if a card from Basic "musn't" be changed I mean not so long ago they changed just saying. But it's certainly true that the powerlevel mustn't be too high for such changes. Which is why the Bow could create one or another problem.
And sometimes they realize that one Guild dominates the Tournament in Basic and then they change them.

I agree the "Craftsman Items" don't feel that right. But still this threat is meant to patch Gaya who already is a Craftsman and changeing her "Stuff" again after it's just been changed feels wrong. So she definitely has to belong to the Elfin Guemelite play style.

So how about a Craftsman Item that attach to a character and then produce the Poison when the character don't wear a Magical Poison. Like a poison Dagger that keeps the poison from going away and maybe it can decrease the Spirit.

But I don't really know what you mean with "or became "amber items" in nature spells."

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 Sujet du message : Re: Sap Heart Character Gaya
Message Publié : 13 Août 2016, 17:38 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 16:55
Message(s) : 2324
Localisation : Argentina - Buenos Aires
Marvin_Surig a écrit :
I don't know if a card from Basic "musn't" be changed I mean not so long ago they changed Kaizan just saying.

When a Base character is changed, like Keyzan, they have an ability which don't affect the Lucyan's tournament. In his case, he need in his deck... but that card don't belong to set base.
Marvin_Surig a écrit :
But I don't really know what you mean with "or became "amber items" in nature spells."

I just was saying than all the "amber items" (like or ) have in their description something like "Nature guemelite: This card becomes a nature spells"

Use the word to change the world...

Clan Sombra Blanca

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 Sujet du message : Re: Sap Heart Character Gaya
Message Publié : 13 Août 2016, 19:56 
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Inscription : 19 Juillet 2013, 19:27
Message(s) : 2184
Localisation : Romania
ivangodoy a écrit :
Marvin_Surig a écrit :
I don't know if a card from Basic "musn't" be changed I mean not so long ago they changed Kaizan just saying.

When a Base character is changed, like Keyzan, they have an ability which don't affect the Lucyan's tournament. In his case, he need in his deck... but that card don't belong to set base.

In fact, we are changing the basic cards in order to bring them closer to the STD, thus reducing the gap between the newbies and old players... I know, It needs time, but step by step it will be done. And indeed, some basic cards do not have any impact on Lucyan, but some others do have :) Keizan does not need foliage blades in order to work... he can play any spell to reduce the damage suffered.

Guild Leader of the Zil Warriors

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 Sujet du message : Re: Sap Heart Character Gaya
Message Publié : 13 Août 2016, 23:33 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 21:44
Message(s) : 2233
Localisation : Peru
Some time ago Recliff said they planned to soon change the set base to be more friendly to new players, and we think that new decks will come, new everything, good things, but not that of changing a few letters, so no okay, better to do nothing :v

"El corazón roto es propio del hombre, la falla en su voluntad es donde nace la corrupción..."

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