LunarPronix™ a écrit :
With the departure of the game due to Flash ending and with not knowing if they'll make a new game or not, one of the things I really did enjoy about the game was the art.
I've looked around for a bit, but I can't find anything that shows the cards the game used.
No effects, no art, nothing.
Was someone able to archive the cards? It would be a shame if all those cards along with their art just...disappeared.
There was a lot of art on the Eredan FB page under the artist's photo galleries. There was a project to keep the art. However, the game is not dead yet, some people are still playing and the servers are still active. I will soon post several ways to keep playing, the easiest one being changing the date on your computer prior to 12 Jan 2021. There are more ways to keep playing so wait for a bit and I will detail them soon.
If you check some of the english forum there is a Discord channel with old players reunited, there they were some triyng to save the art as well.
See you!