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 Sujet du message : Re: Guild Leader
Message Publié : 28 Février 2016, 00:55 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 21:21
Message(s) : 4209
Awesome! *Dreico in this time:*

It was great participate too XD

Ignis aurum probat, miseria fortes viros.

Guild Leader Stone Linker.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Guild Leader
Message Publié : 28 Juin 2016, 17:16 
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Inscription : 01 Février 2013, 19:04
Message(s) : 1440

Suite à l'absence de Sangetsu17 que l'on salue au passage, le poste de Guild Leader (GL) Cœur de Sève est actuellement libre.

Un appel à candidatures est donc lancé pour le poste de GL Cœur de Sève.

Pour davantage de détail sur la façon de poster sa candidature, suivez les instructions du premier post : ici

Mercenaire depuis les débuts de la bêta.
Même pas mal. ^^
GT Niveau 65. Gouverneur.
Itcg Niveau 54 La Princesse des Mercenaires
Championne du Consortium 2013
Merci à Cian pour mon nouvel avatar ^^

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 Sujet du message : Re: Guild Leader
Message Publié : 29 Juin 2016, 12:59 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 19:14
Message(s) : 251
Contrairement à mon message précédent, je fais ici et maintenant acte de candidature, pour le poste de GL Cœur de Sève car je pense être capable de porter cette guilde, avec ses valeurs.

I - La Guilde

A) Coeur de Sève

Pour moi, cette guilde est actuellement beaucoup trop forte et peu exploitée (j'ai néanmoins très apprécié le dernier , pensé par les gl). Je compte pousser le vice plus loin et créer de nouveaux gameplay, sans pour autant m'éparpiller partout mais surtout m'adapter aux personnages proposés avant tout.

Comme dit quelques lignes plus haut, je trouve la guilde trop forte à l'heure actuelle. Je pourrai faire une liste non exhaustive des gameplay les plus cheatés :
- Kabra Khan T2 (ou l'art d'incliner une LU entière à -10 en 2 tours)
- Ourénos
- etc.
Selon moi, il est nécessaire de faire quelque chose en cherchant le plus possible le bon dosage, que ce soit par de nouveaux gameplay, ou des occasions de patchs tout en restant le plus juste possible.

B) Mes Raisons

Je pourrais aussi parler de mes principaux decks, à savoir HC Ourénos et Kabra Khan bourgeons sauvages que j'utilisent (quand les bans le permettent) le plus, que ce soit dans les tournois ou pour m'amuser. Je sais donc de quoi je parle, et où j'ambitionne d'aller.
Aussi mon intention de faire avancer le jeu sur de meilleures sentiers, moins rocailleux. J'utiliserai à bon escient et au mieux la partie réservée aux staff et aux gl, afin de proposer des idées aux gl et au staff.
De même, l'expérience de plusieurs années derrière moi, des déceptions, des réjouissances, des espoirs encore brûlants, me déterminent à être GL de la guilde Cœur de Sève.
Pour finir sur les raisons de ma candidature, mon temps libre, très libre (car je vais entrer en université) et l'intérêt que je porte à votre jeu depuis le début à travers des coups de gueules, des réjouissements et des suggestions.

II - Proposition de cartes

Je parle de nouveaux gameplays, mais ça peut vous faire peur : "il va faire n'importe quoi, arrêtons-le" etc, etc. Eh bien, pour me prouver à moi-même et à vous que je ne raconte pas trop de bêtises, j'ai décidé de créer 3 cartes en rapport l'une de l'autres.

A) Création de carte : Hestria


L'idée n'est pas d'être la bête remplaçante de , mais de mettre en doute toute la ligne, que ce soit , , et même !
L'idée de l'attaque max. me plaisait et ça ne s'était jamais vu, alors pourquoi pas.
Surtout que je la voulait ultra-agressive, au moins autant que , car dans l'absolu c'est ça les Elfines : puissantes, rapides, peu résistantes et quitte ou double; au fond toutes ces valeurs sont aussi représentées par Hestria.
Enfin, je voulais ne pas trop prendre de risque, je reste sobre, tout en explorant de nouvelles petites mécaniques afin de ne pas dénaturer l'essence de ces chères Elfines.

B) Modification de carte : Flèches empoisonnées




(je ne trouvais pas comment la mettre "Objet Flèche)

L'objet joué par Hestria. Je voulais donner un double sens au personnage non pas par le personnage lui-même (elfine / bête par exemple), mais par une carte tiers qui pourrait très bien être jouée par d'autres personnages : les multi-races par exemple !
On a toujours l'effet des +2 aux dégâts subis par l'adversaire, mais on ajoute une dimension en la rendant viable pour un gameplay que je développe ici : le " multi-race" (vous allez voir pourquoi avec la prochaine modification).
Si vous êtes vraiment attentif, vous pouvez voir que l'effet "Attaque -2" a été enlevé. Pour moi, les Elfines doivent être agressives, pas plus ni moins. Si on leur donne trop de contrôle (, , déjà), c'est tout simplement trop fort. Surtout qu'avec un tel personnage, ça risque d'être ENCORE plus fort. Alors il me semblait important d'enlevé cet effet, mais de le remplacer pour ne pas lui faire perdre sa valeur initiale.

C) Modification de carte : Baligu'Diga



Je vous jure, c'est une modification de carte déjà existante ! Oui, l'effet du disque qui se crée si on a déjà joué un disque était déjà existant. Un passif très intéressant (et potentiellement dévastateur, alors gaffe au feu) sur un personnage médiocre sur le plan défensif, et qui n'offre pas bien plus de chose que cela.
Je voulais le laisser assez faible en Attaque et en Défense, car j'ai vraiment boosté l'effet DD et Dévastateur.
L'effet "Sacrifice 1 et Attaque -5" peut paraître radical, mais je pense que le fait de pouvoir défausser entre en petit combo avec Hestria qui ramène une de la défausse par exemple. Puis un double est très fort, alors je voulais "m'assurer" que le personnage ne pourrait pas bien faire mal en dégâts physiques, surtout que Hestria donne +1 aux dégâts physiques, alors mollo.

English translation

Contrary to my previous message, I do now my candidature for the post of GL of Sap Heart because I think I am capable of carrying this guild, with its values.
I-The Guild

I-The Guild

A) Sap Heart

For me, this guild is at present far too strong and little exploited (I nevertheless very appreciated the last one Sanrokl, thought by the gl). I plan to push the vice farther by creating new gameplays without being scattered everywhere, but especially adapt myself to the characters offered first.

As mentioned a few lines above, I find the guild too strong at present. I can do a partial list of the most cheated gameplays:
- Kabra Khan turn 2
- Ourénos
- etc.
In my view, it is necessary to do something by seeking as much as possible the right position, either by new gameplay, or patches opportunities while remaining as fair as possible.

B) My reasons

I can also talk about my main decks (Ourénos, Kabra Khan fate zone) which I use the most whether it’s in tournaments or just for fun. I thus know what I am speaking about, and where I aspire to go.

Also, my intention to push de game in better trails, less rocky. I shall use advisedly and as best as possible, the part reserved at the staff and gl to propose ideas to gl and staff.

Similarly, the experience of many years behind me, disappointments, celebrations, even burning hopes, determine me to be GL of the Sap Heart guild.

To finish on the reasons of my application, my spare time (because I am going to enter university) and the interest which I carry in your game since the beginning through fit of bad temper, celebrations and suggestions.

II – Proposition of 3 cards

I speak of new gameplay, but it can scare you, "he'll do anything, stop it" etc, etc. Well, to prove to myself and to you that I do not tell too much nonsense, I decided to create 3 cards in relation to each other.

A) Creation of card : Hestria


The idea is not to be the successor of Chataigne, but to question the entire line, whether Chataigne, Mélissandre and even Belladonne !
The idea of the attack max. : I liked it and had never seen, so why not.
Especially, I wanted her ultra-aggressive, at least as much as Belladone, because theoretically that's it Elfines: powerful, fast, little resistant and double or quits; in fact all these values are also represented by Hestria.
Finally, I did not want to take too much risks, I wanted to be simple, While exploring new small mechanics in a way of not to distort the nature of these.

B) Modification of card : Poisoned arrows




(I could not find how to put the "Object Arrow”)

The object played by Hestria. I wanted to give a double interest to the character not by the very character (Elfine / beast for example), but by a third card which could be played by other characters: the multi-races example!
We have still the effect + 2 damage to the opponent, but we add a plan making it viable for a gameplay that I develop here: the "multi-race amber disc" (you'll see why with the next modification).
If you are really attentive, you can see that the effect of "Attack -2" was removed. For me, Elfines are aggressive, not more nor less. If given too much control (Tenir en joue, Moment opportun), it's just too hard. Especially with such a character, it may be even harder. So it seemed important to me off this, but to replace it not to make it loses its original value.

C) Modification of card : Baligu'Diga




I swear, it's an existing card change! Yes, the effect of the disk that is created if one has already played a disk already existed. A very interesting passive (and potentially devastating, so had be careful) on a mediocre character in the defensive plan, and does not offer much more thing than that.
I wanted to leave him rather low in Attack and Defense, because I really boosted the effect of direct damages.
The effect "Sacrifice 1 and -5 Attack" may sounds radical, but I think the fact of the possibility of discard cards is a well combo with the poisoned arrows because Hestria bring them back from the discard pile. Then a double amber disc is very strong, so I wanted to make sure that the character could not hurt in physical damage, especially Hestria that gives +1 physical damage for all, so take it easy.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Guild Leader
Message Publié : 02 Juillet 2016, 19:15 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 21:21
Message(s) : 4209
Hello! I want to post my registration but this weekend I'm working, so, when the registration finishes? O.o

Ignis aurum probat, miseria fortes viros.

Guild Leader Stone Linker.

Moderador foro español/Spanish Forum Moderator.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Guild Leader
Message Publié : 03 Juillet 2016, 20:26 
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Inscription : 19 Juillet 2013, 19:27
Message(s) : 2184
Localisation : Romania
Dreico a écrit :
Hello! I want to post my registration but this weekend I'm working, so, when the registration finishes? O.o

You have plenty of time :D

Guild Leader of the Zil Warriors

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 Sujet du message : Re: Guild Leader
Message Publié : 04 Juillet 2016, 06:01 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 16:55
Message(s) : 2324
Localisation : Argentina - Buenos Aires
Hi. I present my candidature to GL. I know english and spanish, and sooner i will be in my holidays. I'm very active in the community and I play this game for many years, and I think i'm able to suggest and test ideas for the Sap Heart.
In general, the SH are one of the strongest guild with solid decks like elfine and hom'chai, but they forget some others strategies, like Kuar and beast (I glad than the other GL revived multi-race's deck).
I think than the GL must get closer more to wishes from the other players (as some have been doing), so I will try hear what they want to for the guild.
I don't like some powerfull card (like*cof*Kabra Kan*cof*), but I don't support the nerf to much... I think there is alternative ways to 'fix' them (if we will change something from one card, we must give it some compensation... maybe his weapon can not play zonals, but now it affect earth spells).

I just want help you with the game. Bye c:

Edit: Sorry be late, i was in exams; but i finished yesterday
There is two sap strategies than i think must to be update:Beast and Kuar
First one. The beast are a complement for others decks without his own strategy. But, there is an strategy in Sap, who have not owner: zonal physical damage. Already exist cards like and ; and I think than it's could be focused in beast.
The second one, Kuars. They look like have a direct damage strategy... so.. i think we must focus on that.

It's very difficult develop this ideas in just 3 card, but I tried do it. Excuse me if I abuse of changes in one card; but if the changes are implemented, they should be more soft.

The first one i change is , it never active. Now this is equip in a random enemy, so there is not op, and still have his +2 en physics and magic damage. But I try to add to it a kuar-beast's strategy. The card increase the DD, and the most important, divided a little bit the physic damage.
The second card is . That card already was relaunched, but it still is useless. I change it to be a kuar and beast's card, with a new concept. I hope it doesn't be op.
The last one it's . Already exist an beast-hom'chai idea, with card like and . I try developed a little bit more.

I would like to change others cards, like to have more sinergy with beast. Also, some cards with direct damage.
Other strategy i'd like developed is Mage-Hom'chai. They look like have sinergy with earth spells and objects... but i saw they need change so many cards to be usefull.

Use the word to change the world...

Clan Sombra Blanca

Dernière édition par ivangodoy le 14 Juillet 2016, 17:29, édité 1 fois.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Guild Leader
Message Publié : 05 Juillet 2016, 02:21 
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Inscription : 01 Mai 2014, 05:17
Message(s) : 1356
Hello, I present my candidature to GL heart of sap.

I am very active in game, I spend at least 2 hours a day playing Eredan; I am a player pretty analytical when seeking and test the cards, I take my time to build a deck, because I like all cards in the work together, do their best not to add legendary when it is not a deck for tournaments and is the only strategy that makes shine the deck and this guild that usually happens with many players; want this to continue happening with this guild.

I like the guild Heart of sap, as a family of races that live among them to give their best, also happens when you create a deck with them, you can do many combinations that are very funny; also it happens with the main races hom'chaï, dais and elfins that have much consistency in some tournaments.

This guild has evolved without losing part of its essence, that which characterizes it as the heart of sap, then I would like to provide the best balanced ideas, contributing with creativity, listening to opinions of players and analyzing strategies that were left behind without seeing the light.

Finally, I would not like nerf anything just fix if is necessary, but currently there are no cards in this guild that look as unbalanced for me.

- Proposition of 3 cards


Dikal idea is that you can run a fairly resistant deck with any sap heart characters, can make combinations with beasts or dais fighters will be more effective.


The Quraz strategy is to give more force to multiraza with a single character, because if dies one of 3 characters they lose strength, with this character will still remain resilient and strong.

The Gaya strategy is to give much power to the elfines in the early rounds of play, to be faster, this great bonus damage is compensated because she does not chain card.

Each character gave races, castes and effects considering a balance according to its allies heart of sap, and make a consistent play in tournaments and have more fun.

I will be very grateful to give my best contribution to the Sap Heart guild.

Have a good game, friends.

Even a well-lit place can hide salvation, a map to a one-man maze that never sees the sun.
Where the lost are the heroes and the thieves are left to drown, but everyone knows by now fairy tales are not found they're written in the walls

Dernière édition par John_Sebastian1748 le 21 Juillet 2016, 02:28, édité 2 fois.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Guild Leader
Message Publié : 05 Juillet 2016, 09:15 
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Inscription : 19 Juillet 2013, 19:27
Message(s) : 2184
Localisation : Romania
Ilfana a écrit :
Il vous est également demandé de faire 3 propositions de cartes : personnages ou modifications de cartes existantes.

We are curious what you are capable of :D Please read the instructions carefully and post your application according to it :)

Guild Leader of the Zil Warriors

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 Sujet du message : Re: Guild Leader
Message Publié : 05 Juillet 2016, 11:06 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 16:55
Message(s) : 2324
Localisation : Argentina - Buenos Aires
Oh, I forget do that. I will change my first post, including my suggest.

Use the word to change the world...

Clan Sombra Blanca

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 Sujet du message : Re: Guild Leader
Message Publié : 06 Juillet 2016, 02:39 
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Inscription : 01 Mai 2014, 05:17
Message(s) : 1356
Sorry for that, I already edit the post. I wait you like it ;)

Edited: Excuse me I forgot add the effect of Gaya that deals an additional attack equal to her printed attack, now is more playable.

Even a well-lit place can hide salvation, a map to a one-man maze that never sees the sun.
Where the lost are the heroes and the thieves are left to drown, but everyone knows by now fairy tales are not found they're written in the walls

Dernière édition par John_Sebastian1748 le 21 Juillet 2016, 02:33, édité 1 fois.

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