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 Sujet du message : Card modification suggestions
Message Publié : 17 Janvier 2014, 10:27 
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Inscription : 22 Janvier 2013, 18:52
Message(s) : 2480

In accordance with the Staff, the Guild Leaders will collect your nerf/buff propositions to present them to the Staff who will validate or reject them.
To not make this process unneccessairily complicated for them, we would like you to post your ideas in the following thread in english or french, without commentating the suggestions that already have been made: Propositions de modifications de cartes

Please adhere to this format:

Card to rework: use the "card"-tags
Modification suggestion: text and/or stats
Justification: maximum 2 lines.

Card to rework:
Modification suggestion: and this card is removed from the game.
Justification: This card can overthrow all by herself the course of a game.

Now it's your turn!

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 17 Janvier 2014, 15:58 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:01
Message(s) : 6173
Localisation : da world
i have 1 question, i have an overpowered card, menacing sky, if this card receive a nerf, How will I be compensated? i spent 200k on that card

My (outdated) decks

create a new post if you want to communicate with me, DONT SEND PMs!!!!


 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 17 Janvier 2014, 16:23 
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Inscription : 29 Janvier 2013, 19:02
Message(s) : 3537
Actually the discussions with the staff are more on upping old cards than nerf recents ones.

If there is a nerf of a card, it will be an announcement and some compensation like it has always been the case.

Collectionneur de cartes

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 17 Janvier 2014, 16:24 
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Inscription : 22 Janvier 2013, 18:51
Message(s) : 373
Localisation : Austria
Wolvos a écrit :
i have 1 question, i have an overpowered card, menacing sky, if this card receive a nerf, How will I be compensated? i spent 200k on that card

normally you can sell the card for the actual price.

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 17 Janvier 2014, 18:52 

Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 19:23
Message(s) : 240
DaRkStAr666 a écrit :
Wolvos a écrit :
i have 1 question, i have an overpowered card, menacing sky, if this card receive a nerf, How will I be compensated? i spent 200k on that card

normally you can sell the card for the actual price.

But the price will drop certainly! I spent 200K, but with the nerf it's price would be half of it. Would there be a compensations for owners of a nerfed card?

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 17 Janvier 2014, 23:42 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:01
Message(s) : 6173
Localisation : da world
that is what i meant to say, my inversion won't be returned in 100%

My (outdated) decks

create a new post if you want to communicate with me, DONT SEND PMs!!!!


 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 18 Janvier 2014, 14:17 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:01
Message(s) : 6173
Localisation : da world
one last thing, the are using the word "modification", modification could be for the good of the card or not, and like zurga said, they are not ignoring the possibility of nerfing cards at all

My (outdated) decks

create a new post if you want to communicate with me, DONT SEND PMs!!!!


 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 20 Janvier 2014, 16:08 

Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 13:33
Message(s) : 169
It's weird.

When they did Ourenos (iirc) they said "you can sell him for the price of the week before the announcement"...

When they removed the DSH requirement from Shadow and Assassination requirement from Kararine (amongst other things at the same time) we were told "screw you".

Pot luck?

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 20 Janvier 2014, 16:27 
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Inscription : 29 Janvier 2013, 19:02
Message(s) : 3537
Assassination is still mandatory to level Kararine.

It's not the pot luck, it's change on text on the cards.
In one case, you change the text, in the other case, you change how it is used inside the game with no changes on the gameplay.

Collectionneur de cartes

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 20 Janvier 2014, 23:15 

Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 02:40
Message(s) : 243
Modification: Duration 2 turns.
Justification: A card that stop people from playing cards is too broken to be a sure fire thing. By doing this you have to play it smart not just whenever you want.

Modification: No caste restriction and have it first give At+1 till the end of the game and heal 2 to all your character with armor attached, then make it retrieve from discard, deck and hand and attach them to characters.
Justification: It makes (also Dk as a whole), and this card stronger all with one buff.

 Hors-ligne Profil  
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