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Message Publié : 31 Mai 2014, 19:47 

Inscription : 10 Mai 2013, 11:45
Message(s) : 878
carte :
VOS traqueurs ont attaque +2, défenseur enchainement (carte Kotoba), si vous avez 3 dans votre deck une de votre deck est placé dans votre main en début de tour.

justification: c'est une façon de jouer traqueurs délaissée ( > ), vu qu'assez difficile a mettre en place et le bonus offensif relativement très faible.
Edit:peut être ne prendre que 2 des 3 up en compte, pour faire un up adéquat, les 3 risquant d'être abusé a voir Oo?

traqueur: activation immédiate
justification: les traqueurs sont très peut résistant

Tous vos traqueurs ont : attaque +1, défense +1, esprit +1.
traqueur: attaque +1 et défense +1 supplémentaire (uniquement sur le porteur) par autres emblème du traqueurs actif. Si il n'y a pas d' en jeu, gagne enchainement carte kotoba.

carte très moyenne de part ces bonus faible et son manque d'enchainement.(éventuellement rajouté une durée entre 4 et 5 tour )

Champion de l'empire
Général Mercenaire

Le Cap'tain
Record elo perma: 3087

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Message Publié : 03 Juin 2014, 01:37 
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Inscription : 14 Février 2013, 01:27
Message(s) : 2125
Localisation : SAN JUAN - ARGENTINA

action-blast chiller-Hunters demons-Unique
Choose a friendly character and attach this card, he will be inclined.
Cancels the next adverse spells affecting it.
At the end of each round the character gets 1-3 points of life overturned +1 if some spell.
At first this character combat this card is removed from the game.
Permanent. Chain card kotoba.

Justification: This legendary was really bad to be legendary and removed it from circulation within the game. So I want to rescue her, so that is as useful as any legendary, and is back in circulation. This card implores the improved and put it back in the game be that, or change it to return rarity, but I think it would be a total waste.

ra sword (which has evolution and evolve to this)
At the beginning of the game if all your characters are human or solarian, this card is put into your hand.
Permanent. It is activated at end of combat.
+4 attack
if your character carries a one-handed sword, +2 defense and +1 Mind

Justification is something old and not used much these days, plus I always wanted to see the sword or restored as it was in his days of glory, is also unique

Your characters have +X attack max until the end of the game where X equals the number of different races represented among your characters.
Round 3, 4 and 5: Defence +1 to +2

Justification to support the multi-breed incomplete deck and once again throwing characters and letters for them.

Ignore guild restrictions for jewelry items.
At the start of every battle in which you have equipped on your opponent the initiative (attacker), a jewel of adverse discard or is equipped on ladronena.
if the opponent plays some jewelry has a half as likely to be ignored and then play your cards.
Rounds 2, 4, and 6: Your elfines 3 life points and your beasts have +1 damage until the end of your next round heal.

Justification to support the multi-breed incomplete deck and once again throwing characters and letters for them.

Your character gains the Beast, Dais, elfin, Guemeliano nature and hom'chai additionally races they already had. If elfin or homchai Eltariano also win the race
Duration: 2-3 rounds.

Justification to support the multi-breed incomplete deck and once again throwing characters and letters for them.

Beast: attack, defense and mind +1 for every living ally share a race with you, then get in addition to your own Breeds opposing character.

Justification to support the multi-breed incomplete deck and once again throwing characters and letters for them. also is unique and currently serves much

At the beginning of the game, 2-4 objects are placed in your Deck your disposal.
Gain Chain if you play a Jewel object or another object.
Rounds 2, 3 and 5: one of your other hom'chai has +1 attack until the end of the game, if there is a dead heart character wise, the bonus will be +1 attack and mind.

Justification: Need upgrade, is also a combatant and not have its characteristic chain to them and may be useful to innovate strategies homchai being a magician.

Chain Spell Draconic if you have a weapon equipped.
Turns 1 and 4: mind, +1 attack and defense

Justification requires an update, is the prophet of the NOZ, and was fighting even in the equinox, so deveria improved since hiso facing great challenges and ability in combat should be better.

if there are errors in writing is to use google translator, I hope you will forgive.

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 07 Juin 2014, 20:50 

Inscription : 10 Mai 2013, 11:45
Message(s) : 878
carte :
au début de chaque tour a partir du tour 2 vos adversaires ont attaque -1 pour chacun de vos alliées coeurs de sève ect ...
ou bien plus radical, en début de combat (d'izandra donc, et donc effet non permanent) vos adversaires ont attaque -1 pour ect...

raison : elle est omniprésente dans tous les deck mage noz/LDP de par son passif abusif, généralement -6(-2*3), dans des decks déjà assez costaud sans elle ( et ses malus).

Champion de l'empire
Général Mercenaire

Le Cap'tain
Record elo perma: 3087

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 08 Juin 2014, 15:38 

Inscription : 10 Mai 2013, 11:45
Message(s) : 878
carte :
rendre la carte unique

justification: je trouve sa un peu bidon qu'elle soit ban, bien qu'elle puisse changer la donne c'est loin d'être la pire carte du jeu. Sa permettrait peut être de la faire revivre sans pour autant énerver tous le monde.

Champion de l'empire
Général Mercenaire

Le Cap'tain
Record elo perma: 3087

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 08 Juin 2014, 19:05 

Inscription : 30 Mars 2014, 15:53
Message(s) : 76
Carte à modifier:
Proposition de modification::
(Maximum : 9)
Mage non multi-classé : pas de maximum
Justification::Cette carte inflige des dégats monstres joués dans un deck Maraudeur guémélite de l'Ombre , la ou l'attaque monte très haut dès les 1ers tours.
Je propose juste de mettre un maximum aux guémélites non mages pour ne pas pénaliser les éventuelles mages.

Carte à modifier:
Proposition de modification:Durée 2 combats. Attaque defense et esprit +2 ou +3 si "branches vives" ou "liane vengeresse" est active.
Si vous avez un allier arbre monde votre adversaire à Attaque , defense et esprit -1
Justification::La carte offre un écart de 6 points entre toutes les stats des deux personnages en combat. Et elle dure en plus deux combats. je propose donc de réduire cette écart à 4points , ce qui reste important.

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 12 Juin 2014, 03:30 

Inscription : 18 Mai 2013, 04:48
Message(s) : 4

Modification: Spirit: 2 (printed score); all opposing characters have +1 to damage suffered each time they gain Spirit or Defense Bonus

Justification: the spirit upgrade makes him a better tank; the new ability is intended to counter cards which buff your opponent's character/characters.


Modification: Spirit: 1 (printed score); caste: Temple guardian + Immortal; gain chain if you play a Nomad weapon.

Justification: the spirit upgrade to make him playable; adding him to the Immortal caste is justified because he is indeed an undead character; the chain on Nomad weapons will make him more versatile.

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 13 Juin 2014, 06:49 

Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:18
Message(s) : 55
Bonjours,j'aimerais qu'on revoit un petit un deck qui étais un classique.
Mais qui depuis prend souvent la poussière .
Pour ne pas dire qu'il ne sert plus a rien.

Doloreanne pourrais être Modifier...
Je m'explique part la description de la Carte que je propose.

Gardienne du temps , Doloreanne
Classe : Tempus
Race : Humaine
Guilde : Mercenaire
Esprit : 3
Attaque : 2/5
Défense : 3
Vie: 17
Description : Enfin de tour vous pouvez défausser entre 0 et 3 cartes.
Cela a pour effet d'augmenté le nombre de tours selon le nombre de carte ainsi défausser.
Tours : 2 , 4 et plus vous pouvez choisir une carte dans votre défausse une d'elle celle ci seras jouer après vos cartes.

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 18 Juin 2014, 22:20 
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Inscription : 14 Février 2013, 01:27
Message(s) : 2125
Localisation : SAN JUAN - ARGENTINA

Adverse characters have defense, attack and mind -1.
Ambidextrous and chain if any opposing character is a demon.

Rationale: need an upgrade to help harness gear stats. It is a UNIQUE card.

Beast or Ice Elf: +1 damage.
Sacrifice 1: +1 / 2 bonus attack damage whenever you receive.

Rationale: never served this card in this way may have some use in any deck of experimentation or for those who do not have better cards.

A of your hand or discard played.
It equips the opposing character. mind +1 until end of the round.
Following on from the next round this character receives 8 magic damage each time you activate a card other than a guild that is Multigremial.

Rationale: This card lost income, most of the strong decks only play cards of his guild, except legendary and trophies. So also deve cover other cards that are multigremiales to enlarge them effect. In addition to being a rare effect to somewhat limited since the increase of mind hinders damage other corruptions, or touch you first and do not serve, so I think you should take that card in your hand or discard , so it is more useful.

Attack +2 and -1 to -2 in damages.
Chain Claw or Dagger.

Rationale: only good if you then strings a weapon, but not many that can ahcer so less useful. damage your filter needs to be improved a little, absorbing direct damage and also being something more absorbent.

One copy of this card is put into your hand at the beginning of the game if all your characters are not multiclass wizards.
Sacrifice 1: Duplicate the malus provided by this letter.

Rationale: this card does not work, can have a minimum value if it plays only in the first round.

Mind: 2
Attack: 4/9
Lives: 15
At start of combat if your character has 9 points or less to conduct an additional character to your basic attack attack.
Rounds pairs: Attack -1 and +2 mind, sacrifice 1: +1 damage incurred.

Rationale: This parsonaje not served in the current metagame, and to be a mage has a very low mind, should improve additional characteristic attack and physical damage that 4 is useless now (opponents with high defense). therefore needs urgent improvement.

mind =0 and +1 fire spell damage suffered by each additional equipped on the character. Chain or

Rationale: never served this card in this way may have some use in any deck of experimentation or for those who do not have better cards.

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 19 Juin 2014, 00:47 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 18:01
Message(s) : 916

Esprit: 2 Attaque min/max. : 6/7 Defense: 3 Points de Vie: 14
Gagne Enchainement si vouz jouez une Arme. Attaque + 2 pour chaque corruption en jue au debut du combat. Tour 1 et 2 : Defense + 3
Reason: is a weak character.
just playing with magicians, this is a disadvantage.
your attack depends on the corruptions, if these are discarded his attack decreases.
the change would allow play with other characters not magicians.

Calice Evolution Possible 4 : Calice , la damné.
Race: Demon – Non-Mort.
Esprit: 1 Attaque min/max. : 10/10 Defense: 1 Points de Vie: 1
Si “Caleci “ meurt , elle devient “Caleci , la damné”, celle-ci a Esprit: 1, Attaque: 7/8, Defense: 3, Points de Vie: 13 et tous les personnages adverses ont Attaque – 2 tant qu´elle est en vie. Si tous vos personnages sont Non-Morts, Ne peut enchainer aucune carte. Jouez une Necrose dans votre Defausse. Tour 1 et 2: Les personnages adverses a Defense – 2.

Reason: is a weak, useless and forgotten character.
something new would have a character with these two races.
would be allowed to be in different strategies.

S´active initialement le combat. Permanent. Le personage adverse subit 3 dégats directs et tous les personnages adverses ont , Attaque – 2 et Défense – 2. Ardrakar : Attaque + 2 et Défense + 2.

Reason: this sword is not equal to the Original, is much weaker and not give good results, it is useless.
Nor Gives advantage or benefit to Ardrakar.
Does not fit on current strategies.

Vos autres personnages en vie gagnent 3 points de vie. Votre Personnge gagner 1 points de vie + 1 pour corruption putting l'adversaire.
Reason: this card is useless because damages life points your character.
not cure enough.

début de combat, Dimizar gagner Défense + 1 pour chaque corruption placé votre adversaire. Vos allies ont Défense + 2.
Reason: this character as well as the other magicians of this guild are not have strong defenses protect them and Their That hechisos are very weak in comparitively With Other guilds.
They need a new strategy to enable them to withstand.

S´attache á votre adversaire. Permanent , Esprit -2 et Attaque – 1.
Reason: The card does not have much use.
If this card is discarded the strategy is lost.
Nesecia some more support.
To justify something in the strategy.
Currently no longer nesecita of this card.

Attaque + 4. Attaque + 3 supplémentaire si les points de vie de votre personnage sont inférieurs ou égaux á 7 au momento ou cette carte s´active. Enchainement.
Reason: This card being rare is not as strong as others.
The veneficio of this card is not as good as other cards from other guilds as zil, noz, etc.
its true effect only happens when you're about to die, this gives a disadvantage.

Race: Demon – Guémelite de Néhant.
Esprit: 2 Attaque min/max. : 7/7 Defense: 3 Points de Vie: 13.
Reason: Increasing the characteristics of the character allows a better game, strategy and endurance.
Rising Nehant Guemelite race, can play other cards along with other marauders.

Durée: 2 rounds.
Reason: strategy does not work well, because the opponent increases its features at any time and cured.
It needs to increase shifts. to effect the ability of the card.
It becomes frustrating.

Inflige 6 dégats magiques á votre adversaire. A la fin de ses combats, il subit 2 dégat directs.
Reason: It is a little-used corruption.
done little damage to the opponent.
not served very well in strategies

Je vais mettre les autres cartes en anglais


Por mi se va a la ciudad doliente, por mi se ingresa al dolor eterno, por mi se pierde toda esperanza.

Dernière édition par LUZ NOCTURNA le 14 Juillet 2014, 16:56, édité 9 fois.

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 19 Juin 2014, 00:51 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 18:01
Message(s) : 916
Carte à modifier:
Proposition de modification:Durée 2 combats. Attaque defense et esprit +2 ou +3 si "branches vives" ou "liane vengeresse" est active.
Si vous avez un allier arbre monde votre adversaire à Attaque , defense et esprit -1
Justification::La carte offre un écart de 6 points entre toutes les stats des deux personnages en combat. Et elle dure en plus deux combats. je propose donc de réduire cette écart à 4points , ce qui reste important.[/quote]

The dais notiene spells as powerful as other unions, do not fall into magical damage if not physical like the kotoba magicians, but for that card always would lose.


Por mi se va a la ciudad doliente, por mi se ingresa al dolor eterno, por mi se pierde toda esperanza.

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