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 Sujet du message : Turn back time
Message Publié : 15 Juin 2015, 20:02 

Inscription : 15 Mai 2014, 13:53
Message(s) : 70
Hi all,

What about some more time regulating cards? At this time only tempus can move up the time counter. If a certain amount of turns is reached they really are almost unstoppable.

So here is my suggestion: Why not make cards that can turn back the time counter. This can be interessting against Tempus decks, but can also be nice for obtaining the Order bonus.

"Back to the past"
The turn counter goes back 2 turns and your character gets his order bonus.

"Time to kick ass"
Action - warrior - marauder
The turn counter goes back x turns, where x is your defence. You lose 1 defence point until the end of the game.

"Turn back time"
Spell - time
The turn counter goes back x turns, where x is your spirit+1. An item played last turn by the opposite player is discarded.

Hope you like the idea!

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 Sujet du message : Re: Turn back time
Message Publié : 16 Juin 2015, 15:01 
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Inscription : 06 Juillet 2013, 03:38
Message(s) : 348
i see your point but... wont work

first, the counter cards will only be usefull against tempus decks and thus you will not use them in any other deck which will lead to cards not being used ever because the majority of decks is not tempus

second, these kind of suggestions already were made once powder pirates were new to the game and all kind of cards were suggested like "rain" which would have washed away half of the powder tokens of each character... blabla... staff never took over these things, and i assume nothing has changed them to do this kind of thing now

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 Sujet du message : Re: Turn back time
Message Publié : 17 Juin 2015, 06:41 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 16:17
Message(s) : 127
Localisation : United States
Tora -X,
I do like the theme of Reverse Tempus. Perhaps Make this a Release that would create a new way to play the Tempus cast. Current Tempus cards are all about moving the turn counter forward - Making time flow in the correct manner. This version of Tempus would work to make time go in the opposite direction.

Taking the Idea from the 'Time of the Champions" (fast recap: The Tempus send and back in time to team up with and to prevent from changing history the Niantic is never imprisoned).

With this play style the goal would be to get the turn counter to go Below zero and have cards that would benefit from a negative turn. In addition to the above cards: Back to the past, Time to Kick Ass and Turn back Time I would suggest the following:

Evil Leap
Action - Permanent - Unique
Your character loses all guilds and Becomes a Nehantists.
If your character is a human they become a Demon.
All Time Spells and Tempus actions played by your characters move the turn counter back the number of turns they would have moved forward.
All affects by characters you control that would move the turn counter forward are ignored.
If all your characters are Tempus this attaches to a random human character you control at the beginning of the game.
If this card is discarded or removed from game it is instead shuffled into your deck.

Childhood Trauma
Action - Tempus
Duration 3 battles
Attach to the opposing character
the character that Childhood Trauma is attached to has a bonus to damage taken equal to the number of turns on the turn counter below zero at the time that Childhood Trauma was played. Max of +5.
Demon: Choose the opposing character this card is attached to.

Ancestral Assassination
Action - Tempus
If the Turn counter is at - 8 or below: Choose a non-Undead, Non-Golem opposing character. At the end of the turn are replaced with 'Never Born' Spirt:0 Attack: 0/0 Defense: 0 Life:0.
if the turn counter is - 7 or Higher: +2 Defense. Turn counter is turned back 4.

Tearing Time Space
Time Spell -Tempus- AoE
every opposing character takes direct damage equal to the number of turns on the turn counter below zero (Max 6).

Kirian's Flawed Grimoire
Item - Magic book
- 2 to damage suffered
At the end of the turn the turn counter is moved back 2
Tempus: At the beginning of the Next turn if the turn counter is 3 or above it is set to zero.

Perplexing Paradox
Spell Time / Nehantic - Corruption - Permanent
on the turn this cards is played the caster can play Nehantists with out restriction of Guild.
At the end of the turn the Turn counter is turned back by one. If the wearer of this card gains their turn bonus the turn counter is turned back an additional turn.
Chain Nehantists card.

Warrior - Demon / Time Gemulite- Tempus
At Level 3:

Spirit: 2

Attack: 4/6

Defense: 3

Life: 14

Gain Chain if you play a Magic Book
At the beginning of the game Regret loses his guild and becomes a Nehantists.
turn: 1 turn the turn counter back 2 at the end of the turn. Turn 4 or higher turn counter back 3 at the end of the turn.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Turn back time
Message Publié : 17 Juin 2015, 16:20 

Inscription : 15 Mai 2014, 13:53
Message(s) : 70
Hi Scorvos,

You really thought well about the concept. I guess you had this idea for a longer time.

Just hope the staff could use up some of the ideas all the players are generating.

Good hunting all!

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 Sujet du message : Re: Turn back time
Message Publié : 18 Juin 2015, 21:16 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 16:17
Message(s) : 127
Localisation : United States
I will admit to a burst of creativity, but the seed of the idea belongs to you.

Full disclosure - I did think of Regret as a Demon associated with Tempus along with other Odd ball Idea's for demons with emotional names:

Jealousy: can play cards from opponents hand.

Gluttony: Bonus for discarding cards

Pride: if only one card is played - double all bonuses or effects.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Turn back time
Message Publié : 24 Juin 2015, 01:03 
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Inscription : 08 Octobre 2013, 17:34
Message(s) : 657

sounds cool and makes the game more interesting. =)

-/ \
Al hail and glory to the Zil, the living Shadow and the Circus!

PS.: Right now I'm only on for calendar. Not playing activ.
We lost the balance too bad since the damned sacred cards.

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