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Message Publié : 24 Octobre 2019, 02:29 

Inscription : 12 Février 2017, 20:26
Message(s) : 1
I used my medallions to purchase an event card from this set, and recieved "Wave of panic", a card not listed in the "cards available in this product". I can only assume that this means more cards then listed there can be recieved as a reward for that tier.

my question though is, how many cards are there? / what can I expect? / what are my chances to recieve one of the mythical cards listed? (trying to get Klyklos cause I was too lazy when the event happened...)

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Message Publié : 25 Octobre 2019, 23:51 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:01
Message(s) : 6173
Localisation : da world
wave of panic IS a card you can pull from the silver (1k tokens) pool
once you pulled 1 copy and as long as you have it in your collection, you cant pull that card again, and therefore hidden from the reward pool too

My (outdated) decks

create a new post if you want to communicate with me, DONT SEND PMs!!!!


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