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Do you think this new Sacred/Damned feature needs modifications ?
Yes, This feature needs some adjustment to preserve the future of the game. 98%  98%  [ 97 ]
No, This feature is good for the game with no changes needed 2%  2%  [ 2 ]
Nombre total de votes : 99
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Message Publié : 11 Septembre 2017, 19:00 

Inscription : 10 Avril 2013, 17:43
Message(s) : 50
I would have to agree with MajinMan. Not only are soul stones broken, but they make older decks completely irrelevant. You have to wait for your deck to get updated with soul stones before it's even playable in Quilingo. If soul stones weren't a thing, older decks could still be useful or at least fun to play. Now, if you play a deck without soul stones you get destroyed and it's not even fun.

The power creep created by these stupid soul stones completely broke the game. If they made new tournaments where soul stones weren't allowed, the game would be fun again.

I don't really get why deleting soul cards completely is out of the question. All they did was break the game and any modification to how they work will still be a serious advantage to people that use them. It's not fun losing against soul decks now in their current state, why would this change if they functioned slightly differently? It's still broken and not fun.

Ask the people that use soul cards to honestly answer if they think it's fun or balanced. If they think they are they're lying.

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Message Publié : 11 Septembre 2017, 20:20 
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Inscription : 01 Mai 2014, 05:17
Message(s) : 1356
This game has never been considered with new players, but something is sure if you are dedicated and seize the good events, you can do a competitive deck.

A quick solution for the malevolent world of soul cards is to reduce to 3 or 2 the number of soul cards that enter the game, it means only they can be converted to soul the new character and 1 or 2 cards at random from the rest of the release. In this way there will not be so many soul cards that stun old novice players, new novice players, real players, there wouldn't nerf, but at least it would be a solution that would benefit everyone while looking for an alternative to change the system soul to something more balanced.

Even a well-lit place can hide salvation, a map to a one-man maze that never sees the sun.
Where the lost are the heroes and the thieves are left to drown, but everyone knows by now fairy tales are not found they're written in the walls

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Message Publié : 11 Septembre 2017, 20:22 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 21:44
Message(s) : 2233
Localisation : Peru
John_Sebastian1748 a écrit :
A quick solution for the malevolent world of soul cards is to reduce to 3 or 2 the number of soul cards that enter the game, it means only they can be converted to soul the new character and 1 or 2 cards at random from the rest of the release. In this way there will not be so many soul cards that stun old novice players, new novice players, real players, there wouldn't nerf, but at least it would be a solution that would benefit everyone while looking for an alternative to change the system soul to something more balanced.

It is not the solution.

"El corazón roto es propio del hombre, la falla en su voluntad es donde nace la corrupción..."

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Message Publié : 11 Septembre 2017, 22:33 
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Inscription : 19 Juillet 2013, 19:27
Message(s) : 2184
Localisation : Romania
We started working on it. The sun might rise again :)

Guild Leader of the Zil Warriors

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Message Publié : 13 Septembre 2017, 04:05 
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Inscription : 15 Février 2013, 19:03
Message(s) : 657
Aslann a écrit :
Zurga a écrit :
mesterl a écrit :
Unfortunately, the English forum is not the most visited by the staff... I believe that their activity is mainly restricted to the French one, but we keep them updated as much as possible.
There is a last hope remaining, I will see what can I do..

No more. The French part is almost dead.
The staff read more English part than other.
This particular problem with soul system design is on the staff desk, but I believe they don't want to fix it.

They could simply remove the +1 card played.
Maybe make soulstones more abundant and limite soul characters to 1 per deck, and soul cards to 5 per deck.

The problem is that the most active forum (and in general the players) is the Spanish-speaking one.

Ichigo Getsuga Tenshou Final *-*

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Message Publié : 17 Octobre 2017, 02:21 

Inscription : 07 Février 2013, 20:31
Message(s) : 75
DoctorDark a écrit :
That is true guys... Lemme ask a question: If you would have to change the "play an extra card" effect of the sacred cards, what would it be?
I mean if you would have to take into consideration both playerbases, in order to not ruin those who have paid for it, but make it more balanced.
For example: I would prefer to give Chain instead, or personalized effect for each class, etc..
What would your suggestion be?


You can choose a card in your hand and place it in your deck.

This could give decks more consistency helping you to draw something "more useful" for the situation next turn while protecting the card you dont want right now.

This would not create a big gap between players with soul decks and new players without many soul cards.

Evil is just a point of view.

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Message Publié : 10 Novembre 2017, 19:12 

Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 19:23
Message(s) : 59

Any news/update/date/comments on this change?

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Message Publié : 04 Janvier 2018, 20:24 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 18:30
Message(s) : 329
Localisation : L'Arc-Kadia
No news?
As a VERY old player that has seen almost everything and that loves Eredan more than anything (started at the end of Act 3) , i must said that playing the game has become significantly hard, especially in the Standard format, where whoever has the most soul cards grabs the top of the ladder easily. in Amnezy, at least, I feel like I have a chance, because despite non having a lot of legendaries and NO soul cards I can still play old powerful decks (like pirate token) and reach at least the 1600s ELO.

It's very obvious that the whole soul cards is purely a way to squeeze the cash out of the players, i wish Feerik wasn't so direct about this :D

Don't be sad. Even if the world won't forgive you, i'll forgive you.
Don't be sad. Even if you won't forgive the world, i'll forgive you.
So please tell me. How do I make you forgive me?

Frederica Bernkastel

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Message Publié : 05 Janvier 2018, 00:04 
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Inscription : 19 Juillet 2013, 19:27
Message(s) : 2184
Localisation : Romania
Phawk a écrit :
No news?
As a VERY old player that has seen almost everything and that loves Eredan more than anything (started at the end of Act 3) , i must said that playing the game has become significantly hard, especially in the Standard format, where whoever has the most soul cards grabs the top of the ladder easily. in Amnezy, at least, I feel like I have a chance, because despite non having a lot of legendaries and NO soul cards I can still play old powerful decks (like pirate token) and reach at least the 1600s ELO.

It's very obvious that the whole soul cards is purely a way to squeeze the cash out of the players, i wish Feerik wasn't so direct about this :D

Uhmm.. the soul system was slightly reworked not that long ago, idk if you noticed.

Guild Leader of the Zil Warriors

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Message Publié : 05 Janvier 2018, 12:23 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 16:14
Message(s) : 1043
This game is almost dead...
Free wheel mode ON :D

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"Si tu vois un canard blanc sur un lac, c' est un signe..."
Kyuden Bayushi admin - corrupted mad ronin
"If you can find a path with no obstacles it probably doesn't lead anywhere"

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