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 Sujet du message : Soul cards finalized?
Message Publié : 13 Novembre 2016, 18:55 

Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 02:40
Message(s) : 243
I need to know so I can finally quit this game. Are they a permanent addition?

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 Sujet du message : Re: Soul cards finalized?
Message Publié : 16 Novembre 2016, 23:24 
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Inscription : 08 Octobre 2013, 17:34
Message(s) : 657
I think they will not answer but also not change the actual situation.

Maybe they will rethink when they realize they lost many players, but I think it will be too late then.

Since the damend sacred cards came up some veteran players stopped to watch the situation (like me) and are going to quit, too. I nearly stopped playing this game although it really was my card game favourite for the card-style and the evolution option. Now my favorite changed to the mother of all card games, MTG, since there is no power creep spiral so that decks have a longer life, the cardpool is unbelievable and I can play it online or in reallife with friends.

But still I am sad to lose a game, that still means much to me.

-/ \
Al hail and glory to the Zil, the living Shadow and the Circus!

PS.: Right now I'm only on for calendar. Not playing activ.
We lost the balance too bad since the damned sacred cards.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Soul cards finalized?
Message Publié : 17 Novembre 2016, 14:05 
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Inscription : 19 Juillet 2013, 19:27
Message(s) : 2184
Localisation : Romania
Clearly, it was a failure to introduce these cards..
But, I was talking to Jisay about this, and there is still hope. They are trying to find a solution to balance these cards :)

Guild Leader of the Zil Warriors

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 Sujet du message : Re: Soul cards finalized?
Message Publié : 17 Novembre 2016, 17:26 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 21:44
Message(s) : 2233
Localisation : Peru
Then tell them to hurry; Every roll that comes out with such nonsense; Sink more.

"El corazón roto es propio del hombre, la falla en su voluntad es donde nace la corrupción..."

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 Sujet du message : Re: Soul cards finalized?
Message Publié : 17 Novembre 2016, 17:27 
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Inscription : 19 Juillet 2013, 19:27
Message(s) : 2184
Localisation : Romania
I can only give advices, not orders..

Guild Leader of the Zil Warriors

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 Sujet du message : Re: Soul cards finalized?
Message Publié : 11 Décembre 2016, 02:08 
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Inscription : 01 Mai 2014, 05:17
Message(s) : 1356
Just wait...

But anyone knows where I could give suggestions to someone close to the staff could see them with more certainty?

...Is the French forum good idea?

Even a well-lit place can hide salvation, a map to a one-man maze that never sees the sun.
Where the lost are the heroes and the thieves are left to drown, but everyone knows by now fairy tales are not found they're written in the walls

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 Sujet du message : Re: Soul cards finalized?
Message Publié : 11 Décembre 2016, 02:37 
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Inscription : 19 Juillet 2013, 19:27
Message(s) : 2184
Localisation : Romania
John_Sebastian1748 a écrit :
Just wait...

But anyone knows where I could give suggestions to someone close to the staff could see them with more certainty?

...Is the French forum good idea?

You might try the french forum, or address Glainborough directly..
However, i do not know if there is any reason to do it. :/ the staff is already aware of the problems, unfortunately there are some factors that slow down their work :(
Besides, the GLs have already suggested maaaany maaany different possibilities.. i think we almost exhausted the possible ideas with these cards :)

Guild Leader of the Zil Warriors

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 Sujet du message : Re: Soul cards finalized?
Message Publié : 11 Décembre 2016, 03:01 
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Inscription : 01 Mai 2014, 05:17
Message(s) : 1356
Thank you very much for the information, then I will make the suggestions when it's necessary.

Even a well-lit place can hide salvation, a map to a one-man maze that never sees the sun.
Where the lost are the heroes and the thieves are left to drown, but everyone knows by now fairy tales are not found they're written in the walls

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 Sujet du message : Re: Soul cards finalized?
Message Publié : 14 Décembre 2016, 05:35 

Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 02:40
Message(s) : 243
Tell them if they don't remove them I will not spend another dime on this game.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Soul cards finalized?
Message Publié : 14 Décembre 2016, 10:13 
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Inscription : 19 Juillet 2013, 19:27
Message(s) : 2184
Localisation : Romania
Oscar_Gomez a écrit :
Tell them if they don't remove them I will not spend another dime on this game.

They are pretty much aware of the problem, but I think this problem is on higher level... Anyways.. do you think that they care if YOU personally do not spend money on this game? I mean, the problem reaches beyond personal problems.

Guild Leader of the Zil Warriors

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