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 Sujet du message : Price Hike, um what?
Message Publié : 10 Avril 2020, 01:50 
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Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 00:56
Message(s) : 243
Okay so I know it's basically a dead game at this point. I barely come around and the only reason I actually do is for the artwork. I really like the artwork of this game.

ANYWAY, I roll on by, log in, see what got released or look at my collection, hit the market place, see everything is diamonds....

Wait wat?

Yeah I'm seeing the majortiy of cards on market being sold for the 'paid for' currency. Now this has always kinda fluxerated, but when I get only a handful of cards for the earned/played for money, this seems kinda strange. And in a dying/dead game no less, it seems weird to ask for people to put that level of cash into buying cards from other people.

Did the market just DIE as well when I wasn't looking? I dunno if I'll get an answer but this just looks strange to me.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Price Hike, um what?
Message Publié : 10 Avril 2020, 08:20 
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Inscription : 06 Février 2013, 19:02
Message(s) : 138
Localisation : Sous la pluie avec un roman entre les mains.
Well I'm not sure if it's the answer or exact reason but
I also noticed that there is way less card on the market in general. Maybe the only ones left are just the most expensives ones, the ones that hasnt been bought ?

" La vie ne cesse pas d'être drôle quand quelqu'un meurt, pas plus qu'elle ne cesse d'être sérieuse quand quelqu'un rit " George Bernard Shaw
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 Sujet du message : Re: Price Hike, um what?
Message Publié : 11 Avril 2020, 21:08 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:01
Message(s) : 6173
Localisation : da world
since its been so long maybe you forgot how the market works

the basic format cards (lucyan tournament) were always in sale to the system for feez
the reason why you see no crystal cards is because real people put those cards into sale after they spend money or use a raid ticket

since theres no people spending (or even playing) anymore, well, no more crystal cards

My (outdated) decks

create a new post if you want to communicate with me, DONT SEND PMs!!!!


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