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 Sujet du message : rip eredan
Message Publié : 27 Février 2018, 21:57 

Inscription : 05 Juin 2016, 03:42
Message(s) : 18
I was thinking, after my friend said that the eredan is "losing strength", the possibility of the game in question, partner with the valve and make the game available in the steam, being able to access on the platform or the German site.
In addition to offering packages and letters in the market, this could give more din din pro freerik pocket and valve.

But in relation to the external market of the game or the market of the community of steam, you can or not participate in this part, an example is the game path of exile, has no market off the platform (I think) but ta still alive even with "few "players. But if it is to create the only thing I see possible and sale of booster, sale of letters with commercial tags (that comes inside packages), keys to open booster (types of the cs: go) and tools for use in the game with commercial tag , such as soul stone, xp card, eredan favors, etc.

The advantage of placing in the valve market is the creation of a community, which makes the game stay alive even without so many players, the appearance of social networking sites made by the community that increases the popularity of the game, ease of buying feez, ease of access and viewing the game in relation to the platform, etc.

it's probably going to turn into a pay-to-win game because they're going to put some boring things like limit decks created (type 2) or competitive paid for levels below 70 or 60 (I even agree with that)

but before anything is changed, it raises the reward for battle, because that would increase the progress and ambition of potential new players, and that takes a bit to vice (I think)

I do not want opinions on this, because everything is dead

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