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 Sujet du message : Oh boy , start of a new decade
Message Publié : 30 Janvier 2020, 14:54 
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Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 06:06
Message(s) : 78
I was checking out the game website only to see that there's no news update whatsoever. It's pretty dead anyway, but I hope the wiki as well as the artwork database will still remain for a long time.

I played Eredan back when I was in middle school, when it was still hot on Kongregate, it was the first game I ever slam dunk more than a hundred dollar out of my used-to-ever-so-empty middle school's wallet, the first game I dropped money to collect waifu character cards with exclusive heart border on valentine event. It was also the artists who worked on this game like MoonYeah who inspired me to become a game artist.

I was pretty mad when the game was on its downward trajectory , but after a few years of working in the mobile game business I'm more sympathetic to the situation than I was before. Every game has its time , but I had my fun, a lot of them. This is one of the few things that has make me feel nostalgic so far.

I just want to say that Eredan was awesome. And I wish the company would keep making great products for the future to come.

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Message Publié : 31 Janvier 2020, 17:56 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 16:14
Message(s) : 1043
iPoop a écrit :
I was checking out the game website only to see that there's no news update whatsoever. It's pretty dead anyway, but I hope the wiki as well as the artwork database will still remain for a long time.

I played Eredan back when I was in middle school, when it was still hot on Kongregate, it was the first game I ever slam dunk more than a hundred dollar out of my used-to-ever-so-empty middle school's wallet, the first game I dropped money to collect waifu character cards with exclusive heart border on valentine event. It was also the artists who worked on this game like MoonYeah who inspired me to become a game artist.

I was pretty mad when the game was on its downward trajectory , but after a few years of working in the mobile game business I'm more sympathetic to the situation than I was before. Every game has its time , but I had my fun, a lot of them. This is one of the few things that has make me feel nostalgic so far.

I just want to say that Eredan was awesome. And I wish the company would keep making great products for the future to come.

If Eredan itcg has to have a future, which I doubt, it won't be thanks to Feerik...

"S'habiller de noir pour faire pleurer le soleil"
"Si tu vois un canard blanc sur un lac, c' est un signe..."
Kyuden Bayushi admin - corrupted mad ronin
"If you can find a path with no obstacles it probably doesn't lead anywhere"

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