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 Sujet du message : Some new and UNIQUE cards ideas
Message Publié : 28 Octobre 2015, 18:45 
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Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 01:08
Message(s) : 474
Hope you guys like these ideas, and and please feel free to let me know what you think of them. I can get a little overzelous with my ideas sometimes, and I'll admit some of these may be a lil OP, but I think I worked them out to be pretty fair.

P.S. I had pics for them but the files are too large... Oh and most of these are unaffiliated cards, just in case I forget to add that.

Deity's Support -Nomads-Runics
Class: Priest- Warrior
Lasts 2 turns.
Each of your characters gains 2-4 health.
Nomads: Each of your characters gains +2 Defense
Runics: Each of your characters gains 1 Cor and Nox rune.
Afterwards this card is removed from the game.

Tantad Stadium-unaffiliated
Lasts 3 turns. One copy per character.
Both characters in battle gain Attack +2.
If your character is the:
Attacker: 2 opposing cards are discarded.
Defender: Defense and Spirit +2.
Runic: Draw an extra card next turn.
Chain: Item or Action
Flavor: "Birthplace of the Eredanian Games"

Gladiators Chariot-Unaffiliated
Class: Craftsman-Warrior
Item other
Lasts 3 Fights. Defense +2.
At the end of each turn the character this is attached to becomes untapped if he was tapped.
Sacrifice 2: You gain your turn bonus.
Flavor: "Aww yeah! Check out my sweet new ride!"

Tantad's Labyrinth-Unaffiliated
Race: War Guemelite-Human
Class: Warrior
War Guemelite: You get Attack +2 while your opponent gets Defenses -2, or -4 if he is not a guemelite.
Human: You get Defense +2 while your opponent gets Attack -2, or-4 if he is not a Human.
Runic: Spirit +1, and +1 for each different rune attached.

Vo Rune-Unaffiliated
Item other-Unique
Permanent. This card becomes the same guild as the character that plays it.
This character has -2 to all characteristics until the end of the game, suffers 2 direct damage, and is able to play any card from his guild.
Flavor: "Known as the Mimic Rune, it is extremely powerful, but can be used by anyone."

Bladegrave of the Honored-Unaffiliated
Action Quest-Unique
You may choose a weapon from your Discard, it is played. If there is not one there, a weapon from your deck is played after your cards.
The weapon selected by this card cannot be discarded. This card is then removed from the game.
Avalonian: At the end of the fight, this card will attach to your character with the highest level. If he has gained 4 levels during the game, his allies gain the attack bonus of the weapon attached to him. This card is then removed from the game.
Chain Item.
Flavor: "Here lie the weapons of the fallen, grieving their old masters...and awaiting new ones."

Runic Legion GL

Protecting the world from devastation
Uniting all people within our nation

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