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 Sujet du message : Pirate Craftsman update Idea
Message Publié : 26 Septembre 2016, 17:47 

Inscription : 05 Avril 2013, 16:21
Message(s) : 42
Just some thoughts about some old Pirate Craftsman. I think the characters Sushi and Balastar works well in the direction food and potions. Would be a nice Standard Theme for Pirate Craftsman. It could be a nice way to return port, Balastars Serums cards, Hot and Boiling Noodles, Pocket spy and the Fugu to gain some more Guild less craftman items into Standard which can be used as support for own characters and as hindrance for the opposing Characters.

Attack +1 against Mages.
Your Characters gain Chain when they play food or a potion.
The boni and mali of food played by Suschi is doubled
Round 1, 3 and 4: A Successful Fugu and a Spoiled Fugu from you Deck or Discard pile are played after the other cards. Choose one of the two cards, the other is placed in your deck.

Your craftsman have defense +1. The opposing Characters have +1 on damage taken.
At the start of the fight, you may choose a Craftsmen Item in play, it is placed in your hand.
Turns 1, 3 and 4: Attack +1 and Defense +1. You gain Chain.

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