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Message Publié : 07 Juillet 2016, 16:38 

Inscription : 14 Juillet 2014, 18:53
Message(s) : 78
Shulong and Centurion are the one that get the biggest advantage here, and also other ignore and defensive deck.

So this is the best version i could think.
An one-time use full ignore legendary card.

Loses 3 health. If opposing character is :
Mage : Spirit +X and next opposing spell is discarded
Warrior : Defense +X and next opposing action or item discarded
Marauder : Attack +X and opposing character attack reset to printed score
Priest : Heals X and next opposing Theurgy is removed and played without restriction
Other classes : -X damage suffered and all other character suffers 1 to 5 direct damage
X equals 5 minus each classes opposing character have.
Chain. This card removed from the game at the end of the fight.

To make it more fun, actually i can put this to the description, but the card description become to much full.
Defender: Gains 3 health at the end of the fight
Attacker: Loses 3 health at the end of the fight

And as you said, this will be pricey card.

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 08 Juillet 2016, 15:29 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 16:56
Message(s) : 750
Seems way to broken.
Whe nyo uimagine that the legion was the strongest deck because they had a card that could simply do atk +2, ignore the next card "chain", that one is pretty strong.
I would drop chain to make it a bit more balanced.
The stat bonus with 5-1 for every class seems quite nice.
That itself would be an interestign card idea.

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 08 Juillet 2016, 18:58 

Inscription : 14 Juillet 2014, 18:53
Message(s) : 78
Well, i think you're right.
Chain attribute are way too strong if the legion deck use it.
And no comment on loses 3 health point if played then.
So, i think, this the final version. Version 3.3


and here if you can't read the image

Loses 3 health point. If opposing character is :
Mage : Spirit +X and next opposing spell is discarded.
Warrior : Defense +X and next opposing action or item discarded.
Marauder : Attack +X and opposing character attack reset to printed score.
Priest : Heals X and next opposing Theurgy is removed and played without restriction.
Other classes : -X damage suffered and all other character suffers 1 to 5 direct damage.
Where X equals 5 minus each classes opposing character have.
This card removed from the game at the end of the fight.

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 08 Juillet 2016, 19:42 
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Inscription : 06 Juillet 2013, 03:38
Message(s) : 348
there are plenty of other ways to add chain to the card.... big means n stuff... how about adding "this card cannot be played in chain and no card can be played afterwards"

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 09 Juillet 2016, 02:26 

Inscription : 14 Juillet 2014, 18:53
Message(s) : 78
I can put an AoE attribute to do that , but this card is way too weak for that and doesnt really do AoE.

And this card doesn't really that strong for legendary (unless for runic deck), if we compare to that green ball or that clock thing.

But here it is, Judgement alternative version

Loses 3 health point. If opposing character is :
Mage : Spirit +X and next opposing spells is discarded.
Warrior : Defense +X and next opposing action and item discarded.
Marauder : Attack +X and opposing character cannot change their attack characteristic
Priest : Heals X and next opposing Theurgy is removed and played without restriction.
Other classes : -X damage suffered and one card attach to each character is discarded.
All other character suffers 1 to 5 direct damage.
Where X equals 5 minus each classes opposing character have.
This card removed from the game at the end of the fight.

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 09 Juillet 2016, 08:59 
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Inscription : 03 Janvier 2015, 19:47
Message(s) : 165
Localisation : Berlin
the AoE part does not really make sense here

As Calandra already pointed out, wording like "This card cannot be chain and chained into. If Judgment would be put into play be an effect or ability, ignore its effect and remove it from the game." would be more fitting


Looking for a new Pauper Eredan (Copper/Copper&Silver) and/or Titan deck (50 cards singleton) playgroup! If you are interested just PM me. ^^

Suche nach einer neuen Pauper Eredan (Kupfer/Kupfer&Silber) und/oder Titan deck (50 Karten je eine Kopie) Spielgruppe! Wer Interesse hat, schreibt mir einfach eine PM. ^^

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 09 Juillet 2016, 10:47 

Inscription : 14 Juillet 2014, 18:53
Message(s) : 78
Well, this is hard now...
But again, here it is.

Cannot be chained by the effect of card nor ability. If opposing character is :
Mage : Spirit +X and next opposing spell is discarded.
Warrior : Defense +X and next opposing action or item discarded.
Marauder : Attack +X and opposing character attack reset to printed score.
Priest : Heals X and next opposing Theurgy is removed and played without restriction.
Other classes : -X damage suffered and all other character suffers 1 to 5 direct damage.
Where X equals 5 minus each classes opposing character have.
Loses 3 health point. This card removed from the game at the end of the fight.

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 12 Juillet 2016, 13:29 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 16:56
Message(s) : 750
That would seem like a balanced pretty strong card. It has its strengths but is not op.
And yeah...nothing can compare to the last barrier....that thing is plain op.....

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 12 Juillet 2016, 18:40 

Inscription : 14 Juillet 2014, 18:53
Message(s) : 78
Yeah, Stone-heart, Snow tornado, and Last barrier can change the whole thing in game. Play it in right time, and you win.

 Hors-ligne Profil  
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