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Message Publié : 09 Décembre 2014, 21:20 

Inscription : 02 Juin 2013, 11:25
Message(s) : 100
on continue avec les combattant !
Pour les stats, j'ai remarqué que chez les combattants on tournait autour des 24-29 points (en cumulant tout), donc je me suis basée sur cette estimation.

Esprit : 1
Attaque : 6/8
Défense : 5
Pv : 13
Passif : vos combattant kotoba gagne enchainement armure
Vos autres personnages ont défense +1
Tour 1, 3 et 5 : defense +1

explication : il manque d'attaque et le nouveau passif permet de fluidifier certain deck et permet des combot avec ou

Esprit : 1
Attaque : 7/9
Defense : 3
Pv : 14

Gagne enchainement si vous jouez une épée à une main.
Défense et esprit +1 si Seigneur impérial Gakyusha fait partie de vos personnages et est en vie
Vous avez Attaque +1 par épée kotoba que vous portez.
Tour 1, 3 et 5 : attaque et défense +1

explication : le changement si on le joue avec son père le rend plus résistant alors que le nouveau permet de bien coller avec son histoire et illustration ^^

Esprit : 1
Attaque : 6/9
Défense : 4
Pv : 14

explication : bon personnage pour contrer les mage, mais il n'étais pas assez résistant et se faisait souvent OS.

Passif : les personnages adverses on def -1 ou -2 s’ils sont noz

explication : un certain perso à un passif assez semblable, mais qui permet de baisser de 3 la def de toute une lu...... (vous voyez de qui je parle... non ?)

Gagne enchainement si vous jouez une dague
Si Jian Qiao fait partie de vos personnages et est en vie, les dagues jouez par vos personnages s’activent immédiatement.

explication : le jeu combattant dague ne se voit jamais, là le passif permet d'accélérer le jeu.

Passif : si joue parole de l’empereur, cette dernière s’active immédiatement.
Vos kotoba ont attaque +1

explication : j'ai essayé de pas trop abusé (vu qu'il appartient au set de base), mais çà peut le rendre plus résistant et fort rapidement.

Attaque et défense +2 jusqu’à la fin du combat, puis attaque +1 à attaque +2 et défense +0 à défense +2

explication : elle étais bonne lors de l'activation, mais trop faible après, là ça compense un peu sans être cheat.

En début de chaque tour, Vos personnages ont attaque +1 s’ils portent une arme kotoba active.
(bonus non cumulable, mais je veut juste que le bonus s'applique si un perso à joué une arme après)

explication : essayé de lui redonner de l’intérêt

Attaque +2 et esprit +1

explication : idem que pour

Permanent. Ambidextrie. combattant ou inconnue
Attaque et défense +1
Si vous infligez des dégâts physiques ou directs, une carte adverse étant attaché à votre adversaire est défaussé.
Courtisan : Attaque et défense +1 supplémentaire

explication : là elle sert à quelque chose ^^

Attaque +3
Si votre personnage à moins de 8 point de vie, les bonus de défense en cours sur le personnage adverse sont annulés.
Tsoutai : si vous avez moins de 8 point de vie, votre adversaire à défense = 0

explcation : dans un deck Shi fu Mi, sa pourrait être cool

Combattant : défense +2
Le personnage adverse subit X dégâts directs où X est égal à la défense de votre personnage divisée par 2 (arrondi à l’inférieur)

explication : avoir une carte morte contre certains deck est assez pénible...

Attaque +1/+4 et défense +1
Si après l’activation de cette carte, le personnage adverse n’obtient pas de bonus d’attaque ou de défense, alors cette carte devient Permanente.
Enchainement objet Kotoba

explication : sinon, c'étais assez dur de la rendre permanente.

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 10 Décembre 2014, 20:18 

Inscription : 02 Juin 2013, 11:25
Message(s) : 100
d'abord, corrigeons un petit oublie :

votre adversaire à attaque -1 et esprit-1.
Attaque +x où X est égal à votre esprit. En fin de combat cette carte a une chance sur deux d'être placé dans votre deck.

explication : sérieusement qui à part les traqueur utilise cette carte ? et ainsi elle combote avec point vital.

ensuite, allons voir les Tsoutaï :

Esprit : 2
Attaque : 6/10
Défense : 2
PV : 14
Attaque +1 contre les prêtres.
Passif : attaque +2 si porte un objet traqueur ou un familier
Tours 1,2 et 4 : attaque +2

Attaque +2 et défense+1 tant que cette carte est en jeu.
Enchainement fu ou mi
S’attache au personnage adverse. Durée : 2 combats

Le personnage adverse a esprit -2, attaque -2 et défense -1 tant que cette carte est en jeu
Enchainement Mi ou Shi
S’attache au personnage adverse, durée : 2 combats

Attaque +2 si jouée après Shi ou Fu.
Tous les Shi et Fu attachés aux personnages adverses sont défaussés et chaque personnage subit 3 dégâts directs par carte qui lui a été défaussé par cet effet.

Choisissez une action corbeau, Traqueur ou Tsoutaï dans votre défausse, celle-ci est jouée.
Tsoutai : si votre prochaine carte et shi, fu ou Mi, attaque +3
Traqueur : si art du traqueur a été sélectionné, esprit +1

explication : C'est une bonne carte, mais seul les Tsoutaï l'utilisent vraiment, ici elle fonctionne avec

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Message Publié : 24 Décembre 2014, 09:35 

Inscription : 09 Décembre 2014, 23:09
Message(s) : 29
Bonne journée à tous...
Carte actuelle à modifier: / Lieurs de pierre/ Action:

Si aucun de vos personnages ne porte de Pierre-coeur, une Pierre-coeur lieurs de pierres de votre Deck est jouée.
s'il y a 3/4/5? pierre-coeur en jeu, une carte attachée à chaque personnage adverse est retirée de la partie.

Justification: Cette lettre est injouable.

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 10 Février 2015, 09:39 

Inscription : 10 Mai 2013, 11:45
Message(s) : 878
Durée 2 tours, défense +1 par rune portée.
Durée +1 tour si vous portez une rune cor et une rune nox.
En début de tour vos runique portant au moins une rune gagne enchainement.
Piochez une carte supplémantaire lors de la prochaine phase de pioche.
Prêtre: enchainement.

Raison: La durée est je pense trop courte.

Durée 2 tours.
Les personnages adverse non prêtre ont esprit -2 et tous les personnages adverses subissent 2 dégâts magiques.
Si joué après "les dieux nous gardent ..." ils ont attaque -2 et défense -2.
Rune nox: durée +1 tour

Raison: durée trop courte.

+1 aux dégâts magiques infligés jusqu'à la fin du tour par rune(s) portée(s), maximum +3.
Rune cor: inflige 3 à 5 dégats magiques.
Prêtre: enchainement.

Raison: actuellement carte rare complètement useless, non-jouée en combattant et les runes cor ne sont pas légion ;) en prêtre d'où le changement complet de la seconde partie du texte.

Attaque -2. Jouez une carte runique de votre main. Gagnez 2 emplacements de rune si vous en avez moins de 5.
Choisissez 2 personnages ils gagnent une rune Yr (évolution cor ou nox)

raison: complètement inutile dans l'état, dur pour une rare :x

Raison globale: relancer le jeu prêtre blast, sans pour pour autant qu'il ne soit trop "free" et du coup brainless.

Champion de l'empire
Général Mercenaire

Le Cap'tain
Record elo perma: 3087

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Message Publié : 28 Mars 2015, 01:27 

Inscription : 30 Mars 2014, 15:53
Message(s) : 76
kenpachrisu a écrit :
i][u]Carte à modifier:
Proposition de modification:Durée 2 combats. Attaque defense et esprit +2 ou +3 si "branches vives" ou "liane vengeresse" est active.
Si vous avez un allier arbre monde votre adversaire à Attaque , defense et esprit -1
Justification::La carte offre un écart de 6 points entre toutes les stats des deux personnages en combat. Et elle dure en plus deux combats. je propose donc de réduire cette écart à 4points , ce qui reste important.

tjrs cool de voir du all stat +8 en standard

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Message Publié : 28 Mai 2015, 23:11 
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Inscription : 14 Février 2013, 01:27
Message(s) : 2125
Localisation : SAN JUAN - ARGENTINA

Play the cards Tsoutai ignoring restrictions guild.
Life: 13

Justification: This character is tsoutai but can not play any of that breed, should be able to play them without restrictions at least losing the power play the rest of the Kotoba cards for being mercenary, would give a variant more in tsoutai.

Guemelite of Earth - Hom'chai
In the beginning of the game, three objects of your deck and une of the oponent are placed at your discard.
Life: 15

Justification: This character must win the last level in the "Guemelite of Earth" race, since its image has some ground where the totems of the fallen holder. That would give a slight profit in the deck multi-races. We must also improve the initial skill, because it is not currently used, increasing the discarded cards in your hand, but also discards one object of the opponent, it serves more for the card "", but gives a gain in If you do not use that card. This is one of the few hom'chai life with little regard to hom'chai other, though it Mage/fighter, should have a little more life, as their quality of magician is not very useful because of its low mind, only his fighter is the most useful quality. These changes would not do it super useful, but would be more likely to serve as an option on decks of experimentation, multi-race or as temporary filling while character gets better.

At the beginning of the round. if you have a dead Hom'chai or beast, "" changes appearance, winning the fighter class and the Beast race, with an attack= 7/10 and effected an additional attack equal to 5.
Turns 3 and more: +1 to damage caused, +1 extra for each of your dead characters.
Defense: 2

Justification: This character came from that was useless, though its orientation was toward the multi-race, which was hindered but which abruptly changed tack, magician of fighter, losing his wizard class, that makes you a appearance to another can use very different cardss, that added to its low resistance, was very unlikely use its bonus round and to survive more than 1 fighter to take advantage. these changes do not point you to enhance the magician hand, but the hand of multiple race, and give a little more strength and more possibility of producing great damage in that one round to play. the bonus round was modified to damage to enhance the magic and also direct damage caused by the intention of vengeance to see that you killed a fellow trying to do much damage.

At the end of the fight, this character suffers 3 magic damage +3 if he gain the bonus of Order.
Yours "" equipped in the character, and also this card if there is already another copy equipped previously, counted as 2 corruptions.

Justification: The corrupters are a classic deck of mages Nehantist, but they are weak and too slow to meet current decks, hard hit by unequippers and magical cancellers. to do damage need to lose much regret and accumulate adverse corruptions. This modification aims to increase the amount of the alleged corruptions for the effect of certain cards.

Permanent. Your characters gain Defense +1, or +2 if the following card adverse is an action.
Guemelite of the water: The character has made cures +1.
Ice elf: Ignore the restriction class. Chain action.

Justification: This card was very good at the time, now is a bit more decorative because their effect is somewhat mild compared to other cards and their rarity, and needs a faster increase so you can take advantage without the opposing character you kill the character who plays the card. Also allow guemelites benefit of water and ice elfs as they will have an extra bonus, giving a tendency to be used in decks with those characters for better use. it would also be a boost to defensive wizards and buffers, since they are largely forgotten, unused and very hurt by anti-magic, not magical anti-harm, regarding the blast that killed them quickly and these letters were created not anti-magic cards.

Sacrifice 1: Your Noz and Guemelites fire gain +1 to +2 mind until the end of the round.

Justification: To be more restricted the ability to leverage this skill. This would make this card is slightly balanced without unusable, would still be useful for combo with "" but only if a sacrifice is made, making it something more complex make this combo so deadly and effective.

+1 On the effects on the following "", "" and "" on the character equipped.

Justification: This letter is not used in the current metagame, and is rare, since its effect is very slow, perhaps we can get something useful with this change if stacked over 1 "" in 1 character. It would still be slow, but it gives the possibility that it can be more leverage.

Chain if you play an armor, and earn definitely Defense +1 each time a armor is played.
Defense: 6

Justification: At the beginning of the game this character was useful for their high defense and defesive bonus allies, but it is not, I think it should be changed for those who do not have expensive characters, and want to experience a defensive vercion of the Kotoba, parsonaje may have this as an option. Also in commemoration of the old days in which this character was used.

Guemelite of Fire and Earth.
The first spell of fire or earth, played by "" in each round, ignored the guild restrictions.

Justification: To be consistent with its graphic last and give the opportunity to experiment with new decks with this character.

Your buff is 2 for statistical, or 3 (or 3 to 4) if its conditions are met.
If you got one Worldtree the debuff is of 1-2 by statistics.


1 copy per character

Justification: The current effect is too much for one card. I not think it should be lowered more because there would be back again with that deck.

In addition to slightly lower the effect of this letter (just a little, go easy on the nerf, sending the deck and the card in the trash), the effect of this card, should promote other spells of nature, to be solid deck and not depend exclusively on one or two cards, but there should be more nature spells that provide strength and speed up the game these magicians are slow. whether I ask is that down a bit these effects but without neglecting the deck, should enhance other cards of that deck, to avoid heavy reliance on the card, and do not be so slow that strategy

Permanent. The opposing characters have -1 defense and attack. Spirit -1 additional adverse Demon characters per side.

Justification: To give a chance that the usefulness of the card and the complete deck is increased, giving a condition, that if it is transformed before some demon opposing character, the effect of the card increases. Giving a chance to use some different versions to reducing deck nehant

Ice elf or beast: +1 damage efectued. Chaining.
Sacrifice 1: +0 to +2 additional maximum attack every time you take damage.

Justification: This card is not useful or is not used, was intended to kamikazes decks, but the card is very slow and the bonus is small compared to reductions of statistics that you suffer, it should have bonus to beasts and ice elf as it would most common and dangerous rabies in those characters. also you should have a slight sacrifice, to add a little bonus with a range in which it acts luck, to enhance the usefulness in experimental kamikazes or decks, giving more opportunities for different and innovative decks. Besides giving the possibility of more cards with the ability to slaughter. These modifications would make it moderately useful in certain decks, without transforming a useless card to abuse.

Permanent. A "" from your hand or discard is played. It is equipped with the opposing character. Spirit +1.
Starting from the next round this character receives 7 magic damage each time you turn a letter that his guild pertenesca that is multi-guild.

Justification: For this rare card, not this as limited by the hand so you can take advantage well, being able to discard the "" of the hand and not fill in the cards if not out "", thus to accelerate the hand. And if the s of the side characters are discarded one could partially overcome this drawback with this card.
Also that damage is applied if the character plays multi-guilds cards, so in most possibility that this effect is activated, because usually in the current decks are few non-unionized cards, making do magic damage rarely.

Attack +2 and -1 suffered damage, or -1 to -2 and Ambidextrous if your character has race Unknown or Guemelite of earth.

Justification: In my idea you propose to potentiate the effect of this card only slightly, to serve also for direct damages to resist. Also in this way could give you a chance in the future, to create a deck with guemelites of land, there are cards to win this race, but not to use it effectively cards, this option being forgotten.

If at the beginning of the fight your character has 9 points or less to perform an additional character to attack your base attack.
Rounds pairs: Attack -1 and +2 mind. Sacrifice 1: +1 damage caused.
Mind: 2
Attack: 4/9
Life: 14

Justification: It has a very low mind to be a magician/marauder and not resistant enough to be effective in their abilities and in their classes, the character is currently not useful. in the event that survive the 2nd round and can take advantage of the bonus round, you should have a way to tap more possible magic damage, but his two physical attacks, so recommended a sacrifice in his round to boost bonus the suicide attack.

Mercenarie-Sap Heart - Ice Elf-Guemelite of water.
Turns 2 and 5: Attack +2, +1 extra if the opposing character is a Priest or Guemelite of fire.

Justification: This character must be improved, to update the "Ice Elf" and give value to this character that does not serve much, and not understood by the guild whose "Sap Heart", at least if not the story is known. in this way you would access the possibility that it may play a pair of mercenaries who can play cards and water spells, and not if you can also play with the champion of the "Stonelinkers". This would give more chance that can be used in multi-Races Deck, or you can leverage more cards in the deck Berserker and use spells water. The priests nomads with the fall stone sky began to melt the home of the "Elf Ice", and those who went to see what was happening had to fight a divine fire that burned the forests of the "Sap Heart". So it would be logical that the character has an additional bonus guemelites against fire and priests.

Sacrifice 1: Win definitely maximum attack +1 for each dead ally, or +1 to attack if it is played by "".

Justification: This card is rare, but it is very useful if you got three races or more between your characters, which is difficult when your characters die, so you need a bonus in such cases, so as not to be a hindrance as you move rounds in the game.

Sacrifice 2: The following non-guided, played by the opposing character will be ignored.

Justification: It is a very old and very bad effects card, I propose you can cancel adverse actions, with a high cost for it, referring to the character does something very risky, and the adverse is paralyzed by not daring to do something like.

Choose a sloping character and attach this card. There is only a single opposing character (alive and dead) is automatically equipped on this.
At the end of the round, if the carrier is tilted, he has Spirit -1 and suffers 2 magic damages, or 2-3 if played by a guemelite of nature.

Justification: If you face a triple character is a card it is not View equip an adverse character, so you is harmful. Also you could have a slight additional damage if plays a nature guemelite

Defense +1. Mind and defense +0 to +1 extra if the character is Craftsman.

This card should also have an evolution in dodne the fragments together and create the , Unica.

Justification: This card is not bad if 2 copies are played, but the game is very fast to use as well, discarding its use, propose to improve slightly this to think about the use of some craftsman Noz. It is also a waste of this card had not an evolution that takes advantage of fragments to restore the original object. Ideally a crown to court or female characters, and possibly that serve to develop a new character.

At the start of round 2, the opposing characters have .......

Justification: Give a penalty to all opposing characters a little strong, pulling down at least 6 points total in the enemy's statistics, this effect should take effect after the first round so is the possibility that the player adverse try to seize that will not lower its features to counter this before affecting him a lot, because once that affects it hurts him a lot, but if you use that affected to damage and defend at the same time characteristic, becoming difficult to win the game if the penalty is in much of the game. Should start in round 2 affect the effect, not in round 1 being very abusive there, but not later, as round 3 no longer has much mind and skill, as being better options other magicians.

In addition to this effect should avoid modifying and limiting some counters against mages, many for them, affecting not only strong, but also significantly damaging the decks less destructive and slow magicians, preventing the possibility of competing.

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Message Publié : 20 Juin 2015, 18:55 
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Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 00:21
Message(s) : 491
: Chain Object

Justification: Deck with note need more chain. For combo + , if not is a useless deck..

: Remove this effect: Cannot chain any card.

Justification: Why he cannot chain any card? Is a useless card. Modify it please, for try new original deck.

NekrosisOR in game.

I miei mazzi:

Katla Tornado AoE <3

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Message Publié : 20 Juin 2015, 19:34 
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Inscription : 06 Février 2013, 22:12
Message(s) : 128
Bleach s5 a écrit :
: Chain Object

Justification: Deck with note need more chain. For combo + , if not is a useless deck..
Je plussoie
dans ce cas là, permettre à de commencer la partie avec un objet autre.

This is SPARTA !!!
Noz Addict
Clan Exylem

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Message Publié : 30 Juin 2015, 00:33 
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Inscription : 14 Février 2013, 01:27
Message(s) : 2125
Localisation : SAN JUAN - ARGENTINA

Defense +1 each time an item is activated (max +4).
Permanent. Chain if you're defender, or have one pet.

Justification: It is slow to be effective this unique Card, should be more limited in the defense to resist, not in the mind as it can be used both offensively and defensively, still very dangerous that. and should have a chain for certain situations to facilitate use.

Defense +2 , or +3 if any beast in your living characters.

Justification: It is the representation of the wild side of nature, so should have a bonus to have a beast.

Permanent. Chaining.
Priest not multiclass or Solarian: -1 suffered damage.

Justification: It is widely used this unique card, so I propose these improvements to enhance certain strategies that need to be improved.

Priest or Mage: Chain, your next theurgy or spell can not be annulled.

Justification: The temple should provide some protection to lis rites performed at the site.

Duration 3 rounds, or 4-5 rounds if you're undead.

Justification: It should provide a bonus to the undead.

Craftsman: Chain object and play a weapon in your hand or discard.

Justification: It should improve this card to make it more useful, it is currently very poor, giving a slight power off forgotten craft strategy in this guild.

Duration 2 rounds, or 3 if the opposing character is Nehantist.

Justification: You must have an additional bonus against nehantistas to make it consistent with the story.

Attack +2, +1 additional Attack if any opposing character is dead.

Justification: There should be an additional bonus if you have an adverse character dead, to make it more consistent with the unique card.

Edit: agree the next cards:

Attack +1 to +3.
Attacker: Chain action.

Justification: To give you a little utility to this action, which currently Brutal, just the name.

Hom'chai or Guemelite of the earth: Additional Defense +1 to +2. (or +0 to +2)

Justification: It never justified his sacrifice for such an insignificant bonus, even though it is one of the first cards, provided its effect was slightly profitable.

Guemelite of the earth: +1 to +2 magic damage for each active .

Justification: To give you some useful permanent, causing the player has to manage to the card is not discarded, increasing damage from future copies.

-1 Received cures.

Justification: It is an alternative to improve , logically, if you're rotting you can not heal properly. It is a slight modification that you may come upon that, the possibility that this card be used, as would have a slight immediate effect serving only in certain situations, then its slow progressive effect, taking with this plus more chances to enter a deck.

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Message Publié : 25 Juillet 2015, 07:27 
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Inscription : 25 Juillet 2013, 00:32
Message(s) : 1651

"Choisissez un de vos autres combattants, celui-ci subit 15 dégâts directs, meurt et vous avez Attaque +X où X est égal à l'Attaque min. de base du personnage ainsi choisi.
Hom'chaï: Défense +3."

La raison de cette proposition est évidente, rien que le fait de sacrifier un de ses personnages rends la victoire aux points obligatoire. C'est un luxe que les hom'chaï pourraient se passer.

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