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 Sujet du message : Imperial Judge Zgred
Message Publié : 04 Septembre 2017, 17:46 

Inscription : 10 Novembre 2013, 22:48
Message(s) : 83
Name: Imperial Judge Zgred

Character design: Zgred (in Polish language) - geezer, old fossil, annoying old man, also similar name to Judge Dredd.

Guild: Kotoba
Race: Human
Class: Warrior
Sex: Male

Spirit: 2
Attack: 7/9
Defence: 3
Life: 14

Chain One Handed Sword or Spear.
Each Character can activate up to two cards per turn, next are ignored.
Only Turn 1: Remove each card attached to characters without resolving their effects.
Others Turns: -1 Magic and Direct damage suffered per opposing character that could have Order Bonus this turn. *
He is living in another era.

* Hidden effect, Imperial Judge Zgred does not receive the Order Bonus if no opponent could have it.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Imperial Judge Zgred
Message Publié : 05 Septembre 2017, 05:15 
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Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 01:08
Message(s) : 474
Khirr a écrit :
Name: Imperial Judge Zgred

Character design: Zgred (in Polish language) - geezer, old fossil, annoying old man, also similar name to Judge Dredd.

Guild: Kotoba
Race: Human
Class: Warrior
Sex: Male

Spirit: 2
Attack: 7/9
Defence: 3
Life: 14

Chain One Handed Sword or Spear.
Each Character can activate up to two cards per turn, next are ignored.
Only Turn 1: Remove each card attached to characters without resolving their effects.
Others Turns: -1 Magic and Direct damage suffered per opposing character that could have Order Bonus this turn. *
He is living in another era.

* Hidden effect, Imperial Judge Zgred does not receive the Order Bonus if no opponent could have it.

Now this, is interesting :)

Runic Legion GL

Protecting the world from devastation
Uniting all people within our nation

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 Sujet du message : Re: Imperial Judge Zgred
Message Publié : 05 Septembre 2017, 05:23 

Inscription : 13 Février 2013, 15:09
Message(s) : 94
xydraga a écrit :
Khirr a écrit :
Name: Imperial Judge Zgred

Character design: Zgred (in Polish language) - geezer, old fossil, annoying old man, also similar name to Judge Dredd.

Guild: Kotoba
Race: Human
Class: Warrior
Sex: Male

Spirit: 2
Attack: 7/9
Defence: 3
Life: 14

Chain One Handed Sword or Spear.
Each Character can activate up to two cards per turn, next are ignored.
Only Turn 1: Remove each card attached to characters without resolving their effects.
Others Turns: -1 Magic and Direct damage suffered per opposing character that could have Order Bonus this turn. *
He is living in another era.

* Hidden effect, Imperial Judge Zgred does not receive the Order Bonus if no opponent could have it.

Now this, is interesting :)

Indeed, countering "at the start of game, attaches" :)

Zoot bloom zoot tzziit.

Lightning cause of rods.

Hail, Admiral Killcrew! Reign forever, Pirates!

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 Sujet du message : Re: Imperial Judge Zgred
Message Publié : 05 Septembre 2017, 15:27 

Inscription : 25 Juillet 2014, 11:37
Message(s) : 200
i dont like the chain spear... cause gae bolga...

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 Sujet du message : Re: Imperial Judge Zgred
Message Publié : 05 Septembre 2017, 20:40 

Inscription : 10 Novembre 2013, 22:48
Message(s) : 83
Mister Loyal a écrit :
i dont like the chain spear... cause gae bolga...

I put chain spear cause last Kotoba non-Caste Warriors patch was spear oriented.
And Gae Bolga is problem herself.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Imperial Judge Zgred
Message Publié : 06 Septembre 2017, 13:24 

Inscription : 25 Juillet 2014, 11:37
Message(s) : 200
how about changing it to chain kotoba spears... problem solved

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 Sujet du message : Re: Imperial Judge Zgred
Message Publié : 07 Septembre 2017, 12:58 

Inscription : 10 Novembre 2013, 22:48
Message(s) : 83
lvl 2 isn't Kotoba, but is Kotoba desing and has combo with Zgred order bonus and there is only 2 Kotoba spears where one is not designed for non Caste.

And if is so problem -> nerf it not other cards, for exemple restrict +2 dmg suffered bonus to Mercs/Champs, or only other cards, or to +1 and other +1 to Mercs/Champs.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Imperial Judge Zgred
Message Publié : 07 Septembre 2017, 13:36 

Inscription : 25 Juillet 2014, 11:37
Message(s) : 200
well i would agree but looking at reality it seems that feerik is rather likely to adopt your idea over changing a seriously broken card... the issue with gae bolga is known to the staff for quite some time now and still nothing has happened... same with damned/sacred... the unwillingness to move has festered and thus i would rather toss a new char at them which adopts to the broken system without further enhancing it... thus i strongly would say change the card (whichs idea i really like btw) so that it wont be spoiled with another shit card (gae bolga) that already exists in the game

i know that when u create something there is a strong urge to make it feel perfectly equipped for every situation but i wonder... does that always have to be the case? i mean.. whats so wrong about judge zgred not being able to chain on "every" spear?

the idea of balance is to allow a weakness which can be exploited...

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