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 Sujet du message : The future of the dragon raids
Message Publié : 16 Septembre 2014, 10:29 
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Inscription : 31 Mars 2013, 01:12
Message(s) : 719
Hello all Eredan players and dragon fighters.

Because of the evolving of the game and the behavior of some players after a failed dragon raid I want to make a short post.
Like everyone knows Eredan is on its way down and from the development is nearly no new input coming (trophies, events…). This and other points are the reason why every time fewer players play this game. To keep Eredan interesting and challenging there are only a few options left. One is the dragon hunt. The big problem here is that most active players (most from my friend list) already done and not really interested anymore. I am also not in the need of the tickets but I try to help with the raids as much as I can (organizing, leading, killing …). I am doing this because I want to keep the dragon raids alive (and specially GEW as raid clan for all of us), to help new players, to keep the game interesting (so we have something to do and not leaving the game). It makes me happy to see that other players are also stepping forward to organize and lead raids. But in the last times some raids are failed (happened also in the past) and people were getting mad and blaming others. I know it can be frustrating to fail a raid with 28/29 kills and around 40 players online but keep in mind this is a game any everyone tries his best and no one wants the raid to fail with intention. A similar behavior was in the past when the leaders where always trying to make 3-4 raid on each dragon and 2 of them failed. There was a fall back to 2-3 raids and everything was going more relaxing. Now it is the same with 2-3 raids on the dragon. But here we should not get angry if a raid fails (i know it is easy for me to say) but in the end there are in average 2-3 successful raids per day and for this we should be proud. Especially since most of the hard core players are not raiding anymore. And if they helping, we should be thankful and show respect and good behavior (in the chat) and not blaming or flaming around.

So please keep in mind that the future of Eredan is in our hands. Only if we keep the good attitude, we will have fun with this game in the future. And so far for me Eredan has one of the best communities (friendly behavior, helping with trophies events and so on) of all online games I played so far. For all who like to raid, keep in mind that there are always new raid members attending and they are making mistakes. It is our mission to train them, to show them how it goes and to help them to make a successful raid we all can enjoy. :D


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