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 Sujet du message : Re: When did this happen?
Message Publié : 16 Juin 2015, 10:25 

Inscription : 01 Avril 2013, 00:17
Message(s) : 80
I think that a huge problem with this game is that most decent playables are rares or above, or limited edition cards (ie. settlement of scores, the god of evil, sentence).

Other TCG games such as MTG and even YGO have very easy to obtain common playables and staples (Mana leak, lightning bolt, elvish mystic, oblivion ring from MTG, and Mirror force, solemn warning, forbidden lance etc from ygo).

Eredan doesn't really have any of that.

Therefore, I believe that Eredan should highly consider making just overall solid commons and uncommons (something like a flat buff, mabye a Spr +5 chain, or halve dmg the next time you take it). These kinds of cards would generally be able to be used in any deck, and making these cards rares just skews the supply and demand too much. It is much better that they are commons so that enough copies go around such that they wouldn't be overpriced and doted by pay to win players.

Dernière édition par Wolvos le 16 Juin 2015, 14:43, édité 2 fois.
Avoid naming another games

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 Sujet du message : Re: When did this happen?
Message Publié : 16 Juin 2015, 14:55 
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Inscription : 06 Juillet 2013, 03:38
Message(s) : 348
Larry_Xu a écrit :
Eredan doesn't really have any of that.

afaik the dragon raids still provide you with a ticket which can be exchanged for ANY trophy card in the market... thus you have easy access to a lot of limited cards... just search the forum for dragon raids and contact some ppl in the game when a dragon is online or ask them to be friends... easy enough

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 Sujet du message : Re: When did this happen?
Message Publié : 17 Juin 2015, 11:22 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 19:09
Message(s) : 638
Calandra a écrit :
Larry_Xu a écrit :
Eredan doesn't really have any of that.

afaik the dragon raids still provide you with a ticket which can be exchanged for ANY trophy card in the market... thus you have easy access to a lot of limited cards... just search the forum for dragon raids and contact some ppl in the game when a dragon is online or ask them to be friends... easy enough

^^' kontakt me InGame when Dragon is there. Clan [GEW] makes many Raids to get .

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