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 Sujet du message : Fan Card Contest 2014 - Results
Message Publié : 15 Avril 2014, 17:19 
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Inscription : 22 Janvier 2013, 18:52
Message(s) : 2480

This is the Top 10 of all the fancards that have been sent for the Fancard Contest 2014:

Lady Beenle by wansunwu

Wizper the Lone by Griego

Pigritia by Sirc_Villaelalba

Hiralo by Luciano_Olari

Ling Zhong by 凌仲

Nut, the Celestial by 刘万江

Dark Lord Dante by Lord_Alucard19

Saturnos, the lunatic of time by Puigx

Gaston the tamer by Daniele_Daparo

Dévoryan by Alyz_Lydhell

Check out the other entries by clicking here.

The staff will now convene to determine the Top 3.

Thank you all of you for your participation and enjoy the game!

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 15 Avril 2014, 20:09 

Inscription : 20 Février 2013, 02:27
Message(s) : 1
I think I made a mistake. All solarians have died during the war against ra :( Probably I chose the wrong race...

But anyway I enjoyed the contest a lot, all the 34 fan cards are all nice~

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 24 Avril 2014, 07:59 

Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 21:52
Message(s) : 180
Devoryan and Wizper the lone are great and very balanced!

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 25 Avril 2014, 18:12 
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Inscription : 22 Janvier 2013, 18:52
Message(s) : 2480

Here are the final results of the of the fan card contest 2014!

1st: 20 000 Crystals + special trophy “The Pencil Pusher” with the corresponding title + 1 NewComer booster + Card re-designed by Feerik introduced in the game.: Lady Beenle (wansunwu)

Current characteristics of the character: Lady Beenle. Character. Mercenary. Priest. Ice Elf. Female. Spirit 3. Attack 4/6. Defense 2. Health Points 15. At the start of the turn, the opposing characters have -X to damage dealt where X equals the number of Berserkers who have their Rage bonus. At the start of the fight, choose one of your Berserkers, he obtains his Rage bonus if he hasn't already. Duration: 4 turns. Turn 2, 4 and 6: The Attack and Spirit bonuses on the opposing character are canceled.

2nd: 10 000 Crystals + 1 Newcomers booster: Wizper the Lone (Griego)

3rd: 5 000 Crystals + 1 Basic booster: Nut, the Celestial (刘万江)

From the 4th to 10th rank: 1 000 Crystals:
Pigritia (Sirc_Villaelalba), Hiralo (Luciano_Olari), Ling Zhong (凌仲), Dark Lord Dante (Lord_Alucard19), Saturnos, the lunatic of time (Puigx), Gaston the tamer (Daniele_Daparo), Dévoryan (Alyz_Lydhell)

Congratulations to wansunwu and all the other participants!
Enjoy the game!

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 25 Avril 2014, 22:44 
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Inscription : 07 Février 2013, 22:33
Message(s) : 2546
Localisation : The demon of time
;) Congratulations to the winner, although it is a shame that this mythical win xD card, but it will not evolve it in freezing rarity xDDD, well, at least I'm happy with my "Saturnos" being finalist xDD

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 25 Avril 2014, 23:21 
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Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 04:01
Message(s) : 662
Ok... well play.

ohana significa familia, la familia nunca te abandona ni te olvida.

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 29 Avril 2014, 02:45 

Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 21:52
Message(s) : 180
I really wanted that nice zil priest to win :/

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 30 Avril 2014, 04:35 
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Inscription : 06 Février 2013, 14:10
Message(s) : 70
Congratulations all winners!

PS. It`s so sad, what Administrantors don`t get my card in that contest)=

Russian Eredan iTCG Group

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 01 Mai 2014, 10:20 

Inscription : 29 Avril 2013, 16:53
Message(s) : 190
eredan i am not being evil but the ice elf nobody use them
but well done to the winnings

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 01 Mai 2014, 10:57 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:01
Message(s) : 6173
Localisation : da world
they will improve that deck, and the character wont be exactly the same as the winner

My (outdated) decks

create a new post if you want to communicate with me, DONT SEND PMs!!!!


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