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Message Publié : 19 Décembre 2017, 02:05 

Inscription : 10 Avril 2013, 17:43
Message(s) : 50
Guild leaders if you have any info, please let us know. Is the game done for? I would think that if there was a Christmas event it would start this Wednesday. However, the sale on the guild boosters goes until Friday and events and sales promotions don't usually overlap.

The game is so much better with the nerf to soul cards I would hate to see it die off this suddenly

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Message Publié : 19 Décembre 2017, 08:16 
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Inscription : 19 Juillet 2013, 19:27
Message(s) : 2184
Localisation : Romania
MeowthRules a écrit :
Guild leaders if you have any info, please let us know. Is the game done for? I would think that if there was a Christmas event it would start this Wednesday. However, the sale on the guild boosters goes until Friday and events and sales promotions don't usually overlap.

The game is so much better with the nerf to soul cards I would hate to see it die off this suddenly

Hello! We do not have any official info unfortunately, all we know that we can expect a change in the rythm of the releases, because the collection has grown immensely during the last act, and the staff would like to allow players to have time to obtain the released cards.
I have no info about the events, I will keep you updated if they tell us something.

Guild Leader of the Zil Warriors

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Message Publié : 20 Décembre 2017, 01:57 

Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 19:23
Message(s) : 59
I think we could have less new cards and more card changes. The game is still imbalanced and we have a good card pool, but most of them are useless due to power creep.

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