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 Sujet du message : How do I get..?
Message Publié : 08 Janvier 2015, 20:33 

Inscription : 12 Novembre 2014, 19:08
Message(s) : 4
Hi there,

How do I get the card Offspring of Zeranax? Or is it to late now?

I also want the card;
Bouquet of Roses, does anyone know how to get it?


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 Sujet du message : Re: How do I get..?
Message Publié : 08 Janvier 2015, 22:23 

Inscription : 25 Juillet 2014, 11:37
Message(s) : 200
both are event cards... sorry its too late... gotta wait for the 'next' event ... lol poor joke

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 Sujet du message : Re: How do I get..?
Message Publié : 09 Janvier 2015, 00:02 

Inscription : 12 Novembre 2014, 19:08
Message(s) : 4
Why is it a joke?

Are there no more events or what?

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 Sujet du message : Re: How do I get..?
Message Publié : 09 Janvier 2015, 10:07 

Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:58
Message(s) : 226
cenile a écrit :
Why is it a joke?

Are there no more events or what?

Yep... There has been no events since the last event (which is the dragon "offspring"). Sorry to disappoint you and you are not the only one disappointed about that.

Like I have iterated many times before, the event "code" is probably still there laying dormant. Probably they find it too much of an effort to push the button to make the players happy.

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 Sujet du message : Re: How do I get..?
Message Publié : 09 Janvier 2015, 20:45 

Inscription : 12 Novembre 2014, 19:08
Message(s) : 4
That sucks, the offsprings are really OP, especially the zeranax.. It's hard if you want to compete on 1600+ elo without the offsprings, at least I think so.

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 Sujet du message : Re: How do I get..?
Message Publié : 19 Janvier 2015, 00:45 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:01
Message(s) : 6173
Localisation : da world
the offspring are not available in the champions' hall

My (outdated) decks

create a new post if you want to communicate with me, DONT SEND PMs!!!!


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