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Message Publié : 30 Octobre 2016, 04:30 

Inscription : 07 Décembre 2013, 08:31
Message(s) : 115
Seriously question the sense of having "Collector" Cards allowed in Standard Tourney... Just played vs a Quercus Deck with Serenity Orb...

It sort of makes a mockery of having the other restrictions... You restricted Legends and Rares for Standard and it was all working good... Much more balanced and fair... Then you introduced Soul Cards and screwed it up...

You want to know what's wrong with the game atm??? Soul Cards and crap like this which doesn't get addressed BEFORE being exploited...

My Wife calls me a "Pessimist"... I prefer the term "Cynical Realist"...

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Message Publié : 30 Octobre 2016, 09:16 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 18:30
Message(s) : 329
Localisation : L'Arc-Kadia
Yeah I know.

This is the reason I've only been playing Basic since the Boadicea event.

Don't be sad. Even if the world won't forgive you, i'll forgive you.
Don't be sad. Even if you won't forgive the world, i'll forgive you.
So please tell me. How do I make you forgive me?

Frederica Bernkastel

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Message Publié : 30 Octobre 2016, 10:16 

Inscription : 29 Avril 2013, 16:53
Message(s) : 190
and the soul version of cards are just op to be able to play 3 cards each turn wtf whose bloody idea was it for the soul version of cards it not fun to run into a sap heart soul deck every fight and losing every time

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Message Publié : 30 Octobre 2016, 15:48 

Inscription : 07 Décembre 2013, 08:31
Message(s) : 115
Simply put...

You are limited to 1x ( Unique Legend ) to play an extra card for 2 fights with 1 character...

But can have 3x Soul Characters playing an extra card EVERY fight + Sensoriality... It's no wonder that Shroom decks are massively OP...

I just have to wonder how many "Shrooms" whoever thought this was a good idea had beforehand...

My Wife calls me a "Pessimist"... I prefer the term "Cynical Realist"...

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