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Message Publié : 12 Août 2016, 01:01 

Inscription : 05 Avril 2013, 16:21
Message(s) : 42
First of all this is an idea I think would be fun for the Stonelinkers adding something new and flavorful their guild and specially their Elementals:
, , n
The caste is called the Elemental Warriors
Just like the caste tamers this caste has a special ability which they all share (I'm going to write it down for each of the cards anyway):
The caste copies the guemelite types of your Elemental cards and are able to caste the spells of the type without restrictions. Meaning if you play two Elemental Warriors and Water Elemental they become Water guemelits.

Elementalwarrior Sarphy Lvl3
Guilde: Stone linkers
Race: Gem Guemelite
Class: Warrior
Caste: Elemental Warrior
Spirit: 2
Attack: 7/9
Defense: 3
Life: 15
At the start of the game you gain the Guemelite type of your Elementals and can play spells of that type without restrictions.
Gain Chain if you play a Jewel.
Round 1 and 3 to 5: For each of your Guemelite type a Stone-heart of that type is created and played.

Opalia Stone-heart Smith lvl3
Guilde: Stone linkers
Race: Gem Guemelite
Class: Warrior
Caste: Elemental Warrior
Spirit: 2
Attack: 7/8
Defense: 2
Life: 16
At the start of the game you gain the Guemelite type of your Elementals and can play spells of that type without restrictions.
If you play a Spell a Stone-heart of the spells element is created and played.
Round 2, 4, 5 and 7: Spirit +1 for each Fire and Air Stone-heart attached to your characters and Defense +1 for each Earth and Water Stone-heart attached to your characters.

The next Character is something special because she mixes the Elements.
Enamelie, Master of Elementals
Guilde: Stone linkers
Race: Gem Guemelite
Class: Warrior, Mage
Caste: Elemental Warrior
Spirit: 2
Attack: 7/8
Defense: 2
Life: 16
At the start of the game your Characters gain the Guemelite type of your Elementals and can play spells of that type without restrictions. Your Elementals gain the race Gem Guemelite.
Your Characters Gain Chain when they play a spell of their Guemelite type.
Odd turns: A from your Deck, your Hand or Discard pile is played after your cards.

And an Item that could be useful for such a caste:
Stone-heart Ore Lvl1 (Is needed for Opalia Stone-heart Smith)
Choose a Stone-heart in play. A copy of that Stone heart is created and played.
Elemenal: For each of your other living Characters a Stone-heart of your element type is created and attached to it. (This Stone-hearts aren't activated because they aren't played.)
Elementalwarrior: Attack +1 for each Stone-Heart.

Maybe we could also add a special effect for the caste on the cards:
(heals 2 more and you can choose an Elemental to heal by the same amount)
(Something like a permanent bonus for the Stone-Hearts Element or that you can reattache more than one stone-heart or the stone heart activates at the chosen Charakter)
(Maybe turn it in a Zone Spell and make it work only for the caste distributing the current damage among the opposing characters)

I think a good card which refers to that caste should also have a part that refers to an Elemental or should be a Warrior card that gains another effect for the caste.
The main Idea is that the caste fights alongside (mostly one Elemental) and adapt to the Type.
Of course they can be played without an Elemental or with two but in that case they play totaly different and some abilities are lost (unless we get a Gem Stone-Heart to which I oppose). But one can use them as plain Gem Guemelite Warriors. Still no real advantage.
In the case two Elementals and one Elementalwarrior. As long as it's not Enamelie, Master of Elementals you have two characters who can't play the spells of the others (the Elements) but the Elementalwarrior would be stronger because the two examples create twice that much Stonehearts. I still think two Elemental Warriors and one Elemental would become the regular way to play it.
The Special case Enamelie, Master of Elementals can be fun mixing elementals together or to play some really crazy Element Mix like:
Master Larzaen (water/earth) + her + Fire Elemental
Gaining Master Larzaen as Fire earth water Guemelite with two other Fire Guemelites which all are able to caste Fire Spells without restrictions. But I also fear that this can screw up the Stone linkers guilde altough the choice of characters are limited on Enamelie a Elemental and another character.

Pleas tell me what you think in general of this Idea regarding Elementalwarriors as a caste with that special feature. And if you like that cards. I also appreciate suggestions for other Elemental warriors or what should be changed on the three I thought of to make them more fitting for the game.

have fun ;)

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Message Publié : 12 Août 2016, 22:59 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 16:55
Message(s) : 2324
Localisation : Argentina - Buenos Aires
the Elemental don't need a new caste; the three are colosus... Also.. I'm sorry, but plays easily spells without restriccion and create Stone-heart is very powerful. Maybe i'm wrong, but i think this will break the game.

Use the word to change the world...

Clan Sombra Blanca

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Message Publié : 13 Août 2016, 00:44 

Inscription : 05 Avril 2013, 16:21
Message(s) : 42
Just that there isn't a misunderstanding. The four elemental should not gain a caste. The new caste should be connected to them similar to a deck using 1 Golem and 2 Craftsman.
Every time a card I thought of mentioned "Elemental:" or something similar it was in the same way the mention choose one elemental.

And yes playing a Stone heart with each spell would be to powerful. But the main Idea should be clear that they always use the same Guemelite type as the Elemental.

Just that there isn't another missunderstanding:
The only spells those Characters can play without restrictions are the Spells of the Guemelite Type that the Element has and Spell of Gem.
So a Deck containing 1 Elementalwarrior, Water Elemental and Fire Elemental would only be able to use Spell from the Types Gem, Water and Fire. And the only Character that could use all three of them would be the Elemental Warrior.
A deck using 2 Elementalwarrior and Fire Elemental would be a Deck that can play all Fire Spells and has two Characters that can play all Gem Spells.
So it's similar to using two Catalyna and one Fire Elemental which wouldn't be Game breaking.

I agree with the part of creating a Stoneheart on every spell but the other parts seem to be misunderstandings.

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Message Publié : 15 Août 2016, 10:38 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 16:56
Message(s) : 750
Il ove the idea that now you have a whole team that can play speells withouth restrictions.
Because with just the elements it was not worth bothering picking any other Speels from different guilds.
I think it would also be interesting to see elements have a +1 on speell effekts of theyr element ability.

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Message Publié : 16 Août 2016, 01:12 

Inscription : 05 Avril 2013, 16:21
Message(s) : 42
GilgameshXII a écrit :
I think it would also be interesting to see elements have a +1 on speell effekts of theyr element ability.

Would be a nice replacement ability for one of the characters "Your elemental warriors and colosos have +1 on spell effekts" because generating Stone-hearts with each spell is to powerfull.

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Message Publié : 16 Août 2016, 10:38 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 16:56
Message(s) : 750
yeah, with every spel lwould be too much.
Maybe play one after all your cards are played?
I think thats as far as you could go, and even then you would hit critical mass with earthbinders pretty soon.

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