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 Sujet du message : Sol'ra's Anger
Message Publié : 24 Août 2013, 23:42 
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Inscription : 24 Août 2013, 23:32
Message(s) : 8
Localisation : Romania
The card clearly states Spirit= 0 and Attack min.+5.
Doesn't that mean that from, let's say, 5/8 you get 8/8 and not 13/13? Even if they have that double bonus from any theurgy card played, I think it should not go to 18/18... Please enlighten me.

Thank you.

"Bingo! That is what the something is. Remember that, kid! Write it down on your hand if you don't trust your head!"

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 Sujet du message : Re: Sol'ra's Anger
Message Publié : 25 Août 2013, 00:56 

Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 01:21
Message(s) : 536
Eh, this should be posted in FAQ not bugs.

At any rate, attack min +5 with the stats you gave would equal 5+5/8=10/10 for attack or 5+5x2/8=5+10/8=15/15 for double attack. Max attack gets bumped up to whatever min attack is, because it can't be lower then min attack.

Ty Boadicea for the awesome farewell gift. Now just to think up an avatar to go with it. Anyway, I'm still a Sap/Nomad/Pirates fan and user.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Sol'ra's Anger
Message Publié : 25 Août 2013, 12:41 
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Inscription : 24 Août 2013, 23:32
Message(s) : 8
Localisation : Romania
Ok, sry for the wrong section posting but this seems wrong. I mean why would that buff my total attack +2? When I play a +1 attack it buffs my whole attack and I get that but isn't the max attack some kind of delimitation because I think that +5min attack is stronger that +5 attack, at least you have some hope but when you see 15/15 that's just "ok i'm dead".

"Bingo! That is what the something is. Remember that, kid! Write it down on your hand if you don't trust your head!"

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 Sujet du message : Re: Sol'ra's Anger
Message Publié : 25 Août 2013, 14:42 
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Inscription : 29 Janvier 2013, 19:02
Message(s) : 3537
Moved to the correct part of the forum.

When you see a character like , 15/15 is not "ok i'm dead", he still alive for the next fight and you can't play theurgy anymore because you're now a warrior.
It's powerful, but far away from Over powered.

Collectionneur de cartes

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 Sujet du message : Re: Sol'ra's Anger
Message Publié : 25 Août 2013, 17:00 
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Inscription : 24 Août 2013, 23:32
Message(s) : 8
Localisation : Romania
I have to disagree, if min attack can buff your whole attack then the max attack becomes relative. Max attack should act like a limit to +min attack buffs. Plus if the opposite player invested a little money in his deck then at early lvls he will pwn, thus stagnating casual(no money/broke) players growth. Anyway I understand what you are saying, this is just my opinion.

"Bingo! That is what the something is. Remember that, kid! Write it down on your hand if you don't trust your head!"

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 Sujet du message : Re: Sol'ra's Anger
Message Publié : 25 Août 2013, 17:29 

Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 16:16
Message(s) : 70
I would assume you are still new to this game and still playing in the newbie rooms. When you've reached a certain level and unlocked the free-for-all rooms, you'll then realize how obsolete that card is and you'll see the more broken combinations this game has to offer. If you think min. attack +5 is strong, I don't know what you're going to think to +20 attack on the 1st turn, 5-10 cards played per turn, total of 10 permanent points buff per characteristics on all characters, and games ending on the 2nd turn. This game is becoming more and more unbalance with its every card release.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Sol'ra's Anger
Message Publié : 25 Août 2013, 18:01 
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Inscription : 24 Août 2013, 23:32
Message(s) : 8
Localisation : Romania
I am a newbie and I understand, I was merely pointing out the min to max. I simply disagree with the fact that a +min should affect the all attack gain and not be restrained to the max attack. Like I was saying, 5/8 you play a +4 you gain 8/8 and not 9/9, I'm simply saying that the bonus should stop at the max attack given. I don't care about the bonus, I'm just saying it should respect the given mark. Savy?

"Bingo! That is what the something is. Remember that, kid! Write it down on your hand if you don't trust your head!"

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 Sujet du message : Re: Sol'ra's Anger
Message Publié : 25 Août 2013, 20:59 
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Inscription : 29 Janvier 2013, 19:02
Message(s) : 3537
In fact, Att min and Att max work the same way.
If you lower att max attack below the att min, the at min will follow the att max.

When a card say ou have +5 to att min, the card does exactly that and you 4/7 finishes at 9/9.

You can find this disturbing but, this is how the game works.

Collectionneur de cartes

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 Sujet du message : Re: Sol'ra's Anger
Message Publié : 26 Août 2013, 22:59 

Inscription : 22 Mars 2013, 02:47
Message(s) : 54
Claudiu_Stefan a écrit :
I am a newbie and I understand, I was merely pointing out the min to max. I simply disagree with the fact that a +min should affect the all attack gain and not be restrained to the max attack. Like I was saying, 5/8 you play a +4 you gain 8/8 and not 9/9, I'm simply saying that the bonus should stop at the max attack given. I don't care about the bonus, I'm just saying it should respect the given mark. Savy?

I actually lol'd when I saw this post. You should play a little more, maybe read up on some other posts in the forum about cards that are actually "OP". And about the Min/Max attack thing, it works just fine. There's really nothing wrong with it.

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