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 Sujet du message : Re: Soul cards finalized?
Message Publié : 14 Janvier 2018, 18:45 

Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 02:40
Message(s) : 243
i mean I have made a simple solutions to many of the problems eredan has in terms of balance.

1. Limit legendary cards(not characters) to 1 per deck.
2. Remove the soul system.
3. Take time to rebalance the game as a whole.

As a former high spender(not a whale but not a casual spender) I wouldnt mind the removal of soul cards. I am pretty sure most whales wouldn't mind since in all the forums when polled they got a 99% no on their surveys about Soul cards.

After that it's a simple rebalancing of cards. They just need to tone down cards to a lower level which is really simple.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Soul cards finalized?
Message Publié : 14 Janvier 2018, 19:04 
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Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 21:21
Message(s) : 103
Whatever manages to bring in some fresh blood and keeps the game alive longer would be a welcome sight; behind all the dumb balancing decisions, when it cames to raw gameplay it's still one of the best and most original CCGs available even after all these years. Because if things continue as they are I can't see this game surviving until its next anniversary; it's just sad not being able to find a match in Level rooms where awhile ago there were always 30+ people available to play with. Not to mention thousands of tournament players falling down to a meager few hundred.

And an alternate solution to Soul cards could be making Stones much more easily obtainable - a system already tried and implemented in form of Runes, another type of cards used only for upgrading and obtainable through Adventure mode. That would put everyone on even footing without just removing the system.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Soul cards finalized?
Message Publié : 14 Janvier 2018, 19:49 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 18:30
Message(s) : 329
Localisation : L'Arc-Kadia
Dr. Vlad a écrit :
Whatever manages to bring in some fresh blood and keeps the game alive longer would be a welcome sight; behind all the dumb balancing decisions, when it cames to raw gameplay it's still one of the best and most original CCGs available even after all these years. Because if things continue as they are I can't see this game surviving until its next anniversary; it's just sad not being able to find a match in Level rooms where awhile ago there were always 30+ people available to play with. Not to mention thousands of tournament players falling down to a meager few hundred.

And an alternate solution to Soul cards could be making Stones much more easily obtainable - a system already tried and implemented in form of Runes, another type of cards used only for upgrading and obtainable through Adventure mode. That would put everyone on even footing without just removing the system.

Just no. Feerik needs to STOP implementing ways to play 3+ cards on a turn. It is a thing that needs to be toned down. Nowadays when I try to play Amnezy my opponent usually plays 6-7 cards on turn one. (Something like, damned card + crystal of power + damned card that pulls something from your deck and so on).

Don't be sad. Even if the world won't forgive you, i'll forgive you.
Don't be sad. Even if you won't forgive the world, i'll forgive you.
So please tell me. How do I make you forgive me?

Frederica Bernkastel

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 Sujet du message : Re: Soul cards finalized?
Message Publié : 15 Janvier 2018, 15:06 
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Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 21:21
Message(s) : 103
I think busted legendaries are a bigger problem than Souled cards. For example, Skylar giving 4 defense, 2 spirit, 3 spell damage and permanent stat penalties, Flask almost tripling a character's HP pool, Crystal pulling 3 cards - and don't even get me started on Unstable Portal. Being able to play one additional card and either deal or reduce 2 damage pales in comparison. Not that I'm defending the Soul system, far from it - I'm just saying there is a bigger offender.

Anyhow, playing ground needs to be leveled - and if they don't want to remove souled cards, then everyone should be able to access them. It used to be hard to build a strong deck for small spenders - with current system it's straight out impossible (unless you are willing to wait more than a year and not miss a day of logging in for your ONE free monthly Soulstone).

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